
14-letter words containing n, o, m, e, r

  • bamboo network — a network of close-knit Chinese entrepreneurs with large corporate empires in southeast Asia
  • ban-the-bomber — a person who vigorously advocates banning the development or use of nuclear weapons.
  • banana problem — (programming, humour)   From the story of the little girl who said "I know how to spell "banana", but I don't know when to stop". Not knowing where or when to bring a production to a close (compare fencepost error). One may say "there is a banana problem" of an algorithm with poorly defined or incorrect termination conditions, or in discussing the evolution of a design that may be succumbing to featuritis (see also creeping elegance, creeping featuritis).
  • battered woman — See under battered woman syndrome.
  • battered-women — the array of physical and psychological injuries exhibited by women (battered women or battered wives) who have been beaten repeatedly or otherwise abused by their partners or spouses.
  • beta geminorum — Pollux
  • beyond compare — If you describe something as beyond compare, you mean that it is extremely good or extremely great.
  • beyond measure — If you say that something has changed or that it has affected you beyond measure, you are emphasizing that it has done this to a great extent.
  • big government — a form of government characterized by high taxation and public spending and centralization of political power
  • bildungsromane — a type of novel concerned with the education, development, and maturing of a young protagonist.
  • bioregionalism — the conviction that environmental and social policies should be determined by the bioregion rather than economics or politics
  • bioremediation — the use of plants to extract heavy metals from contaminated soils and water
  • bomber command — a former unit of the Royal Air Force dedicated to tactical and strategic bombing, esp during WWII
  • boring machine — a machine that bores holes, tunnels, etc
  • bornyl formate — a liquid, C 11 H 18 O 2 , having a piny odor, used chiefly as a scent in the manufacture of soaps and disinfectants.
  • bouleversement — an overthrow or reversal; violent turmoil
  • bound moisture — Bound moisture is liquid in a solid, which exerts a vapor pressure that is less than the pure liquid would do at the same temperature.
  • bowstring hemp — a hemplike fibre obtained from the sansevieria
  • bring onstream — To bring onstream a plant, mine, oilfield, etc. is to start production there.
  • bring sth home — To bring something home to someone means to make them understand how important or serious it is.
  • bring to terms — to reduce to submission; force to agree
  • brown stem rot — a disease of soybeans, characterized by brown discoloration and decay of internal tissues of the stem and leaf, caused by a fungus, Cephalosporium gregatum.
  • cadmium bronze — an alloy of copper with about 1 percent cadmium.
  • cadmium orange — a yellow color approaching orange.
  • cairngormstone — (mineral, rare) A yellow or smoky brown variety of rock crystal, found especially in the mountains of w Cairngorm in Scotland.
  • calendar month — A calendar month is one of the twelve months of the year.
  • camp counselor — activities supervisor
  • caramelisation — (chiefly British) alternative spelling of caramelization.
  • caramelization — the conversion of sugar into caramel, caused by heating
  • carpenter moth — any of various large moths of the family Cossidae, the larvae of which bore beneath and cause damage to tree bark
  • carpet bombing — Carpet bombing is heavy bombing from aircraft, with the intention of hitting as many places as possible in a particular area.
  • castrametation — the art of designing and laying out an encampment
  • celto-germanic — having the characteristics of both the Celtic and Germanic peoples.
  • censure motion — a motion in a deliberative body to censure someone
  • center of mass — the point in a body or system of bodies at which the entire mass may be assumed to be concentrated
  • central moment — a moment about the center of a distribution, usually the mean.
  • centre of mass — the point at which the mass of a system could be concentrated without affecting the behaviour of the system under the action of external linear forces
  • ceremonial tea — a Japanese green tea made from choice shade-grown leaves that are cured by a steaming, drying, and powdering process: used in chanoyu.
  • champagne cork — a cork used in a champagne bottle
  • chemical toner — toner (def 4).
  • chemical-toner — a person or thing that tones.
  • chemoreception — the response of a chemoreceptor to chemical stimuli
  • chemosterilant — any process or chemical compound that can produce sterility, used esp. in insect control
  • chimney corner — a recess that contains a seat in a large open fireplace; inglenook
  • china syndrome — a hypothetical nuclear-reactor accident in which the fuel would melt through the floor of the containment structure and burrow into the earth.
  • chlorpromazine — a drug derived from phenothiazine, used as a tranquillizer and sedative, esp in psychotic disorders. Formula: C17H19ClN2S
  • cholestyramine — a drug that reduces and prevents re-absorption of bile in the body
  • chromoproteins — Plural form of chromoprotein.
  • chronometrical — a timepiece or timing device with a special mechanism for ensuring and adjusting its accuracy, for use in determining longitude at sea or for any purpose where very exact measurement of time is required.
  • cimarron-river — a river flowing E from NE New Mexico to the Arkansas River in Oklahoma. 600 miles (965 km) long.
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