
15-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • semicrystalline — partly or imperfectly crystalline.
  • semilogarithmic — (of graphing) having one scale logarithmic and the other arithmetic or of uniform gradation.
  • semiterrestrial — living mostly on land but requiring a moist environment or nearby water, especially as a breeding site: Most amphibians are semiterrestrial.
  • semitranslucent — imperfectly or almost translucent.
  • senile dementia — a syndrome of progressive, irreversible impairment of cognitive function, caused by organic factors and having its onset late in life.
  • sensitive plant — Also called humble plant. a tropical American plant, Mimosa pudica, cultivated in greenhouses, having bipinnate leaves whose leaflets fold together when touched.
  • sentinel animal — an animal that is placed in a given environment and then monitored to find out if an infectious disease or other harmful agent is present in that environment
  • separate school — (in Canada) a school for a large religious minority financed by its rates and administered by its own school board but under the authority of the provincial department of education
  • septentrionally — northwards; in the direction of the north
  • sergeant at law — a noncommissioned army officer of a rank above that of corporal.
  • serjeant at law — (formerly in England) a barrister of a special rank, to which he was raised by a writ under the Great Seal
  • settlement date — day by which payment must be made
  • sexual equality — the same status, rights, and responsibilities for male and female people
  • sexual politics — the differences in the amount of power that male and female people have in a society or group
  • shalosh seudoth — the last of the three prescribed Sabbath meals, taken after Minhah and before the evening service.
  • shark repellent — any tactic used by a corporation to prevent a takeover by a corporate raider.
  • sheffield plate — sheet copper with a cladding of silver.
  • shelikof strait — a strait between the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak Island, in S Alaska. 130 miles (209 km) long and 30 miles (48 km) wide.
  • ship's articles — a type of contract by which sailors agree to the conditions, payment, etc, for the ship in which they are going to work
  • short-eared owl — a streaked, buffy brown, cosmopolitan owl, Asio flammeus, having very short tufts of feathers on each side of the head.
  • show to a table — When you show a customer to a table in a restaurant, you take them to the table where you want them to sit and help them sit down.
  • shutter release — a button or similar device used to actuate a camera shutter.
  • sidewalk artist — an artist who draws pictures on the sidewalk, especially with colored chalk, as a means of soliciting money from passers-by.
  • siege mentality — a state of mind whereby one believes that one is being constantly attacked, oppressed, or isolated.
  • significatively — serving to signify.
  • silent majority — the U.S. citizens who supported President Nixon's policies but who were not politically vocal, outspoken, or active: considered by him to constitute a majority.
  • silver standard — a monetary standard or system using silver of specified weight and fineness to define the basic unit of currency.
  • simple equation — linear equation
  • simple fraction — a ratio of two integers.
  • simple fracture — a fracture in which the bone does not pierce the skin.
  • simple interval — an interval of an octave or less.
  • simple majority — less than half of the total votes cast but more than the minimum required to win, as when there are more than two candidates or choices.
  • simplicidentate — belonging or pertaining to the Simplicidentata, formerly regarded as a suborder or division of rodents having only one pair of upper incisor teeth.
  • single standard — a single set of principles or rules applying to everyone, as a single moral code applying to both men and women, especially in sexual behavior. Compare double standard.
  • single-breasted — (of a coat, jacket, etc.) having a front closure directly in the center with only a narrow overlap secured by a single button or row of buttons.
  • sinistrodextral — moving or extending from the left to the right.
  • sinoatrial node — a small mass of tissue in the right atrium functioning as pacemaker of the heart by giving rise to the electric impulses that initiate heart contractions.
  • slab plastering — coarse plastering, as between the studs in a half-timbered wall.
  • slap and tickle — sexual play
  • slashdot effect — a temporary surge in the numbers visiting a website and consequent service slowdown or even server crash that sometimes arises as a result of a new link being set up from a more popular website
  • sled cultivator — go-devil (def 5).
  • sleeping beauty — a beautiful princess, the heroine of a popular fairy tale, awakened from a charmed sleep by the kiss of the prince who is her true love.
  • sleeping tablet — A sleeping tablet is the same as a sleeping pill.
  • sleight of hand — skill in feats requiring quick and clever movements of the hands, especially for entertainment or deception, as jugglery, card or coin magic, etc.; legerdemain.
  • small intestine — intestine (def 2).
  • smoking-related — (of a disease, illness, etc) caused by smoking tobacco, etc
  • snaggle toothed — a tooth growing out beyond or apart from others.
  • snaggle-toothed — a tooth growing out beyond or apart from others.
  • snapping beetle — click beetle.
  • snapping turtle — either of two large, edible, freshwater turtles of the family Chelydridae, of North and Central America, having a large head and powerful hooked jaws, especially the common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina.
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