
15-letter words containing s, n, i

  • large intestine — intestine (def 3).
  • las vegas night — an evening of casino-style gambling, usually sponsored by a charitable, religious, or other fund-raising organization.
  • laser machining — Laser machining is a process in which material is removed from a surface using light from a laser.
  • laser ring gyro — a system of aerial navigation in which rotation is sensed by the measuring of the frequency shift of laser light in a closed circuit in a horizontal plane
  • latensification — (in photography) the process of intensifying a latent image by the use of chemicals, extra exposure to light, or other means
  • latino-faliscan — a group of early Italic languages, including Latin and Faliscan.
  • laundry service — clothes-washing business
  • leading counsel — the more senior of two counsels
  • leading strings — strings or straps formerly used to guide and support a young child learning to walk
  • learned society — an organization devoted to the scholarly study of a particular field or discipline, as modern languages, psychology, or history.
  • learner's chain — an inexperienced team of slaughtermen working in a freezing works
  • least sandpiper — a small, American sandpiper, Calidris minutilla, related to the stints of Europe.
  • leaving present — a present given to a person when they leave a job, place etc
  • leeward islands — a group of islands in the Caribbean, in the N Lesser Antilles between Puerto Rico and Martinique
  • leibnitz's rule — a rule for finding the derivative of the product of two functions. For a first derivative it is d(uv)/dx = udv/dx + vdu/dx
  • lemon socialism — the policy of a government in a nominally free-market country of bailing out large failing private companies with taxpayers’ money
  • lemon-grass oil — a yellowish to brownish oil distilled from the leaves of certain lemon grasses, especially Cymbopogon citratus, used chiefly in perfumery.
  • leptomeningitis — (pathology) inflammation of the leptomeninges.
  • leptosporangium — (botany) A sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell.
  • lesser antilles — group of islands in the West Indies, southeast of Puerto Rico, including the Leeward Islands, the Windward Islands, & the islands off the N coast of Venezuela
  • lesser dionysia — (in ancient Attica) the wine feasts, processions, and dramatic performances composing one of the festivals honoring Dionysus, held in the middle of December.
  • leukaemogenesis — the development of leukaemia
  • levelling screw — a screw, often one of three, for adjusting the level of an apparatus
  • lex non scripta — unwritten law; common law.
  • lexical scoping — lexical scope
  • liaison officer — a person who liaises between groups or units
  • liberalizations — Plural form of liberalization.
  • library science — the study of the organization and administration of a library and of its technical, informational, and reference services.
  • licensing hours — hours during which alcoholic drinks may be sold legally
  • lick into shape — to pass the tongue over the surface of, as to moisten, taste, or eat (often followed by up, off, from, etc.): to lick a postage stamp; to lick an ice-cream cone.
  • lick one's lips — to anticipate or recall something with glee or relish
  • liechtensteiner — a small principality in central Europe between Austria and Switzerland: economically linked with Switzerland. 65 sq. mi. (168 sq. km). Capital: Vaduz.
  • light and shade — If you say that there is light and shade in something such as a performance, you mean you like it because different parts of it are different in tone or mood.
  • light in august — a novel (1932) by William Faulkner.
  • light-sensitive — (of a surface) having a photoelectric property, such as the ability to generate a current, change its electrical resistance, etc, when exposed to light
  • lightheadedness — Alternative spelling of light-headedness.
  • lightning chess — rapid chess in which either each move has a fixed time allowed (usually 10 seconds) or each player is allotted a fixed time (often 5 minutes) for all his moves
  • lignocellulosic — (biochemistry) Of, pertaining to, or derived from lignocellulose; used especially to describe the products of biomass.
  • line of apsides — a line joining the lower and higher apsides, forming the major axis of the orbit
  • line of descent — someone's line of descent is all the people they are descended from
  • linguistic area — a geographical area in which several languages sharing common features are spoken.
  • linguistic form — any meaningful unit of speech, as a sentence, phrase, word, morpheme, or suffix.
  • lissencephalous — having the cephalic disorder of a lack of developed brain folds
  • listed building — (in Britain) a building officially recognized as having special historical or architectural interest and therefore protected from demolition or alteration
  • living expenses — money spent on basic needs
  • living quarters — accommodation
  • living standard — standard of living.
  • lleyn peninsula — a peninsula in NW Wales between Cardigan Bay and Caernarfon Bay
  • loaded question — a question containing a hidden trap or implication
  • loan investment — a loan made as an investment
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