
17-letter words containing h, s, e

  • hexacosanoic acid — cerotic acid.
  • high commissioner — a representative of one sovereign member of the Commonwealth of Nations in the country of another, having a rank and responsibilities generally similar to those of an ambassador.
  • high-carbon steel — steel containing between 0.5 and 1.5 per cent carbon
  • high-density disk — a computer storage disk capable of holding more than 720 kilobytes of data
  • high-heeled shoes — shoes having high, rather than flat, heels
  • high-tensile wire — wire which can withstand great strain without breaking or becoming deformed
  • highways engineer — a civil engineer trained and specialized in the planning, construction, maintenance, etc of highways and roads
  • hillcrest heights — a city in central Maryland, near Washington, D.C.
  • histamine blocker — any of various substances that act at a specific receptor site to block certain actions of histamine.
  • historical method — the process of establishing general facts and principles through attention to chronology and to the evolution or historical course of what is being studied.
  • hit the headlines — be prominently featured in the news
  • hodgkin's disease — a type of cancer characterized by progressive chronic inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes of the neck, armpit, groin, and mesentery, by enlargement of the spleen and occasionally of the liver and the kidneys, and by lymphoid infiltration along the blood vessels.
  • hold all the aces — If you say that someone holds all the aces, you mean that they have all the advantages in a contest or situation.
  • hold one's breath — If you say that someone is holding their breath, you mean that they are waiting anxiously or excitedly for something to happen.
  • hold one's end up — the last part or extremity, lengthwise, of anything that is longer than it is wide or broad: the end of a street; the end of a rope.
  • hold one's ground — the solid surface of the earth; firm or dry land: to fall to the ground.
  • hold one's horses — a large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped, Equus caballus, domesticated since prehistoric times, bred in a number of varieties, and used for carrying or pulling loads, for riding, and for racing.
  • hold one's tongue — Anatomy. the usually movable organ in the floor of the mouth in humans and most vertebrates, functioning in eating, in tasting, and, in humans, in speaking.
  • holistic medicine — incorporating the concept of holism, or the idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts, in theory or practice: holistic psychology.
  • hollandaise sauce — a sauce of egg yolks, butter, lemon juice, and seasonings.
  • home improvements — improvements to one's home, such as new kitchens and bathrooms, central heating etc
  • homeland security — national defence
  • homework exercise — an exercise that is set as homework
  • homo floresiensis — a possible species of very small, primitive human: its fossils were discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003.
  • homogentisic acid — an intermediate compound in the metabolism of tyrosine and of phenylalanine, found in excess in the blood and urine of persons affected with alkaptonuria.
  • hope against hope — the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
  • hornblende schist — a variety of schist containing needles of hornblende that lie in parallel planes.
  • horseradish sauce — a piquant sauce made from horseradish root, vinegar, etc, and traditionally eaten in Britain with roast beef
  • horst wessel song — the official song of the Nazi party in Germany from 1933 to 1945.
  • hospital gangrene — Pathology. a contagious, often fatal gangrene, especially involving amputation stumps and war wounds, occurring usually in crowded, ill-kept hospitals, and caused by putrefactive bacteria.
  • hospitality suite — a suite or room, as in a hotel or convention center, rented by a business firm, political candidate, or the like, to meet and entertain clients, potential customers, etc.
  • hot off the press — newspaper: freshly printed
  • hot on sb's heels — If you say that someone is hot on your heels, you are emphasizing that they are chasing you and are not very far behind you.
  • hottentot's bread — elephant's-foot.
  • houndstooth check — a pattern of broken checks, used in woven material for jackets, shirts, etc.
  • house of assembly — the legislature or the lower house of the legislature in certain countries of the Commonwealth of Nations.
  • house of ill fame — a house of prostitution; brothel
  • household ammonia — diluted ammonia, often having a small quantity of detergent, used in the home for cleaning.
  • household cavalry — (in Britain) cavalry units forming part of the ceremonial guard of the monarch.
  • household effects — domestic belongings
  • household rubbish — the unwanted things and waste material produced in the running of a household, such as used paper, empty tins and bottles, and waste food
  • housekeeping cart — A housekeeping cart is a large metal basket on wheels which is used by a cleaner in a hotel to move clean bed linen, towels, and cleaning equipment.
  • how the land lies — the prevailing conditions or state of affairs
  • how's-your-father — sexual intercourse
  • http proxy server — (web)   A proxy server for HTTP requests. Typically an HTTP proxy or "web proxy" accepts HTTP requests containing URLs with a special prefix. The proxy removes the prefix and looks for the resulting URL in its local cache (if it is a caching proxy). If found, it returns the document immediately, otherwise it fetches it from the remote server, saves a copy in its cache and returns it to the requester. The cache will usually have an expiry algorithm which flushes documents according to their age, size and access history. The purpose is to reduce the amount of data flowing over the proxy's Internet connection and to speed up clients' access to frequently requested pages, e.g. at an ISP or on a large company's firewall. The proxy may also reject requests where the URL or content matches certain conditions. The Apache HTTP server can be configured to act as a proxy server. Another popular software proxy is Squid.
  • hubble's constant — the ratio of the recessional velocity of galaxies to their distance from the sun, with current measurements of its value ranging from 50 to 100 km/sec per megaparsec.
  • hurler's syndrome — a medical condition characterized by physical deformity and mental deficiency
  • huygens principle — the principle that all points on a wave front of light are sources of secondary waves and that surfaces tangential to these waves define the position of the wave front at any point in time.
  • huygens' eyepiece — a telescope eyepiece consisting of two planoconvex lenses separated by a distance equal to half the sum of their focal lengths, which are in the ratio of three to one, and oriented so that their curved surfaces face the incident light
  • hydrogen sulphide — Chemistry
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