
11-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • submittable — to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
  • subterminal — situated at or forming the end or extremity of something: a terminal feature of a vista.
  • subungulate — any member of the superorder of animal termed Subungulata (also called Paenungulata), containing the elephant, sea cow and hyrax, as well as two extinct orders
  • subvertical — being in a position or direction perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; upright; plumb.
  • sudetenland — a mountainous region in the N Czech Republic, including the Sudeten and the Erzgebirge: annexed by Germany 1938; returned to Czechoslovakia 1945.
  • summersault — to perform a somersault.
  • superaltern — a universal proposition that is the basis for the immediate inference of a corresponding particular proposition.
  • superlative — of the highest kind, quality, or order; surpassing all else or others; supreme; extreme: superlative wisdom.
  • supportable — capable of being supported; endurable; maintainable.
  • surrebuttal — the giving of evidence to meet a defendant's rebuttal.
  • surveillant — exercising surveillance.
  • suspectable — that could be suspected
  • sustainable — capable of being supported or upheld, as by having its weight borne from below.
  • swash plate — an inclined circular plate on a rotating shaft for transferring force and motion to or from parts reciprocating in a direction parallel to the axis of shaft rotation.
  • sweat blood — to perspire, especially freely or profusely.
  • sweat gland — one of the minute, coiled, tubular glands of the skin that secrete sweat.
  • sweat lodge — (especially among North American Indians) a special building used for cleansing and purifying one's body by sweating, in which heated water is poured over heated stones to produce steam.
  • sweet basil — any of several aromatic herbs belonging to the genus Ocimum, of the mint family, as O. basilicum (sweet basil) having purplish-green ovate leaves used in cooking.
  • sweetlambda — Sugared lambda-calculus(?).
  • switchblade — a pocketknife, the blade of which is held by a spring and can be released suddenly, as by pressing a button.
  • switzerland — a republic in central Europe. 15,944 sq. mi. (41,294 sq. km). Capital: Bern.
  • syllabicate — to syllabify.
  • sylvestrian — living in the woods; sylvan
  • symmetalism — the use of two or more metals, such as gold and silver, combined in assigned proportions as a monetary standard.
  • symmetrical — characterized by or exhibiting symmetry; well-proportioned, as a body or whole; regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts.
  • sympetalous — gamopetalous.
  • synthetical — of, pertaining to, proceeding by, or involving synthesis (opposed to analytic).
  • szombathely — a city in W Hungary: founded a.d. 48.
  • tabernacles — any place or house of worship, especially one designed for a large congregation.
  • table stake — a stake that a player places on the table at the beginning of a game that may not be changed once the deal begins.
  • table sugar — granulated white sugar.
  • tabularised — to tabulate.
  • tachysterol — an isomer of ergosterol, C28H44O, formed during the production of calciferol by the irradiation of ergosterol
  • tactfulness — having or manifesting tact: a tactful person; a tactful reply.
  • taintlessly — without taint
  • taking lens — a camera in which the image appears on a ground-glass viewer (focusing screen) after being reflected by a mirror or after passing through a prism or semitransparent glass; in one type (single-lens reflex camera) light passes through the same lens to both the ground glass and the film, while in another type (twin-lens reflex camera) light passes through one lens (viewing lens) to the ground glass and through a second lens (taking lens) to the film, the lenses being mechanically coupled for focusing.
  • talent show — a theatrical show in which a series of usually amateur or aspiring singers, dancers, comedians, instrumentalists, etc., perform in the hope of gaining recognition.
  • tallahassee — a state in the SE United States between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. 58,560 sq. mi. (151,670 sq. km). Capital: Tallahassee. Abbreviation: FL (for use with zip code), Fla.
  • tally sheet — a sheet for checking, counting, or scoring, as of cargo loaded or unloaded.
  • tardis-like — having an interior that is more spacious than could be imagined from looking at the outside
  • tax shelter — any financial arrangement (as a certain kind of investment or allowance) that results in a reduction or elimination of taxes due.
  • teaspoonful — the amount a teaspoon can hold.
  • teetotalism — the principle or practice of total abstinence from intoxicating drink.
  • telearchics — the remote control of electronic devices
  • telemessage — a message sent by telephone or telex and delivered in printed form; in Britain, it has replaced the telegram
  • telepathist — a student of or believer in telepathy.
  • telesthesia — sensation or perception received at a distance without the normal operation of the recognized sense organs.
  • ten's place — ten (def 6).
  • tenaciously — holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
  • tennis ball — a hollow ball used in tennis, made of rubber with a fuzzy covering of woven Dacron, nylon, or wool.
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