
12-letter words containing p, o, g, r

  • pro-suffrage — the right to vote, especially in a political election.
  • problem page — a feature in a newspaper, magazine, etc in which readers' problems are published and answers supplied
  • proctologist — the branch of medicine dealing with the rectum and anus.
  • prodigal son — a figure in a parable of Jesus (Luke 15:11–32); a wayward son who squanders his inheritance but returns home to find that his father forgives him.
  • prodigiosity — the state or quality of being immense, extraordinary or astonishing
  • prodigiously — extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc.: a prodigious research grant.
  • producer gas — a mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen produced by passing air over hot coke, used mainly as a fuel
  • profile drag — the sum of the surface friction drag and the form drag for a body moving subsonically through a fluid
  • profiteering — a person who seeks or exacts exorbitant profits, especially through the sale of scarce or rationed goods.
  • progenitress — a female progenitor (parent or ancestor)
  • progesterone — Biochemistry. a hormone, C 2 1 H 3 0 O 2 , that prepares the uterus for the fertilized ovum and maintains pregnancy.
  • progradation — seaward growth of a beach, delta, fan, etc., by progressive deposition of sediment by rivers or shoreline processes.
  • program note — A program note is an article written in a program for a play or concert that gives information about the performance or production.
  • programmable — capable of being programmed.
  • programmatic — of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling program music.
  • progymnasium — (in Europe) a school that prepares pupils for secondary education (the gymnasium)
  • prolegomenon — a preliminary discussion; introductory essay, as prefatory matter in a book; a prologue.
  • prolog-linda — 1. Prolog extended with Linda-style parallelism. Proc 4th Australian Conf on Artif Intell. 2. Neil MacDonald, U Edinburgh 1989. Another Prolog extended with Linda, implemented on a Computing Surface.
  • prolongation — the act of prolonging: the prolongation of a line.
  • promulgation — to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.).
  • pronouncings — utterances, esp of an official or judgmental nature
  • proofreading — correction of text
  • propagandism — the art, system, or use of propaganda
  • propagandist — a person involved in producing or spreading propaganda.
  • propagandize — to propagate or publicize (principles, dogma, etc.) by means of propaganda.
  • prophesyings — gatherings held to expound the prophecies of the Scriptures
  • propugnation — defence
  • propyl group — any of two univalent, isomeric groups having the formula C 3 H 7 −.
  • prostituting — a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.
  • prosyllogism — a syllogism the conclusion of which is used as a premise of another syllogism; any of the syllogisms included in a polysyllogism except the last.
  • protectingly — in a protective manner
  • proteoglycan — a macromolecule composed of a polysaccharide joined to a polypeptide and forming the ground substance of connective tissue.
  • protest flag — a flag hoisted by a racing yacht to advise the judges of a violation of the rules by another yacht.
  • protistology — the biology of the Protista.
  • protozoology — the branch of biology concerned with the study of protozoans
  • provisioning — a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
  • pruning hook — an implement with a hooked blade, used for pruning vines, branches, etc.
  • pseudography — writing that does not follow conventional spelling or usage
  • psychography — the supposed writing of a spirit or medium
  • pull through — to draw or haul toward oneself or itself, in a particular direction, or into a particular position: to pull a sled up a hill.
  • push through — force to accept
  • put together — assemble
  • pyramidology — a belief system based on the supposed occult significance of the Egyptian pyramids
  • pyrogenicity — the characteristic of causing fever
  • pyrognostics — the characteristics of a mineral, such as fusibility and flame coloration, that are revealed by the application of heat
  • pyroligneous — produced by the distillation of wood.
  • pyromagnetic — (formerly) thermomagnetic (def 1).
  • quiz program — a radio or television program in which contestants compete, often for prizes, by answering questions.
  • radiographer — X-ray technician
  • ranging pole — a pole for marking positions in surveying
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