
Words containing l, i, k, e, r

5 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • liker — Digital Technology. (sometimes initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a feature used to like specific website content: a Like button; like boxes.
  • rilke — Rainer Maria [rahy-nuh r mah-ree-ah] /ˈraɪ nər mɑˈri ɑ/ (Show IPA), 1875–1926, Austrian poet, born in Prague.

6 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • kilerg — one thousand ergs
  • killer — a person or thing that kills.
  • kilmer — (Alfred) Joyce, 1886–1918, U.S. poet and journalist.
  • kilter — good condition; order: The engine was out of kilter.
  • kirtle — a woman's loose gown, worn in the Middle Ages.

7 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • airlike — resembling air
  • armlike — Resembling an arm (limb) or some aspect of one.
  • berklix — /berk'liks/ (From Berkeley Unix) Berkeley Software Distribution. Not used at Berkeley itself. May be more common among suits attempting to sound like cognoscenti than among hackers, who usually just say "BSD".
  • blinker — a flashing light for sending messages, as a warning device, etc, such as a direction indicator on a road vehicle
  • brickle — brittle

8 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • barnlike — resembling a barn
  • bearlike — resembling a bear
  • birdlike — If someone has a birdlike manner, they move or look like a bird.
  • blinkers — If you describe someone as wearing blinkers, you think that they have a narrow point of view and are not taking other people's opinions into account.
  • brinkleyDavid, 1920–2003, U.S. broadcast journalist.

9 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

10 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • backslider — A recidivist; one who backslides, especially in a religious sense; an apostate.
  • berkeleian — denoting or relating to the philosophy of George Berkeley
  • besprinkle — to sprinkle all over with liquid, powder, etc
  • bierkeller — a public house decorated in German style, selling German beers
  • blitzkrieg — A blitzkrieg is a fast and intense military attack that takes the enemy by surprise and is intended to achieve a very quick victory.

11 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • abd-el-krim — 1882–1963, Moroccan chief who led revolts against Spain and France, surrendered before their combined forces in 1926, but later formed the North African independence movement
  • alkalimeter — an apparatus for determining the concentration of alkalis in solution
  • alkalimetry — determination of the amount of alkali or base in a solution, measured by an alkalimeter or by volumetric analysis
  • ankle-biter — small child, toddler
  • antiwrinkle — (of cosmetics) intended to reduce or remove wrinkles from the skin

12 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • abd-el-kadir — 1807?–83, Algerian leader.
  • aldermanlike — resembling an alderman, esp in being pompous
  • alkalimeters — Plural form of alkalimeter.
  • asteriskless — having no asterisk
  • black-figure — pertaining to or designating a style of vase painting developed in Greece in the 7th and 6th centuries b.c., chiefly characterized by silhouetted figures painted in black slip on a red clay body, details incised into the design, and a two-dimensional structure of form and space.

13 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • berkeleianism — the philosophical system of George Berkeley, holding that objects exist only when perceived, that God's perception sustains the universe, and that there is no independent substratum or substance in which these perceptions inhere
  • book-learning — knowledge acquired by reading books, as distinguished from that obtained through observation and experience.
  • christianlike — like or befitting a Christian.
  • clinker-built — (of a boat or ship) having a hull constructed with each plank overlapping that below
  • corkscrewlike — Resembling a corkscrew, usually specifically the worm of a corkscrew.

14 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

15 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

16 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • bacterioplankton — (biology) The bacterial component of marine plankton.
  • clackmannanshire — a council area and historical county of central Scotland; became part of the Central region in 1975 but reinstated as an independent unitary authority in 1996; mainly agricultural. Administrative centre: Alloa. Pop: 47 680 (2003 est). Area: 142 sq km (55 sq miles)
  • cloak-and-suiter — a manufacturer or seller of clothing.
  • counterclockwise — If something is moving counterclockwise, it is moving in the opposite direction to the direction in which the hands of a clock move.
  • granville-barkerHarley, 1877–1946, English dramatist, actor, and critic.

17 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

18 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

19 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • devils-on-horseback — a savoury of prunes wrapped in bacon slices and served on toast
  • niagara-on-the-lake — a town in SE Ontario, in S Canada, on Lake Ontario, at the mouth of the Niagara River, on the border between Canada and New York.

20 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • belgorod-dnestrovski — a port in SW Ukraine, on the Dniester estuary: belonged to Romania from 1918 until 1940; under Soviet rule (1944–91). Pop: 48 100 (2004 est)
  • buckminsterfullerene — a form of carbon that contains molecules having 60 carbon atoms arranged at the vertices of a polyhedron with hexagonal and pentagonal faces. It is produced in carbon arcs and occurs naturally in small amounts in certain minerals
  • mecklenburg-schwerin — a former state in NE Germany, formed in 1934 from two states (Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz)
  • mecklenburg-strelitz — a former state in NE Germany, formed in 1934 from two states (Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz)

21 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • aleksandr-nikolaevichAlexander (Aleksandr Nikolaevich) 1899–1977, Russian pianist and composer, in the U.S.
  • meter-kilogram-second — of or relating to the system of units in which the meter, kilogram, and second are the principal units of length, mass, and time. Abbreviation: mks, MKS.

24 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • black-english-vernacular — Also called African American Vernacular English, African American English, Afro-American English, Black English Vernacular, Black Vernacular English.a dialect of American English characterized by pronunciations, syntactic structures, and vocabulary associated with and used by some North American black people and exhibiting a wide variety and range of forms varying in the extent to which they differ from standard English.

25 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

28 letter words containing l, i, k, e, r

  • meter-kilogram-second-ampere — of or relating to the system of units in which the meter, kilogram, second, and ampere are the principal units of length, mass, time, and electric current. Abbreviation: mksa, MKSA.

On this page, we collect all words with L, I, K, E, R. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 2341 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that contains L, I, K, E, R that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

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