
14-letter words containing m, u, r, a, n

  • reaccumulation — act or state of accumulating; state of being accumulated.
  • remanufacturer — a company or industry that engages in making an existing product new again
  • repromulgation — to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.).
  • revenue stream — method of income
  • roman numerals — one of the numerals in the ancient Roman system of notation, still used for certain limited purposes, as in some pagination, dates on buildings, etc. The common basic symbols are I, (=1), V, (=5), X, (=10), L, (=50), C, (=100), D, (=500), and M, (=1000). The Roman numerals for one to nine are: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. A bar over a letter multiplies it by 1000; thus, X̅ equals 10,000. Integers are written according to these two rules: If a letter is immediately followed by one of equal or lesser value, the two values are added; thus, XX equals 20, XV equals 15, VI equals 6. If a letter is immediately followed by one of greater value, the first is subtracted from the second; thus, IV equals 4, XL equals 40, CM equals 900. Examples: XLVII(=47), CXVI(=116), MCXX(=1120), MCMXIV(=1914). Roman numerals may be written in lowercase letters, though they appear more commonly in capitals.
  • rosicrucianism — the practices or principles of Rosicrucians.
  • rostral column — a memorial column having sculptures representing the rams of ancient ships.
  • runoff primary — (especially in the southern U.S.) a second primary between the two leading candidates of the first primary to provide nomination by majority rather than by plurality.
  • russian empire — Russia (def 1).
  • sanctuary lamp — a lamp, usually red, placed in a prominent position in the sanctuary of a church, that when lit indicates the presence of the Blessed Sacrament
  • seaman recruit — a noncommissioned enlisted person of the lowest rank. Abbreviation: SR.
  • semi-nocturnal — active at night (opposed to diurnal): nocturnal animals.
  • semilunar bone — lunate (def 2).
  • semimembranous — consisting of, of the nature of, or resembling membrane.
  • situation room — a room at a military or political headquarters where the latest information on a military or political situation is channeled.
  • slum clearance — the removal for rehousing, by the state, of those people who previously lived in slum areas, to prepare the area for demolition and rebuilding
  • sodium nitrate — a crystalline, water-soluble compound, NaNO 3 , that occurs naturally as soda niter: used in fertilizers, explosives, and glass, and as a color fixative in processed meats.
  • somali current — a current of the Indian Ocean, flowing northward along the coast of Somalia in summer and southwestward the rest of the year.
  • south american — a continent in the S part of the Western Hemisphere. About 6,900,000 sq. mi. (17,871,000 sq. km).
  • spermatogenous — producing spermatozoa.
  • spermatogonium — one of the undifferentiated germ cells giving rise to spermatocytes.
  • staghorn sumac — a sumac, Rhus typhina, of eastern North America, having leaves that turn scarlet, orange, and purple in the autumn.
  • start-up money — money that is spent on setting up a new business or other project
  • sturmabteilung — a political militia of the Nazi party, organized about 1923 and notorious for its violence and terrorism up to 1934, when it was purged and reorganized as an instrument of physical training and political indoctrination of German men; Brown Shirts.
  • submetacentric — referring to chromosomes which have one long arm and one short arm
  • subminiaturize — to design or manufacture (equipment, especially electronic equipment) of a greatly reduced scale.
  • sugared almond — Sugared almonds are nuts which have been covered with a hard sweet coating.
  • summer tanager — a tanager, Piranga rubra, of the south and central U.S., the male of which is rose-red, the female olive-green above and yellow below.
  • sunday morning — a poem (1923) by Wallace Stevens.
  • superimportant — extremely important
  • supermasculine — highly masculine
  • suprasegmental — above, beyond, or in addition to a segment.
  • surinam cherry — a tropical American tree, Eugenia uniflora, of the myrtle family, having ovate leaves and fragrant, white flowers.
  • telejournalism — the writing and broadcasting of journalism for television
  • temper tantrum — tantrum.
  • temperamentful — full of temperament
  • term insurance — an insurance policy that provides coverage for a limited period, the value payable only if a loss occurs within the term, with nothing payable upon its expiration.
  • terminal bonus — a bonus paid on a life insurance policy when the holder reaches a certain age or dies
  • terminus a quo — the end from which; beginning; starting point; earliest limiting point.
  • the human race — mankind
  • the surinamese — the people of Surinam collectively
  • thomas youngerThomas Coleman ("Cole") 1844–1916, U.S. outlaw, associated with Jesse James.
  • time signature — a numerical or other indication at the beginning of a piece showing the meter.
  • trade unionism — the system, methods, or practice of trade or labor unions.
  • tragacanth gum — Tragacanth gum is a gum obtained from the tragacanth plant, used as a suspending agent.
  • transit number — an identifying number assigned by a banking organization to a bank and printed on its checks.
  • transmasculine — noting or relating to a person who was born female but whose gender identity is more male than female.
  • transpulmonary — of or relating to the lungs.
  • transsexualism — a person having a strong desire to assume the physical characteristics and gender role of the opposite sex.
  • traumatization — Pathology. to injure (tissues) by force or by thermal, chemical, etc., agents.
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