
19-letter words containing l, i, n, e, d

  • clinical depression — depression in a patient that meets defined criteria and that is deemed to merit treatment
  • collect on delivery — payment in cash when a purchase or shipment is delivered
  • collision detection — (networking)   A class of methods for sharing a data transmission medium in which hosts transmit as soon as they have data to send and then check to see whether their transmission has suffered a collision with another host's. If a collision is detected then the data must be resent. The resending algorithm should try to minimise the chance that two hosts's data will repeatedly collide. For example, the CSMA/CD protocol used on Ethernet specifies that they should then wait for a random time before re-transmitting. See also backoff. This contrasts with slotted protocols and token passing.
  • come into the world — to be born
  • command line option — (software)   (Or "option", "flag", "switch", "option switch") An argument to a command that modifies its function rather than providing data. Options generally start with "-" in Unix or "/" in MS-DOS. This is usually followed by a single letter or occasionally a digit. More recently, GNU software adopted the --longoptionname style, usually in addition to traditional, single-character, -x style equivalents. Some commands require each option to be a separate argument, introduced by a new "-" or "/", others allow multiple option letters to be concatenated into a single argument with a single "-" or "/", e.g. "ls -al". A few Unix commands (e.g. ar, tar) allow the "-" to be omitted. Some options may or must be followed by a value, e.g. "cc prog.c -o prog", sometimes with and sometimes without an intervening space.
  • commercially-minded — knowledgeable about business; interested in making money
  • compression molding — a method of molding thermosetting plastic by closing a mold on it, forming the material by heat and pressure.
  • confidence interval — an interval of values bounded by confidence limits within which the true value of a population parameter is stated to lie with a specified probability
  • consolidated school — a public school attended by pupils from several adjoining, esp. rural, districts
  • consultation period — a period during which consultations are held before a policy decision is made
  • contemplative order — a religious order whose members are devoted to prayer rather than works.
  • contradistinctively — In contradistinction.
  • conventional wisdom — The conventional wisdom about something is the generally accepted view of it.
  • convulsive disorder — any of various types of epilepsy.
  • cordillera oriental — the eastern ranges of the Andes, in Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru.
  • counterproductively — In a counterproductive way.
  • countervailing duty — an extra import duty imposed by a country on certain imports, esp to prevent dumping or to counteract subsidies in the exporting country
  • cracked gas cooling — Cracked gas cooling is a process in which the temperature of a cracked gas is reduced in order to separate it into different product streams.
  • crystallized ginger — sugar-coated ginger
  • cudgel one's brains — to think hard about a problem
  • cumulative evidence — additional evidence reinforcing testimony previously given
  • customs declaration — a form declaring the nature and value of goods, etc, for customs purposes
  • cyclohexadienedione — (organic chemistry) benzoquinone.
  • cyril of alexandria — Saint. ?375–444 ad, Christian theologian and patriarch of Alexandria. Feast day: June 27 or June 9
  • daisy-wheel printer — a type of printer that uses a daisywheel
  • dangling participle — a participle intended to modify a noun but having the wrong grammatical relationship to it as for example having left in the sentence Having left Europe for good, Peter's future seemed bleak indeed
  • data terminal ready — (communications)   (DTR) The wire in a full RS-232 connection that tells the Data Communication Equipment (DCE, typically a modem) that the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE, typically a computer or terminal) is ready to transmit and receive data.
  • de broglie equation — the postulate of wave mechanics that a particle of mass m moving at a velocity v will have the properties of a wave of wavelength h / mv (de Broglie wavelength) where h is Planck's constant.
  • de-compartmentalize — to divide into categories or compartments.
  • de-internationalize — to make international, as in scope or character: a local conflict that was internationalized into a major war.
  • de-militarised zone — (networking)   (DMZ) (From the military term for an area between two opponents where fighting is prevented) DMZ Ethernets connect networks and computers controlled by different bodies. They may be external or internal. External DMZ Ethernets link regional networks with routers to internal networks. Internal DMZ Ethernets link local nodes with routers to the regional networks. Compare red zone.
  • declaration of love — a statement made by one person to another in which they say they are in love with the other person
  • declare an interest — to make known one's connection, esp a prejudicial connection, with an affair
  • decontextualization — to remove (a linguistic element, an action, etc.) from a context: decontextualized works of art displayed in museums.
  • deflate compression — deflate
  • deflationary spiral — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • deindustrialisation — Alternative spelling of deindustrialization.
  • deindustrialization — the decline in importance of manufacturing industry in the economy of a nation or area
  • deinstitutionalized — Simple past tense and past participle of deinstitutionalize.
  • demon internet ltd. — (company)   One of the first company to provide public Internet access in the UK. The staff of Demon Systems Ltd., an established software house, started Demon Internet on 1992-06-01 and it was the first system in the United Kingdom to offer low cost full Internet access. It was started with the support of about 100 founder members who discussed the idea on Compulink Information Exchange, and were brave enough to pay a year's subscription in advance. They aimed to have 200 members in the first year to cover costs, ignoring any time spent. After about two weeks they realised they needed nearer 400. By November 1993 they had over 2000 subscribers and by August 1994 they had about 11000 with 20% per month growth. All revenues have been reinvested in resources and expansion of service. Demon link to Sprintlink in the United States making them totally independent. They peer with EUNet and PIPEX to ensure good connectivity in Great Britain as well as having links to the JANET/JIPS UK academic network. A direct line into the Department of Computing, Imperial College, London from their Central London Point of Presence (PoP) (styx.demon.co.uk) gives access to the biggest FTP and Archie site in Europe. Demon provide local call access to a large proportion of the UK. The central London PoP provides leased line connections at a cheaper rate for those customers in the central 0171 area. Further lines and PoPs are being added continuously. Subscribers get allocated an Internet Address and can choose a hostname within the demon.co.uk domain. They can have any number of e-mail address at that host. In October 1994 Demon confirmed a large contract with the major telecommunications provider Energis. They will supply guaranteed bandwidth to Demon's 10Mb/s backbone from several cities and towns. Several PoPs will be phased out and replaced with others during 1995. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Telephone: +44 (181) 349 0063. Address: Demon Internet Ltd., 42 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London N3 1TT, UK.
  • demonstration model — a nearly new product, such as a car or washing machine, that has been used only to demonstrate its performance by a dealer and is offered for sale at a discount
  • dendrochronological — Pertaining to dendrochronology.
  • dental receptionist — a receptionist working in a dental surgery
  • deoxyribonucleoside — a compound composed of deoxyribose and either a purine or a pyrimidine.
  • deoxyribonucleotide — an ester of a deoxyribonucleoside and phosphoric acid; a constituent of DNA.
  • departmentalisation — Alternative spelling of departmentalization.
  • departmentalization — to divide into departments.
  • depletion allowance — a tax allowance granted in certain industries, such as the oil and gas industries, to compensate for the depletion of the oil, gas, etc owned by the company
  • dereliction of duty — Dereliction of duty is deliberate or accidental failure to do what you should do as part of your job.
  • design in real time — (programming)   (Dirt) A user interface builder for the X Window System by R. Hesketh.
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