
11-letter words containing o, m, e, n, t

  • monkey fist — a ball-like knot used as an ornament or as a throwing weight at the end of a line.
  • monkey sort — bogo-sort
  • monkey suit — a tuxedo or full-dress suit.
  • monkey tail — any of various light or short ropes or lines.
  • monocentric — Having a single centre.
  • monoculture — the use of land for growing only one type of crop.
  • monodentate — (chemistry) Describing a ligand that has only a single bond with the central atom.
  • monoestrous — monestrous.
  • monogenetic — of or relating to monogenesis; monogenous.
  • monogenists — the theory that the human race has descended from a single pair of individuals or a single ancestral type.
  • monohydrate — a hydrate that contains one molecule of water, as ammonium carbonate, (NH 4) 2 CO 3 ·H 2 O.
  • monophysite — a person who maintains that Christ has one nature, partly divine and partly human.
  • monostrophe — a poem in which all the strophes or stanzas are of the same metrical form.
  • monotechnic — of or offering instruction in a single scientific or technical subject.
  • monoterpene — (organic chemistry) any terpene formed from two isoprene units, and having ten carbon atoms; either hydrocarbons such as pinene, or compounds with functional groups such as camphor.
  • monothelete — a person who adhered to the doctrine of monotheletism
  • monothelite — a person who maintains that Christ has a single theanthropic will.
  • monotherapy — (medicine) A therapy which is administered by itself.
  • monstrances — Plural form of monstrance.
  • mont cervinMont [mawn] /mɔ̃/ (Show IPA). French name of the Matterhorn.
  • montbéliard — an industrial town in E France: former capital of the duchy of Burgundy. Pop: 27 570 (1999)
  • monte alban — a major ceremonial center of the Zapotec culture, near the city of Oaxaca, Mexico, occupied from 600 b.c. to a.d. 700.
  • monte carlo — a town in Monaco principality, in SE France: gambling resort.
  • monte corno — a mountain in central Italy: highest peak in the Apennines, 9585 feet (2922 meters).
  • monte leone — Giovanni [jaw-vahn-nee] /dʒɔˈvɑn ni/ (Show IPA), 1908–2001, Italian political leader: prime minister 1963, 1968; president 1971–78.
  • montefeltro — an Italian noble family who ruled Urbino from the 13th to the 16th century. Federigo Montefeltro, duke of Urbino (1422–82), was a noted patron of the arts and military leader
  • montego bay — a city in NW Jamaica: seaside resort.
  • montelukast — a type of oral drug containing a leukotriene inhibitor, used in the treatment of asthma and seasonal allergies.
  • montenegrin — a republic in S Europe since 2006: formerly a constituent republic of Yugoslavia, in the SW part (1918–2006); an independent kingdom 1878–1918. 6333 sq. mi. (13,812 sq. km). Capital: Podgorica.
  • montesquieu — (Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de la Brède et de Montesquieu) 1689–1755, French philosophical writer.
  • montgolfier — a balloon raised by air heated from a fire in the lower part.
  • montherlant — Henry de [ahn-ree duh] /ɑ̃ˈri də/ (Show IPA), 1896–1972, French author.
  • monticulate — having low rising mounds or protrusions
  • montmorencyAnne [an;; French an] /æn;; French an/ (Show IPA), Duc de, 1493–1567, French marshal: constable of France 1537.
  • montpellier — a department in S France. 2403 sq. mi. (6225 sq. km). Capital: Montpellier.
  • moon letter — any letter, as bā or mīm, representing a consonant that does not assimilate the l of a prefixed definite article.
  • moonlighted — Simple past tense and past participle of moonlight.
  • moonlighter — the light of the moon.
  • morgenstern — a weapon consisting of a ball set with spikes attached to the end of a club, often attached by a chain
  • morning tea — a mid-morning snack with a cup of tea
  • morningtide — (poetic) Morning time.
  • most-centum — belonging to or consisting of those branches of the Indo-European family of languages that show distinctive preservation of the Proto-Indo-European labiovelars and that show a historical development of velar articulations, as the sounds (k) or [kh] /x/ (Show IPA) from Proto-Indo-European palatal phonemes. The centum branches are Germanic, Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, Anatolian, and Tocharian.
  • most-lupine — pertaining to or resembling the wolf.
  • motherlands — Plural form of motherland.
  • motion jpeg — Moving JPEG
  • motoneurons — Plural form of motoneuron.
  • motorneuron — Alternative spelling of motor neuron.
  • mount elgon — an extinct volcano in E Africa, on the Kenya-Uganda border. Height: 4321m (14 178 ft)
  • mount kenya — an extinct volcano in central Kenya: the second highest mountain in Africa; girth at 2400 m (8000 ft) is about 150 km (95 miles). The regions above 3200 m (10 500 ft) constitute Mount Kenya National Park. Height: 5199 m (17 058 ft)
  • mount pearl — a town in Newfoundland, in E Canada, on the SE part of the island, S of St. John's.
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