
13-letter words containing m, c, a

  • commentations — Plural form of commentation.
  • commercial at — (character)   "@". ASCII code 64. Common names: at sign, at, strudel. Rare: each, vortex, whorl, INTERCAL: whirlpool, cyclone, snail, ape, cat, rose, cabbage, amphora. ITU-T: commercial at. The @ sign is used in an electronic mail address to separate the local part from the hostname. This dates back to July 1972 when Ray Tomlinson was designing the first[?] e-mail program. It is ironic that @ has become a trendy mark of Internet awareness since it is a very old symbol, derived from the latin preposition "ad" (at). Giorgio Stabile, a professor of history in Rome, has traced the symbol back to the Italian Renaissance in a Roman mercantile document signed by Francesco Lapi on 1536-05-04. In Dutch it is called "apestaartje" (little ape-tail), in German "affenschwanz" (ape tail). The French name is "arobase". In Spain and Portugal it denotes a weight of about 25 pounds, the weight and the symbol are called "arroba". Italians call it "chiocciola" (snail). See @-party.
  • commercialese — business jargon
  • commercialise — to make commercial in character, methods, or spirit.
  • commercialism — Commercialism is the practice of making a lot of money from things without caring about their quality.
  • commercialist — the principles, practices, and spirit of commerce.
  • commerciality — commercial quality or character; ability to produce a profit: Distributors were concerned about the film's commerciality compared with last year's successful pictures.
  • commercialize — If something is commercialized, it is used or changed in such a way that it makes money or profits, often in a way that people disapprove of.
  • commiserating — to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity.
  • commiseration — to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity.
  • commiserative — to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity.
  • commissariats — Plural form of commissariat.
  • commissionary — Of, relating to, or conferring a commission.
  • commodifiable — to turn into a commodity; make commercial.
  • common canary — See under canary (def 1).
  • common factor — a number or quantity that is a factor of each member of a group of numbers or quantities
  • common iguana — the green iguana (Iguana iguana)
  • common mallow — cheese1 (def 5).
  • common market — A common market is an organization of countries who have agreed to trade freely with each other and make common decisions about industry and agriculture.
  • common prayer — the liturgy of public services of the Church of England, esp Morning and Evening Prayer
  • common rafter — a rafter having no function other than to bear roofing.
  • common sallow — a small Eurasian willow tree, Salix cinerea, which has large catkins that appear before the leaves
  • common tannin — Chemistry. any of a group of astringent vegetable principles or compounds, chiefly complex glucosides of catechol and pyrogallol, as the reddish compound that gives the tanning properties to oak bark or the whitish compound that occurs in large quantities in nutgalls (common tannin, tannic acid)
  • commonalities — Plural form of commonality.
  • commonwealths — Plural form of commonwealth.
  • communalistic — Pertaining to communalism.
  • communalities — the state or condition of being communal.
  • communalizing — Present participle of communalize.
  • communautaire — supporting the principles of the European Community (now the European Union)
  • communicating — making or having a direct connection from one room to another
  • communication — Communications are the systems and processes that are used to communicate or broadcast information, especially by means of electricity or radio waves.
  • communicative — Someone who is communicative talks to people, for example about their feelings, and tells people things.
  • communicators — Plural form of communicator.
  • communicatory — inclined to communicate or impart; talkative: He isn't feeling very communicative today.
  • communisation — (British spelling) Alternative form of communization.
  • communitarian — a member of a communist community
  • communization — The act or process of communizing.
  • commutability — The quality of being commutable.
  • commutatively — of or relating to commutation, exchange, substitution, or interchange.
  • commutativity — the property of being commutative
  • compact cobol — (language)   A subset of COBOL defined, but not published, ca. 1961.
  • compactedness — the state of being compacted
  • compagination — a union or act of joining
  • companies act — (in Britain) any of various laws that govern the formation, dissolution, and management of companies
  • companion set — a set of fire irons on a stand
  • companionable — If you describe a person as companionable, you mean they are friendly and pleasant to be with.
  • companionably — possessing the qualities of a good companion; pleasant to be with; congenial.
  • companionhood — companionship
  • companionless — Without a companion; friendless, alone.
  • companionship — Companionship is having someone you know and like with you, rather than being on your own.
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