
19-letter words containing o, c, t, i, l, e

  • swallow-tailed coat — tail coat.
  • tangential-velocity — the component of the linear motion of a star with respect to the sun, measured along a line perpendicular to its line of sight and expressed in miles or kilometers per second.
  • teacher-pupil ratio — the number of teachers relative to the number of pupils in a particular school
  • teaching fellowship — a fellowship providing a student in a graduate school with free tuition and expenses and stipulating that the student assume some teaching duties in return.
  • telephone directory — a book, directory, or the like, usually containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers in a city or other area, together with their addresses and telephone numbers.
  • telescopic umbrella — an umbrella having parts that telescope
  • the compassion club — (in Canada) a nonprofit organization that provides uncontaminated cannabis for medical purposes and natural therapies in a safe environment
  • the little corporal — a nickname of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • the oceanic feeling — a term coined by Sigmund Freud to describe the feeling experienced by people who have religious faith
  • the social register — a directory, now published annually, of the families who are considered to form the country's social élite
  • the vatican council — the second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, also known as Vatican II, which sat from 1962 to 1965, and among other things allowed the liturgy to be said in the local language, not Latin
  • the whole enchilada — all of it; everything; the entirety of something
  • theatrical producer — a person who is responsible for all aspects of a theatrical production
  • theological virtues — one of the three graces: faith, hope, or charity, infused into the human intellect and will by a special grace of God.
  • theoretical physics — abstract use of physics
  • therapeutic cloning — the permitted creation of cloned human tissues for surgical transplant
  • thermoelectromotive — designating or of the electromotive force produced by a thermocouple
  • ticket-of-leave man — (formerly in Britain) a convict who had a permit to leave prison, after serving only part of his sentence, with certain restrictions placed on him
  • tie-clip microphone — a small microphone that is clipped to a person's tie
  • to cast a/its spell — If something or someone casts their spell on you or casts a spell on you, you are fascinated or charmed by them.
  • to click into place — If you have been trying to understand something puzzling and then everything falls into place or clicks into place, you suddenly understand how different pieces of information are connected and everything becomes clearer.
  • to click your heels — If someone such as a soldier clicks their heels, they make a sound by knocking the heels of their shoes together when saluting or greeting someone.
  • to come full circle — If you say that you have come full circle or have turned full circle, you mean that after a long series of events or changes the same situation that you started with still exists.
  • to go blackberrying — to go on an outing to collect blackberries
  • to stick out a mile — If you say that something or someone sticks out a mile or stands out a mile, you are emphasizing that they are very obvious and easy to recognize.
  • to the exclusion of — If you do one thing to the exclusion of something else, you only do the first thing and do not do the second thing at all.
  • torricellian vacuum — the vacuum at the top of a Torricellian tube
  • traffic regulations — rules designed to expedite the flow of traffic and prevent collisions
  • trahison des clercs — a compromising of intellectual integrity, esp. for political reasons
  • trickle bed reactor — A trickle bed reactor is a reactor in which gravity makes a gas and a liquid flow through a bed of catalyst.
  • trickle-down theory — an economic theory that monetary benefits directed especially by the government to big business will in turn pass down to and profit smaller businesses and the general public.
  • triple counterpoint — invertible counterpoint involving three transposable voices.
  • trooping the colour — a military ceremony, performed by regiments of the British army and the Commonwealth, in which the regimental colour or flag is marched past ranks of troops
  • tropical depression — an atmospheric low-pressure system originating in the tropics, specifically, a tropical cyclone in which the maximum sustained wind speed is 38 miles per hour (62 kilometers per hour) or less.
  • trusteeship council — a United Nations body that supervises the government of a territory by a foreign country
  • tuamotu archipelago — a group of about 80 coral islands in the S Pacific, in French Polynesia. Pop: 15 973 (2002; including the Gambier Islands). Area: 860 sq km (332 sq miles)
  • tussock caterpillar — the larva of a tussock moth.
  • typographical error — an error in printed or typewritten matter resulting from striking the improper key of a keyboard, from mechanical failure, or the like.
  • ultramicrochemistry — the branch of microchemistry dealing with minute quantities of material weighing one microgram or less.
  • ultrasonic cleaning — the use of ultrasound to vibrate a piece to be cleaned while the piece is immersed in a cleaning fluid. The process produces a very high degree of cleanliness, and is used for jewellery and ornately shaped items
  • under police escort — If you go somewhere or are taken somewhere under police escort, you go there accompanied by a police escort.
  • vaginal intercourse — intercourse involving insertion of the penis into the vagina
  • valencian community — region comprising three provinces of E Spain: 8,998 sq mi (23,305 sq km); pop. 4,029,000; cap. Valencia
  • velocity microphone — a microphone in which the output varies according to the instantaneous velocity of the air molecules in the incident sound waves.
  • velocity modulation — the modulation in velocity of a beam of electrons or ions caused by passing the beam through a high-frequency electric field, as in a cavity resonator
  • vicariate apostolic — a district under the jurisdiction of a vicar apostolic.
  • victor emmanuel iii — 1869–1947, king of Italy 1900–46.
  • vigilance committee — an unauthorized committee of citizens organized for the maintenance of order and the summary punishment of crime in the absence of regular or efficient courts.
  • vitamin b (complex) — a group of unrelated water-soluble vitamins found in liver, yeast, etc., including: a) vitamin B1 (see thiamine) b) vitamin B2 (see riboflavin) c) vitamin B6 (see pyridoxine) d) nicotinic acid e) pantothenic acid f) biotin g) inositol h) para-aminobenzoic acid i) choline j) folic acid k) vitamin B12 a complex vitamin, C63H90N14O14PCo, containing trivalent cobalt, essential for the normal maturation of erythrocytes, and for normal growth and neurological function, and used esp. in treating pernicious anemia and as an animal feed supplement
  • vocational guidance — the process of assisting a student to choose, prepare for, and enter an occupation for which he or she shows aptitude.
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