
19-letter words containing o, p, e, n, a, i

  • newtonian telescope — a reflecting telescope in which a mirror or reflecting prism is mounted on the axis near the eyepiece so that the image may be viewed from outside the telescope tube at right angles to the axis.
  • nicolaus copernicus — Nicolaus [nik-uh-ley-uh s] /ˌnɪk əˈleɪ əs/ (Show IPA), (Mikolaj Kopernik) 1473–1543, Polish astronomer who promulgated the now accepted theory that the earth and the other planets move around the sun (the Copernican System)
  • nine plus two array — the arrangement of microtubules in a flagellum or cilium, consisting of a ring of nine evenly spaced couplets surrounding two central singlets. Symbol: 9 + 2.
  • nonproprietary drug — A nonproprietary drug is a generic drug that is essentially similar to a drug with a brand name.
  • nonrepresentational — not resembling or portraying any object in physical nature: a nonrepresentational painting.
  • norfolk island pine — a coniferous evergreen tree, Araucaria heterophylla (or A. excelsa), having whorled branches and needlelike foliage, widely cultivated as a houseplant.
  • north pacific ocean — the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, extending from the equator to the Arctic Ocean.
  • notre-dame-de-paris — Also called Notre Dame de Paris [French naw-truh dam duh pa-ree] /French nɔ trə dam də paˈri/ (Show IPA). a famous early gothic cathedral in Paris (started 1163).
  • occupational health — Occupational health is the branch of medicine that deals with the health of people in their workplace or in relation to their job.
  • old english pattern — a spoon pattern having a stem curving backward at the end.
  • on pins and needles — a tingly, prickly sensation in a limb that is recovering from numbness.
  • one's pride and joy — Someone or something that is your pride and joy is very important to you and makes you feel very happy.
  • operational testing — (testing)   A US DoD term for testing performed by the end-user on software in its normal operating environment.
  • operations director — a director or senior manager who oversees the efficiency of business operations
  • operations research — the analysis, usually involving mathematical treatment, of a process, problem, or operation to determine its purpose and effectiveness and to gain maximum efficiency.
  • oral interpretation — the study and practice of vocally expressing the meaning of written compositions, especially of literature.
  • orthopaedic surgeon — a surgeon specializing in the branch of surgery concerned with disorders of the spine and joints and the repair of deformities of these parts
  • over-interpretation — the act of interpreting; elucidation; explication: This writer's work demands interpretation.
  • overhead projection — the projection (using an overhead projector) of an enlarged image of a transparency onto a surface above and behind the person using it
  • oxidation potential — (in a galvanic cell) the potential of the electrode at which oxidation occurs.
  • palaeoethnobotanist — someone who studies fossil seeds and grains to further archaeological knowledge, esp of the domestication of cereals
  • paleoanthropologist — the study of the origins and predecessors of the present human species, using fossils and other remains.
  • pancreatic fibrosis — cystic fibrosis.
  • paradichlorobenzene — a white, crystalline, volatile, water-insoluble solid, C 6 H 4 Cl 2 , of the benzene series, having a penetrating odor: used chiefly as a moth repellent.
  • parallel processing — extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging: parallel rows of trees.
  • parallel projection — a projection from one plane to a second plane in which the lines joining points on the first plane and corresponding images are parallel.
  • parametric equation — one of two or more equations expressing the location of a point on a curve or surface by determining each coordinate separately.
  • parathyroid hormone — a polypeptide hormone, produced in the parathyroid glands, that helps regulate the blood levels of calcium and phosphate. Abbreviation: PTH.
  • parkinson's disease — a common neurologic disease believed to be caused by deterioration of the brain cells that produce dopamine, occurring primarily after the age of 60, characterized by tremors, especially of the fingers and hands, muscle rigidity, shuffling gait, slow speech, and a masklike facial expression.
  • parthenogenetically — development of an egg without fertilization.
  • particle separation — a rule that moves the particle of a phrasal verb, thus deriving a sentence like He looked the answer up from a structure that also underlies He looked up the answer
  • particle technology — Particle technology is knowledge and study which relates to particles, and is used in industry.
  • parting of the ways — When there is a parting of the ways, two or more people or groups of people stop working together or travelling together.
  • pass someone's lips — to be eaten or drunk by someone
  • pastoral counseling — the use of psychotherapeutic techniques by trained members of the clergy to assist parishioners who seek help for personal or emotional problems.
  • pattern recognition — the automated identification of shapes or forms or patterns of speech.
  • pedestrian crossing — place to cross road
  • performance anxiety — the stage fright that a person feels when they are about to perform (a play, piece of music etc) in front of an audience
  • performance figures — the statistics that indicate how well or badly a company or organization has performed
  • periodontal disease — any of various mixed bacterial infections that affect the soft tissues and bones supporting the teeth.
  • peritoneal dialysis — a form of dialysis in which the peritoneum is used as an autogenous semipermeable membrane
  • perpetual adoration — uninterrupted adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
  • perpetual inventory — a form of stock control in which running records are kept of all acquisitions and disposals
  • personal belongings — possessions; things that belong to someone
  • personal stationery — headed notepaper
  • phacoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phakoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phenanthrenequinone — a yellowish-orange, crystalline, water-insoluble solid, C 1 4 H 8 O 2 , used chiefly in organic synthesis and the manufacture of dyes.
  • phenylpropanolamine — a substance, C 9 H 1 3 NO, related to ephedrine and amphetamine, available in various popular nonprescription diet aids as an appetite suppressant.
  • phenylthiocarbamide — a crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 6 H 5 NHCSNH 2 , that is either tasteless or bitter, depending upon the heredity of the taster, and is used in medical genetics and as a diagnostic.
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