
15-letter words containing s, i, e, m, r

  • mother superior — the head of a Christian religious community for women.
  • motor insurance — insurance for a motor vehicle such as a car, which provides protection against loss in the event of an accident, theft, etc
  • mountain rescue — search and rescue conducted on a mountain, for example of someone who has fallen, got lost, etc
  • mouse droppings — 1.   (graphics, operating system, jargon)   Pixels (usually single) that are not properly restored when the mouse pointer moves away from a particular location on the screen, producing the appearance that the mouse pointer has left droppings behind. The major causes for this problem are MS-DOS programs that write to the screen memory corresponding to the mouse pointer's current location without hiding the mouse pointer first, and mouse drivers that do not quite support the graphics mode in use. 2.   (web, jargon)   The client address recorded in a web server's log whenever a client connects to a site. Users may be unaware that their activity is being logged in this way but the potential for misuse of the information is limited.
  • mules operation — the surgical removal of folds of skin in the breech of a sheep to reduce blowfly strike
  • multiflora rose — a climbing or trailing rose, Rosa multiflora, of Japan and Korea, having hooked prickles and fragrant, dense clusters of flowers.
  • multilateralism — having several or many sides; many-sided.
  • multilateralist — Supporting or advocating multilateralism.
  • multiliteracies — Plural form of multiliteracy.
  • multiple master — (text, tool, software)   (Or "Multiple Master Font") A font that is a mixture of two or more other fonts. A Multiple Master font is a single font containing from two to sixteen master designs (the current implementation limit). A weight factor specifies the contribution of each master design for the creation of a multiple master font instance. A Multiple Master instance is a single interpolation of a multiple master font as created by a user or application.
  • multiprocessing — the simultaneous execution of two or more programs or instruction sequences by separate CPUs under integrated control.
  • multiprocessors — Plural form of multiprocessor.
  • muslim brothers — an organization founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna (1906–49), calling for a return to rigid orthodoxy, the overthrow of secular governments, and a restoration of the theocratic state.
  • muslim calendar — the lunar calendar used by Muslims and reckoned from a.d. 622: the calendar year consists of 354 days and contains 12 months: Moharram, Safar, Rabi I, Rabi II, Jumada I, Jumada II, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhu ʾl-Qaʿda, and Dhu ʾl-hijjah. In leap years the month Dhu ʾl-hijjah contains one extra day.
  • naismith's rule — a rule of thumb for calculating the time needed for a climbing expedition, allowing 1 hour for every 3 miles of distance plus 1 hour for every 2000 feet of height
  • name resolution — (networking)   The process of mapping a name into its corresponding address. The Domain Name System is the system which does name resolution on the Internet.
  • natural realism — naive realism.
  • near as damn it — Some people say as near as damn it or as near as dammit to emphasize that what they have said is almost completely accurate, but not quite.
  • neo-lutheranism — a movement begun in the 19th century in Germany and Scandinavia to revive the orthodox principles, beliefs, and practices of the Lutheran Church.
  • neoarsphenamine — a derivative of arsenic formerly used in treating syphilis
  • neoconservatism — moderate political conservatism espoused or advocated by former liberals or socialists.
  • neomercantilism — an economic doctrine or policy during the early 20th century that set high tariffs and other import restrictions in order to protect domestic industries.
  • neurodermatitis — W Lichen simplex chronicus, a skin disorder characterized by chronic itching and scratching, resulting in thick, leathery, brownish skin.
  • new hampshirite — of New Hampshire
  • new westminster — a city in SW British Columbia, in SW Canada, on the Fraser River: suburb of Vancouver.
  • nigger minstrel — a performer who puts on blackface (exaggerated negro-like make-up) usually to perform songs associated with the American South
  • nil desperandum — never despair
  • non-compression — the act of compressing.
  • non-compromised — unable to function optimally, especially with regard to immune response, owing to underlying disease, harmful environmental exposure, or the side effects of a course of treatment.
  • non-ministerial — pertaining to the ministry of religion, or to a minister or other member of the clergy.
  • noncompressible — not able to be compressed
  • nonconformities — Plural form of nonconformity.
  • nondiscriminate — Not discriminate.
  • noninstrumental — serving or acting as an instrument or means; useful; helpful.
  • nottinghamshire — a county in central England. 854 sq. mi. (2210 sq. km).
  • nyquist theorem — (communications)   A theorem stating that when an analogue waveform is digitised, only the frequencies in the waveform below half the sampling frequency will be recorded. In order to reconstruct (interpolate) a signal from a sequence of samples, sufficient samples must be recorded to capture the peaks and troughs of the original waveform. If a waveform is sampled at less than twice its frequency the reconstructed waveform will effectively contribute only noise. This phenomenon is called "aliasing" (the high frequencies are "under an alias"). This is why the best digital audio is sampled at 44,000 Hz - twice the average upper limit of human hearing. The Nyquist Theorem is not specific to digitised signals (represented by discrete amplitude levels) but applies to any sampled signal (represented by discrete time values), not just sound.
  • objective prism — a large prism placed in front of the objective lens or mirror of a telescope, allowing the simultaneous acquisition of the spectra of many stars.
  • officer of arms — an officer with the duties of a herald, especially one charged with the devising, granting, or confirming of armorial bearings.
  • oligomerisation — Alternative spelling of oligomerization.
  • oneirocriticism — the art of interpreting dreams.
  • operations room — a room from which all the operations of a military, police, or other disciplined activity are controlled
  • opposite number — counterpart; equivalent: New members with an interest in folk art will find their opposite numbers in the association's directory.
  • opposite prompt — the offstage area to the right as one faces the audience. Abbreviation: O.P.
  • ordinal numbers — Also called ordinal numeral. any of the numbers that express degree, quality, or position in a series, as first, second, and third (distinguished from cardinal number).
  • ordinary seaman — a seaman insufficiently skilled to be classified as an able-bodied seaman. Abbreviation: O.D., O.S., o.s.
  • organomagnesium — pertaining to or noting an organic compound, especially an organic halide, containing magnesium linked to carbon.
  • over-enthusiasm — absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest: He shows marked enthusiasm for his studies.
  • over-estimation — to estimate at too high a value, amount, rate, or the like: Don't overestimate the car's trade-in value.
  • overconsumption — the act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction.
  • overemphasizing — Present participle of overemphasize.
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