
15-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • panhandle state — West Virginia (used as a nickname).
  • parasiticalness — the condition or characteristic of being parasitic
  • partial eclipse — astronomy
  • pass-the-parcel — a children's game in which a parcel with lots of wrappings is passed round while music plays; each time the music stops the person holding the parcel takes a layer of wrapping off
  • passport holder — a person who has a passport
  • past participle — a participle with past, perfect, or passive meaning, as fallen, sung, defeated; perfect participle: used in English and other languages in forming the present perfect, pluperfect, and passive and as an adjective.
  • pastel-coloured — pale-coloured; in a shade such as pink or pale blue
  • pastoral letter — pastoral (defs 11, 12).
  • pastoral prayer — the main prayer in a church service.
  • paurometabolous — designating or of a group of insect orders, as orthopterans or hemipterans, in which metamorphosis to the adult state from the juvenile state is gradual and without any sudden, radical change of body form
  • pearly nautilus — nautilus (def 1).
  • pectoral muscle — muscle of the chest
  • pedestrian mall — A pedestrian mall is the same as a pedestrian precinct.
  • penal servitude — imprisonment together with hard labor.
  • penshurst place — a 14th-century mansion near Tunbridge Wells in Kent: birthplace of Sir Philip Sidney; gardens laid out from 1560
  • pepper-and-salt — composed of a fine mixture of black with white: pepper-and-salt hair.
  • personal estate — movable property
  • personal growth — development as an individual
  • personal stereo — A personal stereo is a small cassette or CD player with very light headphones, which people carry round so that they can listen to music while doing something else.
  • personalization — to have marked with one's initials, name, or monogram: to personalize stationery.
  • pessimistically — pertaining to or characterized by pessimism or the tendency to expect only bad outcomes; gloomy; joyless; unhopeful: His pessimistic outlook kept him from applying for jobs for which he was perfectly qualified.
  • pheasant coucal — a brown and black, red-eyed Australian bird, Centropus phasianinus, with a pheasantlike tail.
  • phenomenalistic — the doctrine that phenomena are the only objects of knowledge or the only form of reality.
  • phosphorylative — of or relating to phosphorylation
  • photoelasticity — the phenomenon of double refraction of polarized light by a transparent substance under elastic stress, used to measure strain in elastic, transparent materials.
  • pilgrim fathers — the Pilgrims (of Plymouth Colony)
  • pilgrimage site — a shrine or other sacred place that people travel to as an act of religious devotion
  • pitch blackness — extreme darkness; lack of light
  • plainclothesman — a police officer, especially a detective, who wears ordinary civilian clothes while on duty.
  • planet-stricken — believed to be adversely affected mentally or physically by the planets
  • plantaginaceous — relating to or belonging to the family Plantaginaceae
  • planter's punch — a punch made with rum, lime juice, sugar, and water or soda.
  • plastic surgeon — doctor who performs cosmetic surgery
  • plastic surgery — the branch of surgery dealing with the repair or replacement of malformed, injured, or lost organs or tissues of the body, chiefly by the transplant of living tissues.
  • plate tectonics — a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates, each of which moves on the plastic asthenosphere more or less independently to collide with, slide under, or move past adjacent plates.
  • platform scales — a weighing machine which has a platform that you put something on to be weighed
  • platform tennis — a variation of tennis played on a wooden platform enclosed with chicken wire in which the players hit a rubber ball with wooden paddles following the same basic rules as tennis except that only one serve is permitted and balls can be played off the back and side fences.
  • platyhelminthes — a phylum of worms having bilateral symmetry and a soft, usually flattened body, comprising the flatworms.
  • play favourites — to display favouritism
  • pleasant island — former name of Nauru.
  • plethysmography — the tracking of changes measured in bodily volume
  • polycrystalline — (of a rock or metal) composed of aggregates of individual crystals.
  • polyunsaturated — of or noting a class of animal or vegetable fats, especially plant oils, whose molecules consist of carbon chains with many double bonds unsaturated by hydrogen atoms and that are associated with a low cholesterol content of the blood.
  • post-apoplectic — of or relating to apoplexy or stroke.
  • post-collegiate — of or relating to a college: collegiate life.
  • post-liberation — the act of liberating or the state of being liberated.
  • post-millennial — of or relating to the period following the millennium.
  • postdevaluation — the period following the devaluation of a currency
  • postoperatively — occurring after a surgical operation.
  • potash feldspar — any of the feldspar minerals having the composition KAlSi 3 O 8 , as orthoclase.
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