
11-letter words containing m, a, o, t, i

  • spasmolytic — of or noting spasmolysis.
  • spermatoxic — (of a substance) toxic to spermatozoa.
  • spermatoxin — a substance toxic to spermatozoa.
  • spodomantic — relating to spodomancy
  • stadiometer — an instrument that measures the length of curves, dashes, etc, by running a toothed wheel along them
  • staminodium — a sterile or abortive stamen.
  • stasimorphy — structural modification by arrested development
  • steam point — the temperature at which water vapor condenses at a pressure of one atmosphere, represented by 100°C and 212°F.
  • steam radio — radio, seen as old-fashioned in comparison with television
  • stereoimage — the single three-dimensional image perceived in the brain by the coordination of the two slightly different views seen by the eyes.
  • stimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • storm drain — rainwater drainage hole or gutter
  • stramineous — of or resembling straw.
  • stromateoid — resembling or related to the Stromateidae.
  • strombolian — relating to or denoting a type of volcanic eruption characterized by repeated fountaining or jetting of fluid lava into the air
  • sub-optimal — being below an optimal level or standard.
  • subdominant — Music. the fourth tone of a diatonic scale, next below the dominant.
  • sublimation — Psychology. the diversion of the energy of a sexual or other biological impulse from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
  • symptomatic — pertaining to a symptom or symptoms.
  • synonymatic — relating to, or made up of, synonyms
  • t formation — an offensive formation in which the quarterback lines up directly behind the center with the fullback about three yards behind the quarterback and the halfbacks on opposite sides of and about one yard from the fullback.
  • tailor-made — tailored.
  • tailor-make — to make or adjust to meet the needs of the particular situation, individual, object, etc.: to tailor-make a tour.
  • taphonomist — a specialist in taphonomy
  • taurobolium — the sacrifice of a bull, followed by the baptism of neophytes in the blood, as practiced in the ancient rites of Mithras or Cybele.
  • tautologism — the use of tautology.
  • tautomerism — the ability of certain organic compounds to react in isomeric structures that differ from each other in the position of a hydrogen atom and a double bond.
  • tautomerize — to undergo tautomerism.
  • tautometric — having the same metre or arrangement of syllables
  • taxonomical — the science or technique of classification.
  • technomania — an obsessional enthusiasm for technology
  • teetotalism — the principle or practice of total abstinence from intoxicating drink.
  • telodynamic — pertaining to the transmission of mechanical power over considerable distances, as by means of endless cables on pulleys.
  • temerarious — reckless; rash.
  • tempolabile — changing irregularly with time
  • temporality — temporal character or nature; temporariness.
  • temporalize — to make temporal in time; place in time.
  • temporarily — lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent: a temporary need; a temporary job.
  • temptatious — enticing or illicitly desirable
  • termination — the act of terminating.
  • terminatory — pertaining to or forming the extremity or boundary; terminal; terminating.
  • testimonial — a written declaration certifying to a person's character, conduct, or qualifications, or to the value, excellence, etc., of a thing; a letter or written statement of recommendation.
  • tetrazolium — a derivative of an acidic chemical compound
  • thalidomide — a crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 13 H 10 N 2 O 4 , formerly used as a sedative: if taken during pregnancy, it may cause severe abnormalities in the limbs of the fetus.
  • theomachist — a person who battles against the gods or resists the will of the gods
  • thermobaric — (of an explosive device or explosion) detonated by means of an explosive substance reacting spontaneously with air
  • thermotaxis — Biology. movement of an organism toward or away from a source of heat.
  • thigmotaxis — movement of an organism toward or away from any object that provides a mechanical stimulus.
  • thingamabob — thingamajig.
  • thingumabob — thingamajig.
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