
13-letter words containing r, a, d, i, l, m

  • dirty old man — a mature or elderly man with lewd or obscene preoccupations.
  • dirty realism — a style of writing, originating in the US in the 1980s, which depicts in great detail the seamier or more mundane aspects of ordinary life
  • discriminable — capable of being discriminated or distinguished.
  • discriminably — So as to be discriminable; distinguishably.
  • dissimilarity — unlikeness; difference.
  • dissimilatory — to modify by dissimilation.
  • documentarily — Also, documental [dok-yuh-men-tl] /ˌdɒk yəˈmɛn tl/ (Show IPA). pertaining to, consisting of, or derived from documents: a documentary history of France.
  • dolphinariums — Plural form of dolphinarium.
  • domiciliaries — of or relating to a domicile, or place of residence.
  • dramaturgical — the craft or the techniques of dramatic composition.
  • drilling mast — A drilling mast is a structure over an oil well which supports the drilling equipment and allows it to be lifted into and out of the wellbore.
  • drum paneling — flush paneling in a door.
  • dumb terminal — (hardware)   A type of terminal that consists of a keyboard and a display screen that can be used to enter and transmit data to, or display data from, a computer to which it is connected. A dumb terminal, in contrast to an intelligent terminal, has no independent processing capability or auxiliary storage and thus cannot function as a stand-alone device. The dumbest kind of terminal is a glass tty. The next step up has a minimally addressable cursor but no on-screen editing or other features normally supported by an intelligent terminal. Once upon a time, when glass ttys were common and addressable cursors were something special, what is now called a dumb terminal could pass for a smart terminal.
  • family credit — (formerly, in Britain) a means-tested allowance paid to low-earning families with one or more dependent children and one or both parents in work: replaced by Working Families' Tax Credit in 1999
  • family doctor — a general practitioner.
  • family friend — intimate acquaintance of one's family
  • field marshal — an officer of the highest military rank in the British and certain other armies, and of the second highest rank in the French army.
  • flaming sword — a cultivated bromeliad, Vriesea splendens, native to French Guiana, having long, red bracts and yellow flowers.
  • fleet admiral — the highest ranking naval officer, ranking next above admiral.
  • formidability — causing fear, apprehension, or dread: a formidable opponent.
  • germinal disk — blastodisk.
  • graham island — an island in the Pacific Ocean, in W British Columbia, Canada: largest and northernmost of the Queen Charlotte Islands. 2485 sq. mi. (6436 sq. km).
  • haemodialyzer — a piece of equipment used in haemodialysis to screen the blood to remove unwanted substances
  • half-timbered — (of a house or building) having the frame and principal supports of timber and the interstices filled in with masonry, plaster, or the like.
  • holiday-maker — vacationer.
  • holidaymakers — Plural form of holidaymaker.
  • hydrated lime — a soft, white, crystalline, very slightly water-soluble powder, Ca(OH) 2 , obtained by the action of water on lime: used chiefly in mortars, plasters, and cements.
  • hydraulic ram — a device by which the energy of descending water is utilized to raise a part of the water to a height greater than that of the source.
  • hydroxylamine — an unstable, weakly basic, crystalline compound, NH 3 O, used as a reducing agent, analytical reagent, and chemical intermediate.
  • ideal mixture — An ideal mixture is a mixture in which the concentration of any part taken from it is the same as the average for the whole.
  • imponderables — Plural form of imponderable.
  • impredictable — (nonstandard) unpredictable.
  • industrialism — an economic organization of society built largely on mechanized industry rather than agriculture, craftsmanship, or commerce.
  • inland empire — a region in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, E of the Cascade Mountains, in E Washington, NE Oregon, N Idaho, and NW Montana.
  • intermodalism — pertaining to or suitable for transportation involving more than one form of carrier, as truck and rail, or truck, ship, and rail.
  • intradermally — within the dermis.
  • irredeemables — undated government or debenture stock
  • lacrimal duct — either of two small ducts extending from the inner corner of each eyelid to the lacrimal sac.
  • liberalminded — Having a liberal opinion or stance.
  • lucid dreamer — a person who has lucid dreams, either naturally or as a result of training
  • macrodiagonal — the longer of two diagonals
  • madder family — the large plant family Rubiaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, trees, and shrubs having simple, opposite, or whorled leaves, usually four- or five-lobed flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry, capsule, or nut, and including the gardenia, madder, partridgeberry, and shrubs and trees that are the source of coffee, ipecac, and quinine.
  • mail exploder — (messaging)   Part of an electronic mail delivery system which allows a message to be delivered to a list of addresses. Mail exploders are used to implement mailing lists. Users send messages to a single address and the mail exploder takes care of delivery to the individual mailboxes in the list.
  • major medical — insurance designed to compensate for particularly large medical expenses due to a severe or prolonged illness, usually by paying a high percentage of medical bills above a certain amount.
  • maladminister — to administer or manage badly or inefficiently: The mayor was a bungler who maladministered the city budget.
  • maladroitness — lacking in adroitness; unskillful; awkward; bungling; tactless: to handle a diplomatic crisis in a very maladroit way.
  • mandibuliform — Having the form of a mandible; - said especially of the maxill\u00e6 of an insect when hard and adapted for biting.
  • marbled white — any butterfly of the satyrid genus Melanargia, with panelled black-and-white wings, but technically a brown butterfly; found in grassland
  • material mode — the normal use of language that refers to extra-linguistic subjects without explicit mention of the words themselves. Fido is a dog is in the material mode, while "Fido" is a dog's name is in the formal mode
  • medical board — a group of people qualified to give opinions on medical matters
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