
19-letter words containing o, c, t, i, l, e

  • office-block ballot — a ballot on which the candidates are listed alphabetically, with or without their party designations, in columns under the office for which they were nominated.
  • olive-backed thrush — Swainson's thrush.
  • optical double star — two stars that appear as one if not viewed through a telescope with adequate magnification, such as two stars that are separated by a great distance but are nearly in line with each other and an observer (optical double star) or those that are relatively close together and comprise a single physical system (physical double star)
  • optical mark reader — (hardware)   (OMR) A special scanning device that can read carefully placed pencil marks on specially designed documents. OMR is frequenty used in forms, questionnaires, and answer-sheets.
  • optimising compiler — (programming, tool)   compiler which attempts to analyse the code it produces and to produce more efficient code by performing program transformation such as branch elimination, partial evaluation, or peep-hole optimisation. Contrast pessimising compiler.
  • over-centralization — the act or fact of centralizing; fact of being centralized.
  • parallel projection — a projection from one plane to a second plane in which the lines joining points on the first plane and corresponding images are parallel.
  • parthenogenetically — development of an egg without fertilization.
  • particle dispersoid — A particle dispersoid is a suspension of solid particles in a gas.
  • particle separation — a rule that moves the particle of a phrasal verb, thus deriving a sentence like He looked the answer up from a structure that also underlies He looked up the answer
  • particle technology — Particle technology is knowledge and study which relates to particles, and is used in industry.
  • pastoral counseling — the use of psychotherapeutic techniques by trained members of the clergy to assist parishioners who seek help for personal or emotional problems.
  • paumotu archipelago — Tuamotu Archipelago.
  • persecution complex — an acute irrational fear that other people are plotting one's downfall and that they are responsible for one's failures
  • phacoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phakoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phenylthiocarbamide — a crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 6 H 5 NHCSNH 2 , that is either tasteless or bitter, depending upon the heredity of the taster, and is used in medical genetics and as a diagnostic.
  • photoelectric meter — an exposure meter using a photocell for the measurement of light intensity.
  • photovoltaic effect — the phenomenon in which the incidence of light or other electromagnetic radiation upon the junction of two dissimilar materials, as a metal and a semiconductor, induces the generation of an electromotive force.
  • phthalocyanine blue — a pigment used in painting, derived from copper phthalocyanine and characterized chiefly by its brilliant, dark-blue color and by permanence.
  • pileated woodpecker — a large, black-and-white American woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus, having a prominent red crest.
  • plastic deformation — In plastic deformation a material changes shape when a stress is applied to it and does not go back to its original state when the stress is removed.
  • point of inflection — inflection point.
  • police headquarters — building where police are stationed
  • police intervention — the physical involvement of police officers in an incident, esp where officers use force to control public disorder, such as a riot
  • political geography — the branch of human geography that deals with the relationship between political processes and spatial structures (regions, territories, etc)
  • political scientist — A political scientist is someone who studies, writes, or lectures about political science.
  • political-scientist — a social science dealing with political institutions and with the principles and conduct of government.
  • politically correct — marked by or adhering to a typically progressive orthodoxy on issues involving especially ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or ecology: The actor’s comment about unattractive women was not politically correct. The CEO feels that people who care about being politically correct are overly sensitive. Abbreviations: PC, P.C.
  • polyphonic ringtone — (in mobile phones) a ringtone in which more than one musical note is played at the same time
  • population genetics — the branch of genetics concerned with the hereditary makeup of populations.
  • post office problem — (algorithm)   Given a set of points (in N dimensions), find another point which minimises the sum of the distances from that point to each of the others.
  • post-and-rail fence — a fence constructed of upright wooden posts with horizontal timber slotted through it
  • preproduction model — a prototype of a product before the product goes into full-scale production
  • preproduction trial — a trial to test a prototype of a product before the product goes into full-scale production
  • priority scheduling — (operating system)   Processes scheduling in which the scheduler selects tasks to run based on their priority as opposed to, say, a simple round-robin. Priorities may be static or dynamic. Static priorities are assigned at the time of creation, while dynamic priorities are based on the processes' behaviour while in the system. For example, the scheduler may favour I/O-intensive tasks so that expensive requests can be issued as early as possible. A danger of priority scheduling is starvation, in which processes with lower priorities are not given the opportunity to run. In order to avoid starvation, in preemptive scheduling, the priority of a process is gradually reduced while it is running. Eventually, the priority of the running process will no longer be the highest, and the next process will start running. This method is called aging.
  • prismatic telescope — a telescope having an eyepiece at the side or top equipped with a reflecting prism, used for taking sights at steep angles.
  • pseudo-intellectual — a person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship.
  • psychotechnological — of or relating to psychotechnology
  • quantum electronics — the application of quantum mechanics and quantum optics to the study and design of electronic devices
  • radioactive fallout — the settling to the ground of airborne particles ejected into the atmosphere from the earth by explosions, eruptions, forest fires, etc., especially such settling from nuclear explosions (radioactive fallout) Compare rainout.
  • radiopharmaceutical — any of a number of radioactive drugs used diagnostically or therapeutically.
  • reciprocity failure — a failure of the two exposure variables, light intensity and exposure time, to behave in a reciprocal fashion at very high or very low values
  • reconceptualization — to form into a concept; make a concept of.
  • recurrence relation — (mathematics)   An equation that defines each element of a sequence in terms of one or more earlier elements. E.g. The Fibonacci sequence, X[1] = 1 X[2] = 1 X[n] = X[n-1] + X[n-2] Some recurrence relations can be converted to "closed form" where X[n] is defined purely in terms of n, without reference to earlier elements.
  • reduction potential — (in a galvanic cell) the potential of the electrode at which reduction occurs.
  • register allocation — (compiler, algorithm)   The phase of a compiler that determines which values will be placed in registers. Register allocation may be combined with register assignment. This problem can be shown to be isomorphic to graph colouring by relating values to nodes in the graph and registers to colours. Values (nodes) which must be valid simultaneously are linked by edges and cannot be stored in the same register (coloured the same). See also register dancing and register spilling.
  • relational calculus — (database)   An operational methodolgy, founded on predicate calculus, dealing with descripitive expressions that are equivalent to the operations of relational algebra. Codd's reduction algorithm can convert from relational calculus to relational algebra. Two forms of the relational calculus exist: the tuple calculus and the domain calculus.
  • relative complement — the set of elements contained in a given set that are not elements of another specified set.
  • religious education — religion as school subject
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