
14-letter words containing p, m

  • imaginary part — the coefficient b in the complex number a + bi.
  • immune complex — an aggregate of an antigen and its specific antibody.
  • immunophoresis — a technique for identifying the antigens in a blood serum
  • immunosuppress — (transitive) To cause immunosuppression in.
  • impact printer — (printer)   The earlier, noisier kind of printer where part of the mechanism comes into contact with the paper. The term would only be only used in contrast to "non-impact printer". Examples include line printer, daisy wheel printer, golf ball printer, dot matrix printer, Braille printer.
  • imparidigitate — having an odd number of fingers on each limb
  • imparisyllabic — (of a noun) not composed of the same number of syllables in all of its inflected forms, as Latin corpus, corporis.
  • impassableness — The quality of being impassable.
  • impassionately — filled with passion; impassioned.
  • impeachability — The state or condition of being impeachable.
  • imperativeness — absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable: It is imperative that we leave.
  • imperial beach — a city in SW California, near San Diego.
  • imperial eagle — a brown eagle, Aquila heliaca, of Asia and southern Europe: the subspecies A. heliaca adalberti is endangered.
  • impermeability — not permeable; impassable.
  • impersonalised — to make impersonal: The dial system impersonalized the telephone.
  • impersonalized — Simple past tense and past participle of impersonalize.
  • impersonations — Plural form of impersonation.
  • imperturbation — freedom from perturbation; tranquillity; calmness.
  • imperviability — the quality of being imperviable
  • imperviousness — not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable: The coat is impervious to rain.
  • implacableness — The quality of being implacable.
  • implausibility — not plausible; not having the appearance of truth or credibility: an implausible alibi.
  • implementation — the act of implementing, or putting into effect; fulfillment: The implementation of policies to conserve energy will involve personal sacrifice.
  • implied reader — the hypothetical reader that a work is addressed to, whose thoughts, attitudes, etc, may differ from an actual reader's
  • imponderabilia — Those things that are imponderable.
  • import licence — a government-issued document that authorizes the importation of goods into its country
  • imposing stone — a slab, formerly of stone but now usually of metal, on which pages of type or plates are imposed and on which type correcting in the page is done.
  • impossibleness — Quality of being impossible.
  • impoverishment — to reduce to poverty: a country impoverished by war.
  • impracticality — not practical or useful.
  • impregnability — strong enough to resist or withstand attack; not to be taken by force, unconquerable: an impregnable fort.
  • impressibility — The quality of being impressible.
  • impressionable — easily impressed or influenced; susceptible: an impressionable youngster.
  • impressionably — In an impressionable manner.
  • impressionists — Plural form of impressionist.
  • impressiveness — having the ability to impress the mind; arousing admiration, awe, respect, etc.; moving; admirable: an impressive ceremony; an impressive appearance.
  • improvisations — Plural form of improvisation.
  • improvisatrice — Female improvisatore.
  • improvvisatore — an improvisator, especially a person who extemporizes verse.
  • impulse buying — the buying of retail merchandise prompted by a whim on seeing the product displayed
  • income support — welfare payment to low earners
  • incomes policy — a government policy to curb inflation that relies on voluntary compliance rather than on mandatory wage, price, or profit controls.
  • incompetencies — the quality or condition of being incompetent; lack of ability.
  • incompleteness — not complete; lacking some part.
  • incompressible — not capable of being compressed.
  • incorporealism — Existence without a body or material form; immateriality.
  • indecomposable — incapable of being decomposed.
  • indemnity plan — An indemnity plan is a healthcare plan that allows policyholders to choose any healthcare provider they wish, and charges them a fee depending on the rules of the policy.
  • injection pump — An injection pump is a device that supplies fuel under pressure to the injector of a fuel injection system.
  • inspirationism — a belief in some form of divine inspiration, esp the belief that Christian Scripture was divinely inspired
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