
15-letter words containing s, n, i

  • in a tight spot — in difficult situation
  • in all weathers — If you say that someone does something in all weathers, you mean that they do it regularly whether the weather is good or bad.
  • in conversation — If you say that people are in conversation, you mean that they are talking together.
  • in difficulties — in distress, esp. financially
  • in good spirits — cheerful
  • in harness with — in cooperation with
  • in its entirety — completely, wholly
  • in mid-sentence — halfway through saying sth
  • in one's pocket — a shaped piece of fabric attached inside or outside a garment and forming a pouch used especially for carrying small articles.
  • in one's tracks — a structure consisting of a pair of parallel lines of rails with their crossties, on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs.
  • in sb's opinion — You add expressions such as 'in my opinion' or 'in their opinion' to a statement in order to indicate that it is what you or someone else thinks, and is not necessarily a fact.
  • in short supply — If something is in short supply, there is very little of it available and it is difficult to find or obtain.
  • in some measure — a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
  • in spite of sth — You use in spite of to introduce a fact which makes the rest of the statement you are making seem surprising.
  • in the abstract — When you talk or think about something in the abstract, you talk or think about it in a general way, rather than considering particular things or events.
  • in the box seat — in the best position
  • in the doghouse — a small shelter for a dog.
  • in the doldrums — miserable, depressed
  • in the eighties — between 80–89 degrees in temperature
  • in the hands of — under the control of
  • in the midst of — amid, among
  • in the nineties — between 90–99 degrees in temperature
  • in the old days — a long time ago
  • in the same way — similarly
  • in the shape of — You can use in the shape of to state exactly who or what you are referring to, immediately after referring to them in a general way.
  • in the universe — If you say that something is, for example, the best or biggest thing of its kind in the universe, you are emphasizing that you think it is bigger or better than anything else of its kind.
  • in vino veritas — in wine there is truth; people speak the truth when they are drunk
  • in your dreams! — You say `In your dreams!' when you think that what someone wants is never going to happen or be true.
  • in-suite dining — In-suite dining in a hotel is when guests eat meals in their rooms.
  • in-visible hand — (in the economics of Adam Smith) an unseen force or mechanism that guides individuals to unwittingly benefit society through the pursuit of their private interests.
  • in/into ecstasy — If you are in ecstasy about something, you are very excited about it. If you go into ecstasies, you become very excited.
  • inaccessibility — not accessible; unapproachable.
  • inadmissibility — not admissible; not allowable: Such evidence would be inadmissible in any court.
  • inalterableness — The state or quality of being inalterable.
  • inapprehensible — That cannot be apprehended; not apprehensible to or graspable by either body or mind.
  • incapaciousness — the quality of not having (sufficiently) great capacity
  • incentive bonus — an extra payment made to an employee to reward good work
  • incommensurable — not commensurable; having no common basis, measure, or standard of comparison.
  • incommensurably — In an incommensurable manner; immeasurably.
  • incompatibilism — (philosophy) The doctrine that free will and determinism are incompatible, that one necessarily precludes the other.
  • incomprehension — lack of comprehension or understanding: The audience listened politely but with incomprehension.
  • incomprehensive — not comprehensive.
  • inconsequential — of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial.
  • inconsiderately — In an inconsiderate manner.
  • inconsideration — without due regard for the rights or feelings of others: It was inconsiderate of him to keep us waiting.
  • inconsistencies — Plural form of inconsistency.
  • inconsolability — not able to be comforted or consoled; disconsolate: She was inconsolable when her son died.
  • inconspicuously — not conspicuous, noticeable, or prominent.
  • inconveniencies — inconvenience.
  • incredulousness — not credulous; disinclined or indisposed to believe; skeptical.
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