
13-letter words containing s, a, l, i, e, m

  • pre-eclampsia — Pathology. a form of toxemia of pregnancy, characterized by hypertension, fluid retention, and albuminuria, sometimes progressing to eclampsia.
  • prebasic molt — the molt by which most birds replace all of their feathers, usually occurring annually after the breeding season.
  • preliminaries — preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory: preliminary examinations.
  • primal scream — a scream uttered by a person undergoing primal therapy.
  • promised land — Heaven.
  • proverbialism — a proverbial expression
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • quadragesimal — of, relating to, or suitable for Lent; Lenten.
  • quasi-medical — of or relating to the science or practice of medicine: medical history; medical treatment.
  • rambling rose — any of various cultivated hybrid roses that straggle over other vegetation
  • raw materials — Raw materials are materials that are in their natural state, before they are processed or used in manufacturing.
  • released time — time or a period allotted to a teacher apart from normal duties for a special activity, as personal research.
  • republicanism — republican government.
  • restimulation — the act or process of stimulating again; reactivation
  • resublimation — Psychology. the diversion of the energy of a sexual or other biological impulse from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
  • reversal film — film developed by the reversal process.
  • rhinoscleroma — an inflammatory bacterial disease of the nose that is mostly found in Africa and Central America
  • royal marines — a corps of soldiers specially trained in amphibious warfare
  • sacerdotalism — the system, spirit, or methods of the priesthood.
  • saint michael — one of the archangels. Feast day: Sept 29 or Nov 8
  • saint-émilion — a dry claret wine from the parish of St.-Émilion in the Bordeaux region of France.
  • sales meeting — briefing of sales representatives
  • salmonellosis — food poisoning caused by consumption of food contaminated with bacteria of the genus Salmonella, characterized by the sudden onset of abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.
  • salpingectomy — excision of the Fallopian tube.
  • scalpelliform — having the shape of a scalpel blade
  • schematically — pertaining to or of the nature of a schema, diagram, or scheme; diagrammatic.
  • scleromalacia — a thinning of the sclera (the eyeball's outer covering) which can occur as a result of rheumatoid arthritis
  • scullery maid — a maid whose duties include washing up and vegetable preparation
  • segmentalized — separated into parts, sections, elements, classes, etc.; compartmentalized: a segmentalized society.
  • self-admitted — admitting to a specific charge or accusation; self-confessed: a self-admitted spy.
  • self-assuming — taking too much for granted; presumptuous.
  • self-estimate — to form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight, etc., of; calculate approximately: to estimate the cost of a college education.
  • self-managing — to bring about or succeed in accomplishing, sometimes despite difficulty or hardship: She managed to see the governor. How does she manage it on such a small income?
  • self-medicate — to medicate oneself without consulting a physician
  • semi-circular — Something that is semi-circular has the shape of half a circle.
  • semi-finalist — A semi-finalist is a player, athlete, or team that is competing in a semi-final.
  • semi-mythical — pertaining to, of the nature of, or involving a myth.
  • semi-official — having some degree of official authority.
  • semi-tropical — Semi-tropical places have warm, wet air.
  • semiclassical — of or relating to music by classical composers that is familiar or appealing to the general public.
  • semiempirical — partly empirical
  • semilegendary — having some historical basis, but legendary in part
  • semimenstrual — (esp of tides) occurring twice monthly
  • seminal fluid — the fluid component of semen, excluding the sperm.
  • seminole wars — a series of conflicts in 1818–19 between American forces under Andrew Jackson and the Seminole Indians in Spanish-controlled eastern Florida.
  • semiochemical — a chemical substance produced by an animal and used in communications, such as a pheromone
  • semipalatinsk — a city in NE Kazakhstan, on the Irtysh River.
  • semipalmation — the state of being semipalmate
  • semipermeable — permeable only to certain small molecules: a semipermeable membrane.
  • semipolitical — of a partially political nature; having some political features.
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