
10-letter words containing l, u, i, s

  • hemophilus — a genus of rod-shaped, parasitic, hemophilic bacteria, certain species of which, as H. influenzae or H. suis, are pathogenic for humans and animals.
  • heraclitus — ("the Obscure") c540–c470 b.c, Greek philosopher.
  • herophilus — died ?280 bc, Greek anatomist in Alexandria. He was the first to distinguish sensory from motor nerves
  • hippolytus — Also, Hippolytos [hi-pol-i-tuh s, -tos] /hɪˈpɒl ɪ təs, -ˌtɒs/ (Show IPA). Classical Mythology. the son of Theseus who was falsely accused by his stepmother, Phaedra, of raping her after he had rejected her advances and who was killed by Poseidon in response to the plea of Theseus.
  • hirtellous — minutely hirsute.
  • holodiscus — a genus of flowering deciduous shrubs of the family Rosaceae
  • hoodlumish — like a hoodlum
  • hoodlumism — Behavior characteristic of a hoodlum.
  • hounsfield — ˈGodfrey Newˌbold (ˈnuˌboʊld ) ; no̅oˈbōldˌ) 1919-2004; Brit. engineer & inventor: developed the CAT scanner
  • houseflies — Plural form of housefly.
  • houselight — One of the lights in an auditorium.
  • houselling — administration of the Eucharist
  • hula skirt — a skirt made of long stems of grass bound to a waistband, worn typically by a Hawaiian hula dancer.
  • humicolous — of or relating to organisms that live in or on soil.
  • humiliates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of humiliate.
  • humilities — the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
  • humoralism — a theory of the composition and workings of the human body, based on the idea that it was filled with four basic substances, or humours, adopted by Greek and Roman physicians and philosophers.
  • humoralist — a person who believes in humoralism
  • huntsville — a city in N Alabama: rocket and missile center.
  • hydraulics — the science that deals with the laws governing water or other liquids in motion and their applications in engineering; practical or applied hydrodynamics.
  • ideologues — Plural form of ideologue.
  • idolatrous — worshiping idols.
  • ill-suited — not suitable; inappropriate.
  • illuminism — the doctrines or claims of Illuminati.
  • illuminist — the doctrines or claims of Illuminati.
  • illuminous — (obsolete) bright; clear.
  • illusional — of, relating to, or characterized by illusions; deceptive; misleading.
  • illusioned — something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
  • illusively — illusory.
  • illusorily — causing illusion; deceptive; misleading.
  • illustrate — to furnish (a book, magazine, etc.) with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for explanation, elucidation, or adornment.
  • illustrous — (obsolete, rare) Without lustre.
  • impaludism — a diseased state affecting the inhabitants of marshy areas
  • implexuous — not simple; complicated
  • impulsions — Plural form of impulsion.
  • inclusions — Plural form of inclusion.
  • inculcates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inculcate.
  • inculpates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inculpate.
  • incurables — Plural form of incurable.
  • industrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  • inesculent — Inedible.
  • infamously — having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.
  • influences — Plural form of influence.
  • influenzas — Plural form of influenza.
  • infusorial — pertaining to, containing, or consisting of infusorians: infusorial earth.
  • inglorious — shameful; disgraceful: inglorious retreat.
  • inoculants — Plural form of inoculant.
  • inoculates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inoculate.
  • inosculate — Join by intertwining or fitting closely together.
  • inquilines — Plural form of inquiline.
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