
15-letter words containing r, i, o, g, a

  • golden triangle — (sometimes lowercase) an area of Southeast Asia encompassing parts of Burma, Laos, and Thailand, significant as a major source of opium and heroin.
  • goldenrain tree — a small, deciduous Asian tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) of the soapberry family having small yellow flowers and papery fruit pods
  • golgi apparatus — an organelle, consisting of layers of flattened sacs, that takes up and processes secretory and synthetic products from the endoplasmic reticulum and then either releases the finished products into various parts of the cell cytoplasm or secretes them to the outside of the cell.
  • golgi-apparatus — an organelle, consisting of layers of flattened sacs, that takes up and processes secretory and synthetic products from the endoplasmic reticulum and then either releases the finished products into various parts of the cell cytoplasm or secretes them to the outside of the cell.
  • governing class — the social class that holds the power in a country
  • governmentalism — the trend toward expansion of the government's role, range of activities, or power.
  • governmentalist — one who promotes the philosophy of governmentalism
  • governmentality — (sociology) The organized practices (mentalities, rationalities, and techniques) through which subjects are governed and influenced.
  • governmentalize — (US) To bring a private entity under government control; to nationalize.
  • grabber pointer — (operating system)   A mouse pointer sprite in the shape of a small hand that closes when a mouse button is clicked, indicating that the object on the screen under the pointer has been selected.
  • grade inflation — the awarding of higher grades than students deserve either to maintain a school's academic reputation or as a result of diminished teacher expectations.
  • gram's solution — (sometimes lowercase) a solution of iodine, potassium iodide, and water, used in staining bacteria.
  • gramophonically — in a gramophonic manner
  • grampian region — a former local government region in NE Scotland, formed in 1975 from Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, and most of Banffshire and Morayshire; replaced in 1996 by the council areas of Aberdeenshire, City of Aberdeen, and Moray
  • grandiloquently — speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic.
  • granitification — the process or action of forming into granite
  • granulitization — the process whereby metamorphism acts on a rock and reduces it to crystalline grains
  • graph colouring — (application)   A constraint-satisfaction problem often used as a test case in research, which also turns out to be equivalent to certain real-world problems (e.g. register allocation). Given a connected graph and a fixed number of colours, the problem is to assign a colour to each node, subject to the constraint that any two connected nodes cannot be assigned the same colour. This is an example of an NP-complete problem. See also four colour map theorem.
  • graph reduction — A technique invented by Chris Wadsworth where an expression is represented as a directed graph (usually drawn as an inverted tree). Each node represents a function call and its subtrees represent the arguments to that function. Subtrees are replaced by the expansion or value of the expression they represent. This is repeated until the tree has been reduced to a value with no more function calls (a normal form). In contrast to string reduction, graph reduction has the advantage that common subexpressions are represented as pointers to a single instance of the expression which is only reduced once. It is the most commonly used technique for implementing lazy evaluation.
  • graphologically — In terms of or by means of graphology.
  • grasshopper pie — a custardlike pie, flavored and colored with green crème de menthe and served in a graham-cracker crust.
  • graviperception — the perception of gravity by plants
  • gravitationally — As a result of the force of gravity.
  • gravity anomaly — a deviation from the normal value of gravity at the earth's surface, caused by density differences at depth, for example those caused by a buried mineral body
  • great rebellion — English Civil War.
  • great recession — the protracted worldwide economic recession following the financial crisis of 2007–08
  • grecian profile — a profile distinguished by the absence of the hollow between the upper ridge of the nose and the forehead, thereby forming a straight line.
  • green mountains — a mountain range in E North America, extending from Canada through Vermont into W Massachusetts: part of the Appalachian system. Highest peak: Mount Mansfield, 1338 m (4393 ft)
  • gregorian chant — the plain song or cantus firmus used in the ritual of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • gregorian water — a mixture of water, salt, ashes, and wine, blessed and sprinkled over the altar in the consecration of a church.
  • grind to a halt — If a country's economy or something such as a process grinds to a halt, it gradually becomes slower or less active until it stops.
  • ground-breaking — the act or ceremony of breaking ground for a new construction project.
  • groundbreakings — Plural form of groundbreaking.
  • group insurance — life, accident, or health insurance available to a group of persons, as the employees of a company, under a single contract, usually without regard to physical condition or age of the individuals.
  • group therapist — a psychotherapist who conducts group therapy
  • guerrilla group — an organized group of guerrillas
  • gulf of argolis — an inlet of the Aegean Sea, in the E Peloponnese
  • guru meditation — (operating system)   The Amiga equivalent of Unix's panic (sometimes just called a "guru" or "guru event"). When the system crashes, a cryptic message of the form "GURU MEDITATION #XXXXXXXX.YYYYYYYY" may appear, indicating what the problem was. An Amiga guru can figure things out from the numbers. In the earliest days of the Amiga, there was a device called a "Joyboard" which was basically a plastic board built onto a joystick-like device; it was sold with a skiing game cartridge for the Atari game machine. It is said that whenever the prototype OS crashed, the system programmer responsible would concentrate on a solution while sitting cross-legged, balanced on a Joyboard, resembling a meditating guru. Sadly, the joke was removed in AmigaOS 2.04. The Jargon File claimed that a guru event had to be followed by a Vulcan nerve pinch but, according to a correspondent, a mouse click was enough to start a reboot.
  • gynandromorphic — (of an organism) Having male and female characteristics.
  • gyrostabilizers — Plural form of gyrostabilizer.
  • hacking x for y — [ITS] Ritual phrasing of part of the information which ITS made publicly available about each user. This information (the INQUIR record) was a sort of form in which the user could fill out various fields. On display, two of these fields were always combined into a project description of the form "Hacking X for Y" (e.g. ""Hacking perceptrons for Minsky""). This form of description became traditional and has since been carried over to other systems with more general facilities for self-advertisement (such as Unix plan files).
  • haemoglobinuria — the presence of haemoglobin in the urine
  • haemoglobinuric — relating to the presence of haemoglobin in the urine
  • hair hygrometer — a hygrometer actuated by the changes in length of a strand of human hair brought about by changes in the relative humidity.
  • hair of the dog — an alcoholic drink taken as an antidote to a hangover
  • halting problem — The problem of determining in advance whether a particular program or algorithm will terminate or run forever. The halting problem is the canonical example of a provably unsolvable problem. Obviously any attempt to answer the question by actually executing the algorithm or simulating each step of its execution will only give an answer if the algorithm under consideration does terminate, otherwise the algorithm attempting to answer the question will itself run forever. Some special cases of the halting problem are partially solvable given sufficient resources. For example, if it is possible to record the complete state of the execution of the algorithm at each step and the current state is ever identical to some previous state then the algorithm is in a loop. This might require an arbitrary amount of storage however. Alternatively, if there are at most N possible different states then the algorithm can run for at most N steps without looping. A program analysis called termination analysis attempts to answer this question for limited kinds of input algorithm.
  • hard of hearing — partially deaf
  • hard-boiled egg — egg boiled until the yolk is set
  • have a right to — be entitled to
  • hearing ear dog — a dog that has been trained to alert a hearing-impaired person to sounds, as a telephone ringing or dangerous noises.
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