
14-letter words containing n, i, g, h, t

  • progenitorship — parenthood; the position of being a progenitor
  • psychogenetics — the study of internal or mental states
  • pyriphlegethon — Phlegethon (def 1).
  • pythagoreanism — the doctrines of Pythagoras and his followers, especially the belief that the universe is the manifestation of various combinations of mathematical ratios.
  • queuing theory — a theory that deals with providing a service on a waiting line, or queue, especially when the demand for it is irregular and describable by probability distributions, as processing phone calls arriving at a telephone exchange or collecting highway tolls from drivers at tollbooths.
  • quick thinking — problem-solving in an emergency
  • right and left — in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.
  • right reverend — an official form of address for abbots, abbesses, Anglican bishops, and other prelates.
  • right triangle — a triangle having a right angle (contrasted with oblique triangle).
  • right-hand man — an indispensable or invaluable assistant; right hand.
  • right-thinking — having acceptably proper or correct convictions, beliefs, etc.
  • riparian right — a right, as fishing or use of water for irrigation or power, enjoyed by a person who owns riparian property.
  • rocking rhythm — a rhythmic pattern created by a succession of metrical feet each of which consists of one accented syllable between two unaccented ones.
  • running lights — the lights that a ship or aircraft traveling at night is required to display
  • running stitch — a sewing stitch made by passing the needle in and out repeatedly with short, even stitches.
  • sailing length — a measurement of a yacht, comprising its length on the water line as well as certain measurements taken from the overhangs at bow and stern.
  • saint gotthard — a mountain range in S Switzerland; a part of the Alps; highest peak, 10,490 feet (3195 meters).
  • schiff reagent — a solution of rosaniline and sulfurous acid in water, used to test for the presence of aldehydes.
  • schizognathous — (of birds) having a separation in the vomer and maxillo-palatine bones, having a cleft-palate
  • schoolteaching — the profession of a schoolteacher.
  • seeing as/that — You can use seeing that or seeing as to introduce a reason for what you are saying.
  • seventy-eighth — next after the seventy-seventh; being the ordinal number for 78.
  • shifting sands — If you refer to the shifting sands of a situation, you mean that it changes so often that it is difficult to deal with.
  • shifty-looking — having the appearance of being dishonest
  • shillingsworth — the amount that can be purchased for a shilling
  • shipping agent — a person or company whose business is to prepare shipping documents, arrange shipping space and insurance, and deal with customs requirements
  • shooting brake — station wagon.
  • shooting guard — the player responsible for attempting long-range shots
  • shooting lodge — a country house providing accommodation for a shooting party during the shooting season
  • shooting match — a contest in marksmanship.
  • shooting party — a social gathering when people shoot game together
  • shooting range — place for practising with guns
  • shooting spree — a series of shootings by a mad person
  • shooting stick — a device resembling a cane or walking stick, with a spike on one end and a small, folding seat on the other, often used by spectators at outdoor sporting events.
  • short covering — purchases that close out short sales on stocks or commodities.
  • shouting match — a loud, often abusive quarrel or argument.
  • shutting stile — the stile of a door or shutter that closes against the frame of the opening.
  • single-hearted — sincere and undivided in feeling or spirit; dedicated; not reflecting mixed emotions: He was single-hearted in his patriotism.
  • slanging match — A slanging match is an angry quarrel in which people insult each other.
  • sleeping berth — a bunk for sleeping on on a train or boat
  • smooth-running — operating in a flowing and effective manner, without difficulties or obstructions
  • smooth-talking — A smooth-talking man talks very confidently in a way that is likely to persuade people, but may not be sincere or honest.
  • snowball fight — game: throwing balls of snow
  • something else — sth different
  • something like — of the same form, appearance, kind, character, amount, etc.: I cannot remember a like instance.
  • something's up — something is amiss
  • sophisticating — a sophisticated person.
  • south georgian — a British island in the S Atlantic, about 800 miles (1290 km) SE of the Falkland Islands. About 1000 sq. mi. (2590 sq. km).
  • spanish guitar — acoustic guitar.
  • sparring match — a practice boxing match
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