
17-letter words containing s, i, n, c, e, r

  • doberman pinscher — one of a German breed of medium-sized, short-haired dogs having a black, brown, or blue coat with rusty brown markings.
  • dynamic insurance — Dynamic insurance is a type of insurance coverage where the policyholder can choose to increase benefits and premiums by a fixed percentage each year to offset the effects of inflation.
  • dynamics analyzer — (language)   (DYANA) An early language specialised for vibrational and other dynamic physical systems.
  • early closing day — a day on which most shops in a town or area close after lunch
  • early renaissance — a style of art developed principally in Florence, Italy, during the 15th century and characterized chiefly by the development of linear perspective, chiaroscuro, and geometrically based compositions.
  • egyptian brackets — (programming, humour)   A humourous term for K&R indent style, referring to the "one hand up in front, one down behind" pose which popular culture inexplicably associates with Egypt.
  • electric constant — the permittivity of free space, which has the value 8.854 187 × 10–12 farad per metre
  • electric strength — the maximum voltage sustainable by an insulating material, after which it loses its insulating properties
  • electroanesthesia — Anesthesia induced by cranial electrotherapy stimulation.
  • electroconvulsive — Of or relating to the treatment of mental illness by the application of electric shocks to the brain.
  • electrodeposition — The deposition of a metal on a cathode during electrolysis; used as a method of purification.
  • elliptical spring — An elliptical spring is a spring that is made from two springs in the shape of elongated ovals laid cut in half and back-to-back.
  • emergency rations — food and drink that is designated for use in an emergency: for example, in a famine, after a plane crash, when hill-walkers or mountaineers are stranded, etc.
  • emergency service — a department within a bigger organization that deals with emergencies
  • emergency session — an urgent meeting held by parliament, ministers, etc. to discuss what measures should be taken to deal with an emergency
  • emission spectrum — the continuous spectrum or pattern of bright lines or bands seen when the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a substance is passed into a spectrometer. The spectrum is characteristic of the emitting substance and the type of excitation to which it is subjected
  • energy conversion — the process of changing one form of energy into another, such as nuclear energy into heat or solar energy into electrical energy
  • exclusionary rule — a legal rule that evidence obtained illegally, as from a search without a warrant, may not be introduced at trial
  • extension courses — courses offered to outsiders by an educational establishment
  • factory inspector — a person who inspects factories
  • facts and figures — details; precise information
  • fairness doctrine — a policy mandated by the Federal Communications Commission, requiring radio and television stations to grant equal time to a political candidate, group, etc., to present an opposing viewpoint to one already aired.
  • farmers' alliance — an informal name for various regional political organizations that farmers established in the 1880s and that led to the formation of the Peoples' party in 1891–92.
  • fictitious person — a legal entity or artificial person, as a corporation.
  • field penny-cress — the common penny-cress, Thlaspi arvense.
  • financial adviser — A financial adviser is someone whose job it is to advise people about financial products and services.
  • financial futures — futures in a stock-exchange index, currency exchange rate, or interest rate enabling banks, building societies, brokers, and speculators to hedge their involvement in these markets
  • fire commissioner — the senior or officer at state or provincial level in charge of fire prevention and fire safety
  • first commandment — “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”: first of the Ten Commandments.
  • first performance — the first time that a play or concert is performed
  • florentine stitch — a straight stitch worked in a high and low relief pattern to form a variety of zigzag or oblique designs.
  • fluorescent light — a fluorescent lamp in domestic or commercial use; a fluorescent strip
  • fluorescent strip — a fluorescent light in the form of a long strip
  • foreign secretary — foreign minister.
  • forensic evidence — evidence obtained by the use of science, for example DNA evidence, etc
  • forensic medicine — the application of medical knowledge to questions of civil and criminal law, especially in court proceedings.
  • foundation course — A foundation course is a course that you do at some colleges and universities in order to prepare yourself for a longer or more advanced course.
  • fractal dimension — (mathematics)   A common type of fractal dimension is the Hausdorff-Besicovich Dimension, but there are several different ways of computing fractal dimension. Fractal dimension can be calculated by taking the limit of the quotient of the log change in object size and the log change in measurement scale, as the measurement scale approaches zero. The differences come in what is exactly meant by "object size" and what is meant by "measurement scale" and how to get an average number out of many different parts of a geometrical object. Fractal dimensions quantify the static *geometry* of an object. For example, consider a straight line. Now blow up the line by a factor of two. The line is now twice as long as before. Log 2 / Log 2 = 1, corresponding to dimension 1. Consider a square. Now blow up the square by a factor of two. The square is now 4 times as large as before (i.e. 4 original squares can be placed on the original square). Log 4 / log 2 = 2, corresponding to dimension 2 for the square. Consider a snowflake curve formed by repeatedly replacing ___ with _/\_, where each of the 4 new lines is 1/3 the length of the old line. Blowing up the snowflake curve by a factor of 3 results in a snowflake curve 4 times as large (one of the old snowflake curves can be placed on each of the 4 segments _/\_). Log 4 / log 3 = 1.261... Since the dimension 1.261 is larger than the dimension 1 of the lines making up the curve, the snowflake curve is a fractal. [sci.fractals FAQ].
  • francis ferdinand — 1863–1914, archduke of Austria: heir apparent to the thrones of Austria and Hungary whose assassination precipitated the outbreak of World War I (nephew of Francis Joseph I).
  • fraternal society — a club or other association, usually of men, having a limited membership and devoted to professional, religious, charitable, or social activities.
  • freight insurance — insurance paid on goods in transport
  • french somaliland — a former name of Djibouti (def 1).
  • functional isomer — any of several structural isomers that have the same molecular formula but with the atoms connected in different ways and therefore falling into different functional groups.
  • garlic mayonnaise — mayonnaise flavoured with garlic
  • gause's principle — the principle that similar species cannot coexist for long in the same ecological niche
  • general discharge — a discharge from military service of a person who has served honorably but who has not met all the conditions of an honorable discharge.
  • general insurance — insurance (such as house insurance and car insurance) that does not insure someone's life
  • general semantics — a philosophical approach to language, developed by Alfred Korzybski, exploring the relationship between the form of language and its use and attempting to improve the capacity to express ideas.
  • genetic screening — assessment of an individual's genetic makeup to detect inheritable defects that may be transmitted to offspring.
  • geomagnetic storm — magnetic storm.
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