
25-letter words containing l, e, i, t

  • qualified majority voting — a voting system, used by the EU Council of Ministers, enabling certain resolutions to be passed without unanimity
  • radio-controlled junction — A radio-controlled junction is a piece of equipment used to control underground pipelines which connect oil tanks.
  • raise (or lower) the bar — raise (or lower) the standard of judgment
  • rate monotonic scheduling — (algorithm)   A means of scheduling the time allocated to periodic hard-deadline real-time users of a resource. The users are assigned priorities such that a shorter fixed period between deadlines is associated with a higher priority. Rate monotonic scheduling provides a low-overhead, reasonably resource-efficient means of guaranteeing that all users will meet their deadlines provided that certain analytical equations are satisfied during the system design. It avoids the design complexity of time-line scheduling and the overhead of dynamic approaches such as earliest-deadline scheduling.
  • really simple syndication — Rich Site Summary
  • red brick intelligent sql — (database)   (RISQL) A vendor-specific extension to SQL designed specifically for business managers. It augments SQL with a variety of operations appropriate to data analysis and decision support applications such as ranking, moving averages, comparisons, market share, this year vs. last year, etc. It was developed to simplify the creation of complex business queries.
  • referentially transparent — referential transparency
  • regimental sergeant major — the senior Warrant Officer I in a British or Commonwealth regiment or battalion, responsible under the adjutant for all aspects of duty and discipline of the warrant officers, NCOs, and men
  • rehabilitation department — a government department set up after World War II to assist ex-servicemen
  • rotational quantum number — the quantum number that distinguishes the angular momentum states associated with the rotational motion of a molecule.
  • saddle block (anesthesia) — a method of spinal anesthesia, often used during obstetric delivery, that produces anesthesia in that area of the body that would be in contact with a saddle during horseback riding
  • saint pierre and miquelon — two small groups of islands off the S coast of Newfoundland: an overseas territory of France; important base for fishing. 3 sq. mi. (240 sq. km). Capital: St. Pierre.
  • saybolt universal seconds — a US measurement of viscosity similar in type to the British Redwood seconds
  • selective synchronization — a sound-recording process that facilitates overdubs by feeding the recorded track to the performer straight from the recording head
  • sequential parlog machine — (SPM) The virtual machine (and its machine code) for the Parlog logic programming language.
  • shoot oneself in the foot — to damage one's own cause inadvertently
  • single document interface — (programming)   (SDI) A limitation applying to an application program that only shows a single windows giving a view of one document at a time. The opposite is Multiple Document Interface (MDI).
  • single electron tunneling — (electronics)   (SET) A New electrical standard for capacitance. SET devices can be used to construct circuits which process information by manipulating individual electrons. SET devices are small, dissipate little power, and can detect exquisitely small quantities of charge. The small size and low power dissipation of SET circuits makes them potentially useful for the Information Technology industry.
  • single wingback formation — an offensive formation in which the wingback lines up outside of and about one yard behind an end, the quarterback lines up lateral to the wingback but about midway between the same end and the center, the fullback is three or four yards behind the middle of the line, and the tailback lines up one yard behind the fullback on the other side of the line from the wingback and quarterback.
  • slip/fall through the net — You use slip through the net or fall through the net to describe a situation where people are not properly cared for by the system that is intended to help them.
  • soroptimist international — an organization of clubs for professional and executive businesswomen
  • sparc international, inc. — (body)   An organisation established to promote the Scalable Processor ARChitecture (SPARC). Their main service is conformance testing. They also produce the "SPARC flash" newsletter and publish lists of SPARC compliant machines tested by SPARC International to be binary compatible with other compliant machines. SPARC(R) is a registered trademark of SPARC International, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
  • spark annotation language — (language)   (SAL) ICL, Ltd. Used in the verification of SPARK programs against Z specifications.
  • special educational needs — learning disability
  • specific fuel consumption — Specific fuel consumption is the amount of fuel consumed by a vehicle for each unit of power output.
  • spectral band replication — (audio, compression)   (SBR) Guessing the nontransmitted higher frequency range of a compressed audio file by some helper bits (transmiited with the stream) and the transmitted base band. SBR allows a restoration (not reconstruction) of the upper frequency range without lots of bits. It was developed by Coding Technology, and is useful for medium and high quality coding at low and medium data rates. It is used by Digital Radio Mondiale and MP3 Pro.
  • stand in a person's light — to stand so as to obscure a person's vision
  • statistically independent — (of events or values) having the probability of their joint occurrence equal to the product of their individual probabilities.
  • subscriber trunk dialling — a service by which telephone subscribers can obtain trunk calls by dialling direct without the aid of an operator
  • sulphate-resisting cement — a type of Portland cement that resists normal concentrations of sulphates: used in concrete for flues and underwater work
  • take the queen's shilling — to enlist in the army
  • tess of the d'urbervilles — a novel (1891) by Thomas Hardy.
  • tetragonal trisoctahedron — Geometry. a trisoctahedron the faces of which are quadrilaterals; trapezohedron.
  • the ball is in sb's court — If you say that the ball is in someone's court, you mean that it is his or her responsibility to take the next action or decision in a situation.
  • the ball is in your court — you are obliged to make the next move
  • the empire state building — a very high skyscraper in New York City
  • the first epistle of john — an epistle attributed to the apostle John which counters claims that Jesus Christ came only in spirit and not in the flesh
  • the industrial revolution — the transformation in the 18th and 19th centuries of first Britain and then other W European countries and the US into industrial nations
  • the leaning tower of pisa — the bell tower of Pisa Cathedral
  • the meteorological office — a British Government department supplying weather forecasts
  • the mother of parliaments — the British Parliament: the model and creator of many other Parliaments
  • the politically incorrect — politically incorrect people considered collectively
  • the scholastic profession — the profession of teaching
  • the third epistle of john — an epistle attributed to the apostle John and addressed to a man called Gaius, who is praised in the letter
  • there are no flies on him — he is no fool
  • thermal imaging equipment — heat-sensitive devices that can detect or provide images of people or things
  • thermodynamic equilibrium — the condition of an isolated system in which the quantities that specify its properties, such as pressure, temperature, etc, all remain unchanged
  • thermoelectromotive force — the electromotive force developed by the thermoelectric effect.
  • thermoluminescence dating — a method of dating archaeological specimens, chiefly pottery, by measuring the radiation given off by ceramic materials as they are heated.
  • thin-layer chromatography — chromatography in which glass plates coated with thin layers of alumina, silica gel, or cellulose are used as an adsorbent.
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