
16-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • the supernatural — supernatural forces, occurrences, and beings collectively or their realm
  • the tamil tigers — a Sri Lankan Tamil separatist movement founded in the early 1970s that sought to establish an independent Tamil homeland (Tamil Eelam) in northern Sri Lanka; they waged a military campaign until defeated in 2009 by the Sri Lankan army
  • the unobservable — something that cannot be observed
  • the war-disabled — those people who have been disabled by war
  • the weakest link — the person who is making the least contribution to the collective achievement of a group
  • the wheel blacks — the international wheelchair rugby football team of New Zealand
  • the-card-players — a painting (1892) by Paul Cézanne.
  • thermal analysis — any analysis of materials in which properties relating to heat, such as freezing and boiling temperatures, the heat of fusion, the heat of vaporization, etc., are measured.
  • thermal constant — a quantity that is considered invariable throughout a series of calculations relating to the heat of bodies
  • thermal neutrons — a neutron with low kinetic energy, especially one slowed by the moderator in a nuclear reactor.
  • thermoplasticity — soft and pliable when heated, as some plastics, without any change of the inherent properties.
  • throw oneself at — to propel or cast in any way, especially to project or propel from the hand by a sudden forward motion or straightening of the arm and wrist: to throw a ball.
  • thumbnail sketch — small preliminary drawing
  • tiger salamander — a salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum, common in North America, having a dark body marked with yellowish spots or bars.
  • tinnevelly senna — any plant, shrub, or tree belonging to the genus Cassia, of the legume family, having pinnate leaves and large clusters of flowers.
  • to change places — If you change places with another person, you start being in their situation or role, and they start being in yours.
  • to let off steam — If you let off steam, you get rid of your energy, anger, or strong emotions with physical activity or by behaving in a noisy or violent way.
  • to lose track of — If you lose track of someone or something, you no longer know where they are or what is happening.
  • to move a muscle — If you say that someone did not move a muscle, you mean that they stayed absolutely still.
  • to say the least — at the minimum
  • to speak volumes — If something such as an action speaks volumes about a person or thing, it gives you a lot of information about them.
  • to stake a claim — If you stake a claim, you say that something is yours or that you have a right to it.
  • topical-sentence — a sentence that expresses the essential idea of a paragraph or larger section, usually appearing at the beginning.
  • topsail schooner — a sailing vessel fore-and-aft rigged on all of two or more masts with square sails above the foresail, and often with a square sail before the foresail.
  • torricelli's law — the law that states that the speed of flow of a liquid from an orifice is equal to the speed that it would attain if falling freely a distance equal to the height of the free surface of the liquid above the orifice.
  • toulouse-lautrec — Henri Marie Raymond de [ahn-ree ma-ree re-mawn duh] /ɑ̃ˈri maˈri rɛˈmɔ̃ də/ (Show IPA), 1864–1901, French painter and lithographer.
  • trail one's coat — to invite a quarrel by deliberately provocative behaviour
  • transalpine gaul — an ancient region in W Europe, including the modern areas of N Italy, France, Belgium, and the S Netherlands: consisted of two main divisions, one part S of the Alps (Cisalpine Gaul) and another part N of the Alps (Transalpine Gaul)
  • transcendentally — transcendent, surpassing, or superior.
  • transcontinental — passing or extending across a continent: a transcontinental railroad.
  • transcrystalline — situated within or passing through the crystals of a substance.
  • transfer molding — a method of molding thermosetting plastic in which the plastic enters a closed mold from an adjoining chamber in which it has been softened.
  • transmethylation — the transfer of a methyl group from one compound to another.
  • transport police — the national police force for railways in Britain, which protects rail operators, staff and passengers
  • transverse colon — the middle portion of the colon, lying across the upper abdominal cavity between the ascending colon on the right and the descending colon on the left.
  • transverse flute — the normal orchestral flute, as opposed to the recorder (or fipple flute)
  • travel insurance — insurance which covers losses that may be incurred while travelling, such as medical expenses, flight cancellations, lost luggage, etc
  • traveler's check — a check issued in any of various denominations by a bank, travel agency, etc., that is signed by the purchaser upon purchase and again, in the presence of the payee, when cashing the check or using it to pay for goods or services.
  • trial separation — an experimental period of living apart
  • trim one's sails — an area of canvas or other fabric extended to the wind in such a way as to transmit the force of the wind to an assemblage of spars and rigging mounted firmly on a hull, raft, iceboat, etc., so as to drive it along.
  • triple-expansion — noting a power source, especially a steam engine, using the same fluid at three successive stages of expansion to do work in three or more cylinders.
  • twin-lens camera — a camera having two separately mounted lenses coordinated to eliminate parallax errors or for making stereoscopic photographs.
  • two-family house — a house designed for occupation by two families in contiguous apartments, as on separate floors.
  • two-tailed pasha — a distinctive vanessid butterfly of S Europe, Charaxes jasius, having mottled brown wings with a yellow-orange margin and frilled hind edges
  • twofold purchase — a purchase using a double standing block and a double running block so as to give a mechanical advantage of four or five, neglecting friction, depending on whether the hauling is on the standing block or the running block.
  • ultra-liberalism — extremely liberal, especially in politics.
  • unconversational — of, relating to, or characteristic of conversation: a conversational tone of voice.
  • unissued capital — authorized capital that has not yet been issued as shares
  • universalization — to make universal.
  • unostentatiously — (of a person) in a manner that is not trying to impress people with one's wealth or importance
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