
12-letter words containing r, a, i, n, o

  • concertation — (especially in European politics) cooperation, as among opposing factions, aimed at effecting a unified proposal or concerted action.
  • concertinaed — a musical instrument resembling an accordion but having buttonlike keys, hexagonal bellows and ends, and a more limited range.
  • conciliatory — When you are conciliatory in your actions or behaviour, you show that you are willing to end a disagreement with someone.
  • concremation — the cremation of multiple things or people at the same time, esp suttee
  • conductorial — relating to a conductor
  • conferential — Of or pertaining to a conference.
  • configurable — to design or adapt to form a specific configuration or for some specific purpose: The planes are being configured to hold more passengers in each row.
  • configurated — to give a configuration, form, or design to.
  • configurator — an item of software that enables or assists in the configuration of a product
  • confirmation — the act of confirming
  • confirmative — serving to confirm; corroborative.
  • confirmatory — confirming or tending to confirm
  • confiscatory — involving confiscation
  • conformality — (mathematics) The condition (of a map) of being conformal.
  • conformation — the general shape or outline of an object; configuration
  • conformative — (nonstandard) Tending to conform; conforming.
  • congenerical — congeneric
  • congregating — Present participle of congregate.
  • congregation — The people who are attending a church service or who regularly attend a church service are referred to as the congregation.
  • congruential — (mathematics) That uses congruency (division by a modulus).
  • conjurations — Plural form of conjuration.
  • connaisseurs — Plural form of connaisseur.
  • conquistador — The conquistadors were the sixteenth-century Spanish conquerors of Central and South America.
  • consecrating — Present participle of consecrate.
  • consecration — the part of the Mass after the sermon during which the bread and wine are believed to change into the Body and Blood of Christ
  • conservating — Present participle of conservate.
  • conservation — Conservation is saving and protecting the environment.
  • conservatism — Conservatism is a political philosophy which believes that if changes need to be made to society, they should be made gradually. You can also refer to the political beliefs of a conservative party in a particular country as Conservatism.
  • conservative — A Conservative politician or voter is a member of or votes for the Conservative Party in Britain.
  • conservatize — to make or become conservative
  • conservatrix — a woman who conserves or keeps safe; custodian
  • considerable — Considerable means great in amount or degree.
  • considerably — to a noteworthy or marked extent; much; noticeably; substantially; amply.
  • considerance — consideration
  • considerated — Simple past tense and past participle of considerate.
  • consignatory — a cosignatory
  • consistorial — Of or pertaining to a consistory.
  • consolidator — a person or thing that consolidates
  • conspiracies — Plural form of conspiracy.
  • conspiracist — a person who believes in or supports a conspiracy theory.
  • conspiration — a conspiracy
  • conspirators — Plural form of conspirator.
  • conspiratory — the act of conspiring.
  • constraineth — Archaic third-person singular form of constrain.
  • constraining — Present participle of constrain.
  • containerful — As much as a container can hold.
  • containerise — Alternative spelling of containerize.
  • containerize — to convey (cargo) in standard-sized containers
  • contaminator — to make impure or unsuitable by contact or mixture with something unclean, bad, etc.: to contaminate a lake with sewage.
  • conterminant — enclosed within a common boundary
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