
11-letter words containing m, a, o, t, i

  • metasomatic — Of or pertaining to metasomatism.
  • metatrophic — requiring dead organic matter for food.
  • meteoroidal — (astronomy) Of or pertaining to meteoroids. (from 19th c.).
  • methanation — the process of converting a mixture, as of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, into methane.
  • methimazole — a white crystalline substance, C 4 H 6 N 2 S, that inhibits thyroxin synthesis, used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
  • methylation — the process of replacing a hydrogen atom with a methyl group.
  • metonymical — having the nature of metonymy.
  • metrication — the act, process, or result of establishing the metric system as the standard system of measurement.
  • metrifonate — an organophosphorus compound, C 4 H 8 Cl 3 O 4 P, used as an insecticide and anthelmintic.
  • micro saint — (simulation)   A general purpose simulation tool from US company Micro Analysis and Design.
  • micro-party — a small political party, esp one focusing on a single issue
  • microdontia — abnormally small teeth.
  • microgamete — (in heterogamous reproduction) the smaller and, usually, the male of two conjugating gametes.
  • micronation — an entity, typically existing only on the internet or within the private property of its members, that lays claim to sovereign status as an independent nation, but which is unrecognized by real nations
  • microsmatic — (of humans and certain animals) having a poor sense of smell
  • microtrauma — (medicine) Any small, insignificant injury, but especially one of a series (such as suffered by athletes) that can lead to major injury.
  • midas touch — the ability to turn any business venture one is associated with into an extremely profitable one.
  • midlittoral — designating or belonging to that part of a seashore affected by neap tides
  • migrational — the process or act of migrating.
  • milquetoast — a very timid, unassertive, spineless person, especially one who is easily dominated or intimidated: a milquetoast who's afraid to ask for a raise.
  • minor party — a political party with so little electoral strength that its chance of gaining control of the government is slight.
  • minor triad — a triad consisting in root position of a root tone with a minor third and a perfect fifth above.
  • minoritaire — a member of a minority in a political party
  • misallocate — to allocate mistakenly or improperly: to misallocate resources.
  • misanthrope — a comedy (1666) by Molière.
  • misanthropy — hatred, dislike, or distrust of humankind.
  • misbestowal — a wrong or improper bestowal
  • miscitation — an erroneous citation
  • miscreation — miscreated.
  • mislocation — to misplace.
  • misocapnist — (rare) One who hates tobacco smoke.
  • misrelation — an erroneous or imperfect relation
  • mitigations — the act of mitigating, or lessening the force or intensity of something unpleasant, as wrath, pain, grief, or extreme circumstances: Social support is the most important factor in the mitigation of stress among adolescents.
  • mitotically — the usual method of cell division, characterized typically by the resolving of the chromatin of the nucleus into a threadlike form, which condenses into chromosomes, each of which separates longitudinally into two parts, one part of each chromosome being retained in each of two new cells resulting from the original cell.
  • moderations — the quality of being moderate; restraint; avoidance of extremes or excesses; temperance.
  • modulations — Plural form of modulation.
  • moldability — a hollow form or matrix for giving a particular shape to something in a molten or plastic state.
  • molestation — to bother, interfere with, or annoy.
  • momentarily — for a moment; briefly: to pause momentarily.
  • monarchists — Plural form of monarchist.
  • monasteries — Plural form of monastery.
  • monasticism — the monastic system, condition, or mode of life.
  • monetizable — Able to be converted into cash with relative ease.
  • monkey tail — any of various light or short ropes or lines.
  • monoblastic — having a single layer, as an embryo in the blastula stage or developing from a single layer.
  • monogamists — Plural form of monogamist.
  • monogastric — (biology) Having a simple single-chambered stomach.
  • monolatrism — Belief in multiple deities but worship of only one.
  • montbéliard — an industrial town in E France: former capital of the duchy of Burgundy. Pop: 27 570 (1999)
  • monticulate — having low rising mounds or protrusions
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