
9-letter words containing i, n, o, v, a

  • parvoline — any of various isomeric ptomaines found in liquid derived from decaying animal matter or bituminous coals
  • pavlovian — of, relating to, or characteristic of Pavlov or his work, especially of experiments in which he elicited predictable responses from laboratory animals.
  • pervasion — to become spread throughout all parts of: Spring pervaded the air.
  • privation — lack of the usual comforts or necessaries of life: His life of privation began to affect his health.
  • radio van — a van containing equipment for transmitting and receiving radio signals
  • ritonavir — a type of anti-viral drug used to treat HIV infection and AIDS
  • rovaniemi — a city in N Finland, near the Arctic Circle.
  • salvation — the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
  • sansovino — Andrea [ahn-dre-ah] /ɑnˈdrɛ ɑ/ (Show IPA), (Andrea Contucci) 1460–1529, Italian sculptor and architect.
  • sauvignon — a small blue-black grape grown primarily in the Médoc region of Bordeaux, in SW France, and highly prized in winemaking.
  • schiavone — the Italian name for a 17th century basket-hilted sword with a double edge
  • slavonian — of or relating to Slavonia or its inhabitants.
  • slovakian — a republic in central Europe: formerly a part of Czechoslovakia; under German protection 1939–45; independent since 1993. 18,931 sq. mi. (49,035 sq. km). Capital: Bratislava.
  • slovenian — of or from Slovenia
  • solvation — a compound formed by the interaction of a solvent and a solute.
  • unavoided — not avoided or evaded
  • vacuation — an act of emptying
  • vaginosis — a vaginal infection caused by a bacterial imbalance
  • vagotonia — hyperexcitability of the vagus nerve, producing bradycardia, decreased heart output, and faintness.
  • vagotonic — hyperexcitability of the vagus nerve, producing bradycardia, decreased heart output, and faintness.
  • vainglory — excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities, etc.; boastful vanity.
  • valentinoRudolph (Rodolpho d'Antonguolla) 1895–1926, U.S. motion-picture actor, born in Italy.
  • vallation — a rampart or entrenchment.
  • valuation — the act of estimating or setting the value of something; appraisal.
  • vaporings — instances of boasting
  • variation — the act, process, or accident of varying in condition, character, or degree: Prices are subject to variation.
  • varsovian — a native or inhabitant of Warsaw.
  • vasotocin — a chemical similar to oxytocin found in birds, fish, and some amphibians
  • vasotonic — pertaining to or regulating the tone of the blood vessels.
  • vernation — the arrangement of the foliage leaves within the bud.
  • vibration — the act of vibrating.
  • victorian — of or relating to Queen Victoria or the period of her reign: Victorian poets.
  • videoland — the world of television and televised images
  • villanova — Also, Villanova. of or relating to the early Iron Age culture of northern Italy, characterized by lake dwellings.
  • vinaceous — of, relating to, or resembling wine or grapes.
  • violation — the act of violating.
  • visionary — given to or characterized by fanciful, not presently workable, or unpractical ideas, views, or schemes: a visionary enthusiast.
  • vitaphone — an early technique in commercial film-making in which the accompanying sound was produced by discs
  • vitiation — to impair the quality of; make faulty; spoil.
  • voisinage — a district or neighbourhood
  • vojvodina — an autonomous province within Serbia. 8303 sq. mi. (21,506 sq. km). Capital: Novi Sad.
  • volcanics — types of rock
  • volcanism — the phenomena connected with volcanoes and volcanic activity.
  • volcanist — a person who studies volcanoes
  • volcanize — to affect or alter by volcanic heat or action.
  • voluminal — relating to volume
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