
13-letter words containing p, a, n, s, e, r

  • presentiality — the state of being present
  • preservations — to keep alive or in existence; make lasting: to preserve our liberties as free citizens.
  • press-agentry — the vocation or responsibilities of a press agent.
  • presto chango — change at once (usually used imperatively, as in a magician's command).
  • prick-teasing — the behaviour of a prick-tease
  • primary tense — in Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, a tense referring to present or future time
  • principalness — the quality or position of being principal
  • prison inmate — a person who is confined in a prison
  • prison warder — an officer in charge of prisoners in a jail
  • privateersman — an officer or sailor of a privateer.
  • proactiveness — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • processionary — of, relating to, or moving in a procession
  • procrastinate — to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
  • prognosticate — to forecast or predict (something future) from present indications or signs; prophesy.
  • progressional — the act of progressing; forward or onward movement.
  • promised land — Heaven.
  • proteinaceous — Biochemistry. any of numerous, highly varied organic molecules constituting a large portion of the mass of every life form and necessary in the diet of all animals and other nonphotosynthesizing organisms, composed of 20 or more amino acids linked in a genetically controlled linear sequence into one or more long polypeptide chains, the final shape and other properties of each protein being determined by the side chains of the amino acids and their chemical attachments: proteins include such specialized forms as collagen for supportive tissue, hemoglobin for transport, antibodies for immune defense, and enzymes for metabolism.
  • protestantism — the religion of Protestants.
  • protestantize — to convert or cause to conform to Protestantism.
  • provincialise — to make provincial in character.
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • prudentialist — a person who acts prudentially
  • prussian blue — any of a number of blue pigments containing ferrocyanide or ferricyanide complexes
  • pursuit plane — (formerly) an armed airplane designed for speed and maneuverability in fighting enemy aircraft.
  • raising plate — wall plate (def 1).
  • random sample — a statistical sample that is devised to avoid interference so that its distribution is affected only by, and so can be held to represent, that of the whole population
  • re-absorption — resorption (def 2).
  • reading speed — the rate at which something is read, often expressed in terms of words per minute. Reading speed is usually determined by the purpose of reading (for comprehension, learning, memorization, etc)
  • reagent strip — A reagent strip is a thin piece of paper impregnated with a reagent (= a substance that causes a chemical reaction) to a specific substance, used in testing for that substance in a body of fluid.
  • real presence — the doctrine that the substance of the body and blood of Christ are present in the Eucharist.
  • regent's park — a park in central London, laid out as Marylebone Park by John Nash; now known for the London Zoo, its open-air theatre, and Nash's curved terraces
  • release print — Movies. print (def 31).
  • replenishable — able to be replenished
  • representable — to serve to express, designate, stand for, or denote, as a word, symbol, or the like does; symbolize: In this painting the cat represents evil and the bird, good.
  • representamen — (in semiotics) a sign or signifier, whether physical or otherwise, which points to an object
  • repristinated — to restore to the first or original state or condition.
  • republicanism — republican government.
  • resting place — grave
  • revenue stamp — a stamp showing that a governmental tax has been paid.
  • rhaetian alps — a section of the central Alps along E Switzerland's borders with Austria and Italy. Highest peak: Piz Bernina, 4049 m (13 284 ft)
  • rupert's land — (formerly, in Canada) the territories granted by Charles II to the Hudson's Bay Company in 1670 and ceded to the Canadian Government in 1870, comprising all the land watered by rivers flowing into Hudson Bay
  • saint peter's — a basilica in Vatican City: dome designed by Michelangelo.
  • saint-exupery — Antoine de [ahn-twan duh] /ɑ̃ˈtwan də/ (Show IPA), 1900–45, French author and aviator.
  • salad spinner — a utensil used for drying washed salad or vegetables that consists of a plastic basket inside a plastic bowl. The salad is placed in the basket and the outer bowl is then spun using a device such as a gear-operated handle or pull cord, and this spinning then separates water from the salad.
  • saloon keeper — a person who owns or operates a saloon.
  • satin slipper — a play (1925–28) by Paul Claudel.
  • scene painter — a person who paints scenery in a theatre
  • schizophrenia — Psychiatry.. Also called dementia praecox. a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.
  • sea transport — transport by ship over the sea
  • second papers — the documents by which an alien formerly made application for U.S. citizenship after having earlier filed a declaration of intention
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