
18-letter words containing m, a, s, e

  • provision merchant — a person or company in the business of retailing food and other provisions
  • pseudo-symptomatic — pertaining to a symptom or symptoms.
  • psychogalvanometer — a type of galvanometer for detecting and measuring psychogalvanic currents.
  • ptomaine poisoning — (erroneously) food poisoning thought to be caused by ptomaine.
  • pulmonary embolism — the blockage of a pulmonary artery, often by a blood clot, that stops the flow of blood to the lungs and which can result in death if untreated
  • pulmonic airstream — a current of lung air set in motion by the respiratory muscles in the production of speech.
  • punishment beating — a form of corporal punishment carried out by a paramilitary organization on a member of another sectarian organization, usually in Northern Ireland
  • pyramus and thisbe — (in Greek legend) two lovers of Babylon: Pyramus, wrongly supposing Thisbe to be dead, killed himself and she, encountering him in his death throes, did the same
  • quasi-metaphysical — pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics.
  • quinacrine mustard — a nitrogen mustard derived from mepacrine and used as a stain for chromosomes
  • radical empiricism — (in the philosophy of William James) the doctrine that the only proper subject matter of philosophy is that which can be defined in terms of experience, and that relations are a part of experience.
  • raman spectroscopy — a form of spectroscopy which uses the Raman effect for studying molecules
  • rattlesnake master — any of various plants of the genus Eryngium, especially E. yuccifolium, having spiny leaves and dense, rounded flower heads.
  • recess appointment — a person appointed to an office by the President of the United States without approval from the Senate because the Senate is in recess
  • registered company — a company which has officially registered its business
  • remains to be seen — If you say that it remains to be seen whether something will happen, you mean that nobody knows whether it will happen.
  • remanent magnetism — magnetization in minerals induced by a former magnetic field and persisting after the field changes.
  • remembrance sunday — the second Sunday in November, which is the Sunday closest to November 11, the anniversary of the armistice of 1918 that ended World War I, on which the dead of both World Wars are commemorated
  • repayment schedule — a document detailing the specific terms of a borrower's loan, such as monthly payment, interest rate, due dates etc
  • resaca de la palma — a locality in S Texas, near Brownsville: battle 1846.
  • residual magnetism — remanence.
  • resistance plasmid — any of a group of bacterial plasmids carrying genetic information that provide resistance to antibiotic drugs: some resistance plasmids are able to transfer themselves, and hence resistance, during conjugation
  • respiratory system — the system by which oxygen is taken into the body and an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place; in mammals the system includes the nasal passages, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
  • restoration comedy — English comedy of the period of the Restoration, stressing manners and social satire.
  • resuscitation room — an intensive care unit
  • retrograde amnesia — a memory disorder characterized by an inability to remember events or experiences that occurred before a significant point in time.
  • rheims-douay bible — Douay Bible.
  • salem witch trials — 17th-century witchcraft case
  • sampling equipment — Sampling equipment is equipment which is used to remove small amounts of something for analysis and monitoring.
  • sampling frequency — sample rate
  • sao joao de meriti — a city in SE Brazil, NW of Rio de Janeiro.
  • sault sainte marie — the rapids of the St. Marys River, between NE Michigan and Ontario, Canada.
  • schengen agreement — an agreement, signed in 1985 at a meeting of European leaders near Schengen, Luxembourg, but not implemented until 1995, to gradually abolish border controls within Europe; it was supplemented in 1990 by the Schengen Convention; in 1999 the agreement was incorporated into European Union law. Twenty-six countries acceded by 2015; the UK is not a signatory
  • seasonal promotion — Seasonal promotions are items marketed to customers at the appropriate time of year, such as coats in the winter and bathing suits in the summer.
  • second commandment — “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them”: second of the Ten Commandments.
  • second triumvirate — the coalition and joint rule of the Roman Empire by Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian, begun in 43 bc
  • secondary consumer — (in the food chain) a carnivore that feeds only upon herbivores.
  • secondary emission — the emission of electrons (secondary electrons) from a material that is bombarded with electrons or ions.
  • security agreement — business: contract
  • sedimentation tank — a tank into which sewage is passed to allow suspended solid matter to separate out
  • segmental phonemes — phonemes consisting of sound segments; hence, the vowel, consonant, and semivowel sounds of a language
  • self-advertisement — a paid announcement, as of goods for sale, in newspapers or magazines, on radio or television, etc.
  • self-contemplation — the act or process of thinking about oneself or one's values, beliefs, behavior, etc.
  • self-determination — determination by oneself or itself, without outside influence.
  • self-disparagement — the act of disparaging.
  • self-entertainment — the act of entertaining; agreeable occupation for the mind; diversion; amusement: Solving the daily crossword puzzle is an entertainment for many.
  • self-incriminating — serving to incriminate oneself or to expose oneself to prosecution: self-incriminating testimony.
  • self-incrimination — the act of incriminating oneself or exposing oneself to prosecution, especially by giving evidence or testimony.
  • self-manifestation — an act of manifesting.
  • self-mortification — the inflicting of pain or privation on oneself: He was certain that self-mortification was the only road to salvation.
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