
13-letter words containing s, p, h

  • suprachiasmic — relating to the area in the hypothalamus that regulates the biological clock
  • swivel-hipped — characterized by an exaggeratedly swinging or extremely free motion of the hips.
  • symbolography — the writing of symbolic characters or tracing of symbolic figures
  • sympathectomy — surgery that interrupts a nerve pathway of the sympathetic or involuntary nervous system.
  • sympatholytic — opposing the effects of stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
  • symphysiotomy — a surgical procedure to facilitate labour
  • synecphonesis — the fusion of two syllables into one
  • synophthalmia — cyclopia.
  • syphilization — the act of syphilizing
  • syphilophobia — the excessive fear of syphilis
  • tachistoscope — an apparatus for use in exposing visual stimuli, as pictures, letters, or words, for an extremely brief period, used chiefly to assess visual perception or to increase reading speed.
  • tachyphylaxis — Medicine/Medical. immediate, temporary immunization against the effects of injection of a toxic extract owing to previous small injections of the same extract.
  • take the piss — mock
  • tapestry moth — carpet moth.
  • taphrogenesis — the process of forming rifts, resulting in regional faulting and subsidence
  • tauromorphous — having the form of a bull
  • teacher's pet — a pupil who is a favorite of a teacher.
  • terpsichorean — pertaining to dancing.
  • the antipodes — Australia and New Zealand
  • the best part — If you say that something happened for the best part or the better part of a period of time, you mean that it happened for most of that time.
  • the jig is up — that ends it; all chances for success are gone
  • the oppressed — people who are subjugated by cruelty, force, etc
  • the palisades — line of steep cliffs in NE N.J. & SE N.Y. on the west shore of the Hudson: c. 15 mi (24 km) long
  • the pants off — If someone bores, charms, or scares the pants off you, for example, they bore, charm, or scare you a lot.
  • the pole star — the star closest to the N celestial pole at any particular time. At present this is Polaris, but it will eventually be replaced by some other star owing to precession of the earth's axis
  • the potteries — a region of W central England, in Staffordshire, in which the china and earthenware industries are concentrated
  • the provinces — those parts of a country lying outside the capital and other large cities and regarded as outside the mainstream of sophisticated culture
  • the spiritual — the realm of spirits
  • the spotlight — the focus of attention
  • the superrich — exceptionally wealthy people, considered collectively
  • the-possessed — a novel (1871) by Dostoevsky.
  • the-spectator — a weekly periodical (1711–12, 1714) issued by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.
  • theanthropism — the doctrine of the union of the divine and human natures, especially the manifestation of God as man in Christ.
  • thermoplastic — soft and pliable when heated, as some plastics, without any change of the inherent properties.
  • thermospheric — pertaining to the thermosphere
  • thermotropism — oriented growth of an organism in response to heat.
  • thespian lion — a lion that attacked the flocks of Amphitryon and was killed by Hercules.
  • thigh-slapper — a very funny joke, remark, story, or incident.
  • thigmotropism — oriented growth of an organism in response to mechanical contact, as a plant tendril coiling around a string support.
  • thiophosphate — a salt or ester of thiophosphoric acid.
  • thiosulphuric — of or relating to thiosulphuric acid or anything derived from it
  • thoracoplasty — the operation removing selected portions of the ribs to collapse part of the underlying lung or an abnormal pleural space, usually in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • thysanopteran — Also, thysanopterous. belonging or pertaining to the insect order Thysanoptera, comprising the thrips.
  • thysanopteron — thysanopteran.
  • timbrophilist — a person who loves stamps or who collects stamps
  • tip one's hat — to take off, raise, or touch one's hat in salutation
  • to go apeshit — to become crazy, enraged, or out of control
  • to keep house — If you keep house, you do the cleaning and cooking for your household, and do not go out to work.
  • topochemistry — the study of reactions that only occur at specific regions in a system
  • township line — Surveying. one of two parallel lines running east and west that define the north and south borders of a township. Compare range line, township (def 2).
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