
15-letter words containing n, u, r, s, e

  • neuropsychology — The study of the relationship between behavior, emotion, and cognition on the one hand, and brain function on the other.
  • neuroscientific — the field of study encompassing the various scientific disciplines dealing with the structure, development, function, chemistry, pharmacology, and pathology of the nervous system.
  • neuroscientists — Plural form of neuroscientist.
  • neutral density — black, white, or a shade of grey; a colourless tone
  • neutral spirits — nonflavored alcohol of 95 percent, or 190 proof, obtained chiefly from grain or molasses or redistilled from brandy, rum, etc., used for blending with straight whiskies and in the making of gin, cordials, liqueurs, and the like.
  • new brunswicker — a native or inhabitant of New Brunswick
  • nil desperandum — never despair
  • non prosequitur — a judgment entered against the plaintiff in a suit when the plaintiff does not appear in court to prosecute it.
  • non-putrescible — liable to become putrid.
  • non-suppurative — suppurating; characterized by suppuration.
  • nonconstructive — helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement (opposed to destructive): constructive criticism.
  • noninstrumental — serving or acting as an instrument or means; useful; helpful.
  • norman conquest — the conquest of England by the Normans, under William the Conqueror, in 1066.
  • not be yourself — If you say that you are not yourself, you mean you are not feeling well.
  • nuclear fission — fission (def 2).
  • nuclear physics — the branch of physics that deals with the behavior, structure, and component parts of atomic nuclei.
  • nuclear testing — the process of carrying out a test on a nuclear weapon to determine effectiveness, etc
  • nuisance caller — someone who makes an unsolicited telephone call such as a prank call or a call for telemarketing purposes
  • nuisance ground — a garbage dump.
  • nursing studies — the study of nursing
  • nutty professor — a professor or academic person who is eccentric or slightly crazy or unusual
  • nyquist theorem — (communications)   A theorem stating that when an analogue waveform is digitised, only the frequencies in the waveform below half the sampling frequency will be recorded. In order to reconstruct (interpolate) a signal from a sequence of samples, sufficient samples must be recorded to capture the peaks and troughs of the original waveform. If a waveform is sampled at less than twice its frequency the reconstructed waveform will effectively contribute only noise. This phenomenon is called "aliasing" (the high frequencies are "under an alias"). This is why the best digital audio is sampled at 44,000 Hz - twice the average upper limit of human hearing. The Nyquist Theorem is not specific to digitised signals (represented by discrete amplitude levels) but applies to any sampled signal (represented by discrete time values), not just sound.
  • obstructiveness — The characteristic of being obstructive.
  • obtuse triangle — a triangle with one obtuse angle.
  • odoriferousness — The quality of being odoriferous.
  • off one's guard — to keep safe from harm or danger; protect; watch over: to guard the ruler.
  • okhotsk current — a cold ocean current flowing SW from the Bering Sea, E of the Kurile Islands, along the E coast of Japan where it meets the Japan Current.
  • on one's honour — on the pledge of one's word or good name
  • on one's uppers — higher, as in place, position, pitch, or in a scale: the upper stories of a house; the upper register of a singer's voice.
  • one's last hour — the time of one's death
  • open university — higher education by correspondence
  • opposite number — counterpart; equivalent: New members with an interest in folk art will find their opposite numbers in the association's directory.
  • opprobriousness — The state or condition of being opprobrious.
  • ordinal numbers — Also called ordinal numeral. any of the numbers that express degree, quality, or position in a series, as first, second, and third (distinguished from cardinal number).
  • ordnance survey — mapmaking agency
  • organomagnesium — pertaining to or noting an organic compound, especially an organic halide, containing magnesium linked to carbon.
  • over-enthusiasm — absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest: He shows marked enthusiasm for his studies.
  • overconsumption — the act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction.
  • overspeculation — the contemplation or consideration of some subject: to engage in speculation on humanity's ultimate destiny.
  • overstimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • overzealousness — too zealous: overzealous for reform.
  • parallel cousin — a cousin who is the child either of one's mother's sister or of one's father's brother.
  • pay as you earn — a method of paying tax in which the tax is taken off your wages before they are paid to you
  • pearly nautilus — nautilus (def 1).
  • penal servitude — imprisonment together with hard labor.
  • penshurst place — a 14th-century mansion near Tunbridge Wells in Kent: birthplace of Sir Philip Sidney; gardens laid out from 1560
  • percussion lock — a gunlock on a firearm that fires by striking a percussion cap.
  • percussion tool — a power driven tool which operates by striking rapid blows: the power may be electricity or compressed air
  • perfunctoriness — performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy.
  • pergamentaceous — (esp of plants) resembling parchment, whether in texture or composition
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