
13-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • pilaster mass — an engaged pier, usually plain, used as a buttress.
  • place setting — the group of dishes, silverware, glasses, etc., set at the place of each person at a meal.
  • place-setting — the group of dishes, silverware, glasses, etc., set at the place of each person at a meal.
  • plain-clothes — Plain-clothes police officers wear ordinary clothes instead of a police uniform.
  • plane spotter — a person who observes, photographs, and catalogues aircraft as a hobby
  • planet-struck — affected adversely by the supposed influence of a planet.
  • planetologist — the branch of astronomy that deals with the physical features of the planets.
  • plasmodesmata — any of many minute strands of cytoplasm that extend through plant cell walls and connect adjoining cells.
  • plastic money — credit cards, used instead of cash
  • plastoquinone — a quinone that occurs in the chloroplasts of plants and functions as an electron carrier during photosynthesis.
  • platform shoe — a shoe with a platform.
  • platiniferous — platinum-bearing
  • pleasant hill — a city in W California, near San Francisco Bay.
  • pleasantville — a city in SE New Jersey.
  • pleasure boat — recreational vessel
  • pleasure trip — holiday, vacation
  • plethysmogram — the recording of a plethysmograph.
  • pneumatolysis — the process by which rocks are altered or minerals and ores are formed by the action of vapors given off by magma.
  • point of sale — the store, dealer, or other retail outlet where an item is sold: from manufacturer to point-of-sale.
  • point-of-sale — the store, dealer, or other retail outlet where an item is sold: from manufacturer to point-of-sale.
  • pollen basket — (of bees) a smooth area on the hind tibia of each leg fringed with long hairs and serving to transport pollen.
  • polyarteritis — inflammation of the layers of an artery or of many arteries, usually caused by a severe hypersensitivity reaction, and characterized by nodules and hemorrhage along the involved vessels.
  • pompton lakes — a town in NE New Jersey.
  • portal system — a vascular arrangement in which blood from the capillaries of one organ is transported to the capillaries of another organ by a connecting vein or veins.
  • portrait lens — a lens of moderately long focal length that is used, especially in portrait photography, to produce soft-focus images.
  • postmenstrual — of or relating to menstruation or to the menses.
  • postvertebral — of or relating to a vertebra or the vertebrae; spinal.
  • potter's clay — a clay, suitably plastic and free of iron and other impurities, for use by potters.
  • practicalness — of or relating to practice or action: practical mathematics.
  • prairie style — the style of the architects of the Prairie School.
  • pre-establish — to establish, set up, set out, arrange or make secure in advance or previously
  • preadolescent — of or relating to preadolescence or a preadolescent.
  • prebasic molt — the molt by which most birds replace all of their feathers, usually occurring annually after the breeding season.
  • precapitalist — a person who has capital, especially extensive capital, invested in business enterprises.
  • preindustrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  • prepositional — any member of a class of words found in many languages that are used before nouns, pronouns, or other substantives to form phrases functioning as modifiers of verbs, nouns, or adjectives, and that typically express a spatial, temporal, or other relationship, as in, on, by, to, since.
  • present value — current monetary worth
  • presentiality — the state of being present
  • problem state — IBM jargon for user mode, the opposite of "supervisor state". On IBM System 360, 370 and 390 mainframes privileged instructions may only be executed in "supervisor state". Application programs request the operating system to perform these operations by using the Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction.
  • process table — (operating system, process)   A table containing all of the information that must be saved when the CPU switches from running one process to another in a multitasking system. The information in the process table allows the suspended process to be restarted at a later time as if it had never been stopped. Every process has an entry in the table. These entries are known as process control blocks and contain the following information: process state - information needed so that the process can be loaded into memory and run, such as the program counter, the stack pointer, and the values of registers. memory state - details of the memory allocation such as pointers to the various memory areas used by the program resource state - information regarding the status of files being used by the process such as user ID. Accounting and scheduling information. An example of a UNIX process table is shown below. SLOT ST PID PGRP UID PRI CPU EVENT NAME FLAGS 0 s 0 0 0 95 0 runout sched load sys 1 s 1 0 0 66 1 u init load 2 s 2 0 0 95 0 10bbdc vhand load sys SLOT is the entry number of the process. ST shows whether the process is paused or sleeping (s), ready to run (r), or running on a CPU (o). PID is the process ID. PGRP is the process Group. UID is the user ID. PRI is the priority of the process from 127 (highest) to 0 (lowest). EVENT is the event on which a process is paused or sleeping. NAME is the name of the process. FLAGS are the process flags. A process that has died but still has an entry in the process table is called a zombie process.
  • prosecutorial — of or relating to a prosecutor or prosecution: prosecutorial zeal.
  • proteoclastic — of, related to, or initiating proteolysis
  • proverbialist — a person who composes, records or uses proverbial expressions
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • prudentialist — a person who acts prudentially
  • pull a fastie — to play a sly trick
  • pursuit plane — (formerly) an armed airplane designed for speed and maneuverability in fighting enemy aircraft.
  • quality press — the more serious newspapers which give detailed accounts of world events, as well as reports on business, culture, and society
  • quarterfinals — Plural form of quarterfinal.
  • quasiparticle — an entity, as an exciton or phonon, that interacts with elementary particles, but does not exist as a free particle.
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