
13-letter words containing i, g, n, o, m

  • immunological — (immunology) Of, or relating to immunology.
  • impersonating — to assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be: He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.
  • impignoration — the state of being mortgaged
  • impoverishing — Present participle of impoverish.
  • in god's name — If someone uses such expressions as what in God's name, why in God's name, or how in God's name, they are emphasizing how angry, annoyed, or surprised they are.
  • in mitigation — If someone, especially in a court, is told something in mitigation, they are told something that makes a crime or fault easier to understand and excuse.
  • incouragement — Archaic form of encouragement.
  • indo-germanic — Indo-European
  • inhomogeneity — lack of homogeneity.
  • inhomogeneous — lack of homogeneity.
  • interferogram — a photographic record of light interference patterns produced with an interferometer, used for recording shock waves and fluid flow patterns.
  • ironmongeries — a hardware store or business.
  • ironmongering — The trade of an ironmonger.
  • james gosling — (person)   The software engineer who wrote GOSMACS, and served as Sun Microsystems, Inc. project leader for both NeWS, and Java. He is currently (1997) a Vice President and "Distinguished Engineer" at Sun.
  • joint manager — sb who shares authority and responsibility for sth
  • jumping mouse — any of several primitive, mouselike rodents of the family Zapodidae, having long hind legs, common in the woodlands of Europe, Asia, and North America.
  • kim young sam — born 1927, president of South Korea 1993–98.
  • kinematograph — cinematograph.
  • king's ransom — an extremely large amount of money: The painting was sold for a king's ransom.
  • laryngotomies — Plural form of laryngotomy.
  • late-blooming — of or characteristic of a late bloomer: late-blooming brilliance.
  • leghemoglobin — a hemoglobinlike red pigment in the root nodules of leguminous plants, as soybean, that is essential for nitrogen fixation.
  • leptomeninges — The inner two meninges, the arachnoid and the pia mater, between which circulates the cerebrospinal fluid.
  • leucaemogenic — leukemogenic
  • leukaemogenic — relating to the development of leukaemia, or causing leukaemia
  • lighthouseman — a lighthouse keeper
  • lightsomeness — (archaic) The quality of being lightsome.
  • logarithmancy — Divination using logarithms.
  • luxembourgian — of or relating to Luxembourg, its people, or their language.
  • lymphangiomas — Plural form of lymphangioma.
  • macrodiagonal — the longer of two diagonals
  • macroglobulin — A plasma globulin of high molecular weight.
  • macroorganism — an organism that can be seen with the naked eye.
  • magnanimously — In a magnanimous manner; with greatness of mind.
  • magnesiferous — (geology) Containing magnesium.
  • magnetic core — Computers. core1 (def 12a).
  • magnetic pole — the region of a magnet toward which the lines of magnetic induction converge (south pole) or from which the lines of induction diverge (north pole)
  • magnetic wood — wood containing fine particles of nickel-zinc ferrite which absorb microwave radio signals, used to line rooms where mobile phone use is undesirable
  • magnetiferous — (dated) Producing or conducting magnetism.
  • magnetisation — Alternative spelling of magnetization.
  • magnetization — the process of magnetizing or the state of being magnetized.
  • magnetometric — Pertaining to, or employed in, the measurement of magnetic forces; obtained by means of a magnetometer; as, 'magnetometric' instruments; 'magnetometric' measurements.
  • magnetomotive — (physics) capable of producing magnetic flux.
  • magnetooptics — the branch of physics that deals with magnetooptic phenomena.
  • magnetostatic — Of or pertaining to magnetostatics.
  • magnification — the act of magnifying or the state of being magnified.
  • magniloquence — speaking or expressed in a lofty or grandiose style; pompous; bombastic; boastful.
  • magnitudinous — size; extent; dimensions: to determine the magnitude of an angle.
  • magnoliaceous — belonging to the plant family Magnoliaceae.
  • maiden voyage — the first voyage of a ship after its acceptance by the owners from the builders.
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