
11-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • static line — a line attached to a parachute pack and to a cable in an aircraft for the purpose of automatically opening the parachute after it is dropped.
  • statute law — statutory law.
  • staunchless — not able to be stanched
  • steadfastly — fixed in direction; steadily directed: a steadfast gaze.
  • stealth tax — Journalists sometimes refer to indirect taxes as stealth taxes.
  • steam table — a boxlike table or counter, usually of stainless steel, with receptacles in the top into which containers of food may be fitted to be kept warm by steam or hot water in the compartment below.
  • steamroller — a heavy steam-powered vehicle having a roller for crushing, compacting, or leveling materials used for a road or the like.
  • steatolysis — the digestive process whereby fats are emulsified and then hydrolysed to fatty acids and glycerine
  • steel-faced — having the front or outer surfaces covered with or characterized by steel.
  • steelmaking — the manufacture of steel.
  • steeplejack — a person who climbs steeples, towers, or the like, to build or repair them.
  • stellarator — an experimental plasma-physics device in which magnetic fields confine the plasma within a tube shaped like a figure eight.
  • stellionate — any crime of unspecified class that involves fraud, especially one that involves the selling of the same property to different people.
  • stenohaline — (of an aquatic organism) unable to withstand wide variation in salinity of the surrounding water.
  • stereocilia — any of the long, flexible microvilli that superficially resemble cilia and occur as a brush border or series of tufts on the surface of various epithelial tissues.
  • sterlitamak — a city in the Russian Federation in Europe, W of the Southern Urals.
  • stickhandle — (in hockey and lacrosse) to control and skillfully maneuver the ball or puck with the stick.
  • stickleader — a person assigned to check the appearance or condition of each person in a stick
  • stickleback — any of the small, pugnacious, spiny-backed fishes of the family Gasterosteidae, inhabiting northern fresh waters and sea inlets, the male of which builds and guards the nest.
  • still frame — continuous display of a single frame of a film or of a single picture from a television signal
  • still water — a part of a stream that is level or where the level of inclination is so slight that no current is visible.
  • stimulative — serving to stimulate.
  • stokes' law — the law that the force that retards a sphere moving through a viscous fluid is directly proportional to the velocity of the sphere, the radius of the sphere, and the viscosity of the fluid.
  • stomachless — lacking or not having a stomach
  • stone canal — (in certain echinoderms) a tube lined with calcareous deposits, connecting the madreporite with a circular canal around the mouth.
  • stone plant — living stones.
  • stonewaller — to engage in stonewalling.
  • strait-lace — to bind, confine, or restrain with or as if with laces.
  • strand line — a shoreline, especially one from which the sea or a lake has receded.
  • strandloper — a member of an extinct tribe of Khoikhoi or Bushmen who lived on seafood gathered on the beaches of southern Africa
  • strangulate — Pathology, Surgery. to compress or constrict (a duct, intestine, vessel, etc.) so as to prevent circulation or suppress function.
  • strategical — pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of strategy: strategic movements.
  • strathclyde — a region in SW Scotland. 5300 sq. mi. (13,727 sq. km).
  • strawflower — any of several everlasting flowers, especially an Australian composite plant, Helichrysum bracteatum, having heads of chaffy yellow, orange, red, or white flowers.
  • streamingly — in a streaming manner
  • streamlined — streamlined.
  • streamliner — something that is streamlined, especially a locomotive or passenger train.
  • stress ball — a small rubber ball squeezed in the hand as a means of relieving stress
  • stroke play — medal play.
  • strong gale — a wind of 47–54 miles per hour (21–24 m/sec).
  • study leave — sabbatical
  • sub-article — a written composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic, forming an independent part of a book or other publication, as a newspaper or magazine.
  • subaffluent — between poor and affluent
  • subinterval — an interval that is a subset of a given interval.
  • subjectable — that which forms a basic matter of thought, discussion, investigation, etc.: a subject of conversation.
  • sublethally — in a sublethal manner
  • subliteracy — below average literacy
  • subliterary — not intended as literature
  • subliterate — less than fully literate.
  • submetallic — somewhat or imperfectly metallic.
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