
15-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • self-adjustment — adjustment of oneself or itself, as to the environment.
  • self-admiration — a feeling of wonder, pleasure, or approval.
  • self-admittedly — admitting to a specific charge or accusation; self-confessed: a self-admitted spy.
  • self-afflicting — to distress with mental or bodily pain; trouble greatly or grievously: to be afflicted with arthritis.
  • self-analytical — the application of psychoanalytic techniques and theories to an analysis of one's own personality and behavior, especially without the aid of a psychiatrist or other trained person.
  • self-assessment — the act of assessing; appraisal; evaluation.
  • self-authorized — given or endowed with authority: an authorized agent.
  • self-banishment — to expel from or relegate to a country or place by authoritative decree; condemn to exile: He was banished to Devil's Island.
  • self-caricature — a picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things: His caricature of the mayor in this morning's paper is the best he's ever drawn.
  • self-compatible — able to be fertilized by its own pollen.
  • self-complacent — pleased with oneself; self-satisfied; smug.
  • self-debasement — to reduce in quality or value; adulterate: They debased the value of the dollar.
  • self-dedication — the act of dedicating.
  • self-diagnostic — the diagnosis of one's own malady or illness.
  • self-effacement — the act or fact of keeping oneself in the background, as in humility.
  • self-evaluation — an act or instance of evaluating or appraising.
  • self-flattering — praise and exaggeration of one's own achievements coupled with a denial or glossing over of one's faults or failings; self-congratulation.
  • self-generating — producing from within itself.
  • self-generation — production or reproduction of something without the aid of an external agent; spontaneous generation.
  • self-immolating — of, relating to, or tending toward self-immolation.
  • self-immolation — voluntary sacrifice or denial of oneself, as for an ideal or another person.
  • self-inductance — inductance inducing an electromotive force in the same circuit in which the motivating change of current occurs, equal to the number of flux linkages per unit of current.
  • self-infatuated — to inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love.
  • self-initiative — an introductory act or step; leading action: to take the initiative in making friends.
  • self-inoculated — to implant (a disease agent or antigen) in a person, animal, or plant to produce a disease for study or to stimulate disease resistance.
  • self-ionization — to separate or change into ions.
  • self-lacerating — to tear roughly; mangle: The barbed wire lacerated his hands.
  • self-laceration — the result of lacerating; a rough, jagged tear.
  • self-management — the act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control.
  • self-medication — the use of medicine without medical supervision to treat one's own ailment.
  • self-motivation — initiative to undertake or continue a task or activity without another's prodding or supervision.
  • self-mutilation — to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts: Vandals mutilated the painting.
  • self-regulating — adjusting, ruling, or governing itself without outside interference; operating or functioning without externally imposed controls or regulations: a self-regulating economy; the self-regulating market.
  • self-regulation — control by oneself or itself, as in an economy, business organization, etc., especially such control as exercised independently of governmental supervision, laws, or the like.
  • self-regulative — used for or capable of controlling or adjusting oneself or itself: a self-regulative device.
  • self-regulatory — Self-regulatory systems, organizations, or activities are controlled by the people involved in them, rather than by outside organizations or rules.
  • self-revelation — disclosure of one's private feelings, thoughts, etc., especially when unintentional.
  • self-revelatory — displaying, exhibiting, or disclosing one's most private feelings, thoughts, etc.: an embarrassingly self-revealing autobiography.
  • self-satisfying — effecting satisfaction to oneself.
  • self-sustaining — self-supporting.
  • self-sustenance — means of sustaining life; nourishment.
  • self-validating — requiring no external confirmation, sanction, or validation.
  • selfabandonment — absence or lack of personal restraint.
  • seller's market — commerce: greater demand than supply
  • sellers' market — a market in which goods and services are scarce and prices relatively high.
  • semi-analytical — pertaining to or proceeding by analysis (opposed to synthetic).
  • semi-articulate — uttered clearly in distinct syllables.
  • semi-functional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • semi-illiterate — unable to read and write: an illiterate group.
  • semi-industrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
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