
19-letter words containing o, n, s, c

  • north-central state — a state of N Nigeria. Capital: Kaduna. Pop: 4 438 007 (1995 est). Area: 46 053 sq km (17 781 sq miles)
  • northern hog sucker — black sucker.
  • northwest ordinance — the act of Congress in 1787 providing for the government of the Northwest Territory and setting forth the steps by which its subdivisions might become states.
  • noughts and crosses — tick-tack-toe (def 1).
  • noughts-and-crosses — tick-tack-toe (def 1).
  • object-oriented sql — (language)   (OSQL) A functional language, a superset of SQL, used in Hewlett-Packard's OpenODB database system.
  • obsolescence clause — a clause in an insurance policy that takes account of the obsolescence of the item insured in order to lower the amount to be paid out in the event of a claim
  • oceanus procellarum — (Ocean of Storms) the largest dark plain on the face of the moon, in the second and third quadrants: about 2 million square miles (5.2 million sq. km).
  • of one's own accord — to be in agreement or harmony; agree.
  • old church slavonic — the oldest attested Slavic language, an ecclesiastical language written first by Cyril and Methodius in a Bible translation of the 9th century and continued in use for about two centuries. It represents the South Slavic, Bulgarian dialect of 9th-century Salonika with considerable addition of other South and West Slavic elements. Abbreviation: OCS.
  • old spanish customs — irregular practices among a group of workers to gain increased financial allowances, reduced working hours, etc
  • ole custom controls — (programming)   (OCX) An Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom control allowing infinite extension of the Microsoft Access control set. OCX is similar in purpose to VBX used in Visual Basic. Available OCX's include "Scroll Bar Control", "Calendar Control", and "Data Outline Control".
  • on (or off) course — moving (or not moving) in the intended direction
  • on an empty stomach — If you do something on an empty stomach, you do it without having eaten.
  • on cue/as if on cue — If you say that something happened on cue or as if on cue, you mean that it happened just when it was expected to happen, or just at the right time.
  • on no consideration — for no reason whatsoever; never
  • on one's conscience — causing feelings of guilt or remorse
  • open source license — (legal)   Any document that attempts to specify open source usage and distribution of software. These licenses are usually drafted by experts and are likely to be more legally sound than one a programmer could write. However, loopholes do exist. Here is a non-exhaustive list of open source licenses: 1. Public Domain - No license. 2. BSD License - An early open source license 3. General Public License (GPL) - The copyleft license of the Free Software Foundation. Used for GNU software and much of Linux. 4. Artistic License Less restrictive than the GPL, permitted by Perl in addition to the GPL. 5. Mozilla Public Licenses. (MPL, MozPL) and Netscape Public License (NPL).
  • open-hearth process — a process of steelmaking in which the charge is laid in a furnace (open-hearth furnace) on a shallow hearth and heated directly by burning gas as well as radiatively by the furnace walls.
  • operations director — a director or senior manager who oversees the efficiency of business operations
  • operations research — the analysis, usually involving mathematical treatment, of a process, problem, or operation to determine its purpose and effectiveness and to gain maximum efficiency.
  • optimising compiler — (programming, tool)   compiler which attempts to analyse the code it produces and to produce more efficient code by performing program transformation such as branch elimination, partial evaluation, or peep-hole optimisation. Contrast pessimising compiler.
  • ordnance survey map — An Ordnance Survey map is a detailed map produced by the British or Irish government map-making organization.
  • orthopaedic surgeon — a surgeon specializing in the branch of surgery concerned with disorders of the spine and joints and the repair of deformities of these parts
  • oscillating circuit — a circuit producing electrical oscillations.
  • pancreatic fibrosis — cystic fibrosis.
  • parallel processing — extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging: parallel rows of trees.
  • particle separation — a rule that moves the particle of a phrasal verb, thus deriving a sentence like He looked the answer up from a structure that also underlies He looked up the answer
  • particular solution — a solution of a differential equation containing no arbitrary constants.
  • pastoral counseling — the use of psychotherapeutic techniques by trained members of the clergy to assist parishioners who seek help for personal or emotional problems.
  • pedestrian crossing — place to cross road
  • penecontemporaneous — formed during or shortly after the formation of the containing rock stratum: penecontemporaneous minerals.
  • percussion drilling — Percussion drilling is a drilling method which involves lifting and dropping heavy tools to break rock, and uses steel casing tubes to stop the borehole from collapsing.
  • performance figures — the statistics that indicate how well or badly a company or organization has performed
  • performance targets — the expected or predicted success level of an individual, company or organization
  • persecution complex — an acute irrational fear that other people are plotting one's downfall and that they are responsible for one's failures
  • personal watercraft — a jet-propelled boat ridden like a motorcycle.
  • phacoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phakoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • photoreconnaissance — reconnaissance using aerial photography.
  • pied-de-biche spoon — a spoon having a handle with a trifid end.
  • pirates of penzance — an operetta (1879) by Sir William S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan.
  • plastic deformation — In plastic deformation a material changes shape when a stress is applied to it and does not go back to its original state when the stress is removed.
  • pneumogastric nerve — the vagus nerve.
  • political scientist — A political scientist is someone who studies, writes, or lectures about political science.
  • political-scientist — a social science dealing with political institutions and with the principles and conduct of government.
  • polytene chromosome — a giant, cross-banded chromosome that results from multiple replication of its genetic material with the duplicated chromatin strands remaining closely associated.
  • population genetics — the branch of genetics concerned with the hereditary makeup of populations.
  • port jackson willow — an Australian acacia tree, Acacia cyanophylla, introduced in the 19th century into South Africa, where it is now regarded as a pest
  • post-and-rail fence — a fence constructed of upright wooden posts with horizontal timber slotted through it
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