
17-letter words containing h, s, e

  • rush one's fences — to proceed with precipitate haste
  • russborough house — a mansion near Blessington in Co Wicklow, Republic of Ireland: built by Richard Castle and Francis Bindon for the 1st Earl of Miltown from 1740
  • saint christopherSaint, died a.d. c250, Christian martyr.
  • salt of the earth — an individual or group considered as representative of the best or noblest elements of society.
  • san pedro channel — a strait between the mainland of SW California and Santa Catalina Island. About 20 miles (32 km) wide.
  • sandringham house — a residence of the royal family, in Sandringham, a village in E England, in Norfolk near the E shore of the Wash
  • save one's breath — the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration.
  • save shoe leather — to avoid wearing out shoes, as by taking a bus rather than walking
  • saved by the bell — a hollow instrument of cast metal, typically cup-shaped with a flaring mouth, suspended from the vertex and rung by the strokes of a clapper, hammer, or the like.
  • sawed-off shotgun — rifle with a short barrel
  • saxe-coburg-gotha — a member of the present British royal family, from the establishment of the house in 1901 until 1917 when the family name was changed to Windsor.
  • say the unsayable — to express an opinion thought to be too controversial to mention
  • scarlet firethorn — a Eurasian evergreen, thorny shrub, Pyracantha coccinea, of the rose family, having white, hairy flower clusters and bright red berries.
  • scarlet lightning — scarlet lychnis.
  • scattered showers — showers that are scattered across an area, or that occur at intervals throughout the day
  • schematic capture — The process of entering the logical design of an electronic circuit into a CAE system by creating a schematic representation of components and interconnections.
  • scheme repository — A collection of free Scheme programs.
  • schiff-s--reagent — a solution of rosaniline and sulfurous acid in water, used to test for the presence of aldehydes.
  • schizophrenogenic — causative of schizophrenia.
  • schmidt telescope — a wide-angle reflecting telescope used primarily for astronomical photography, in which spherical aberration and coma are reduced to a minimum by means of a spherical mirror with a corrector plate near its focus.
  • school attendance — a measure of the number of children who attend school and the amount of time they are present
  • school counsellor — a counsellor who is based in a school
  • schwedler's maple — a variety of the Norway maple, Acer platanoides schwedleri, producing red leaves that subsequently turn green.
  • scientific method — a method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data are gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from these data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested.
  • scientific theory — a coherent group of propositions formulated to explain a group of facts or phenomena in the natural world and repeatedly confirmed through experiment or observation: the scientific theory of evolution.
  • scrape the barrel — to be forced to use one's last and weakest resource
  • scrophulariaceous — belonging to the Scrophulariaceae, the figwort family of plants.
  • search and rescue — Search and rescue operations involve looking for people who are lost or in danger, for example, after a war or a natural disaster, and bringing them back safely.
  • seat-of-the-pants — using or based on experience, instinct, or guesswork: a seat-of-the-pants management style.
  • second-hand smoke — from sb else's cigarette
  • see someone right — to ensure fair treatment of (someone)
  • self-annihilation — self-destruction; suicide.
  • semi-biographical — of or relating to a person's life: He's gathering biographical data for his book on Milton.
  • semidetached mode — (programming)   A term used by COCOMO to describe a project development somewhere between organic and embedded. The team members have a mixture of experienced and inexperienced personnel. The software to be developed has some characteristics of both organic and embedded modes. Semidetached software can be as large as 300K DSIs.
  • semisophisticated — somewhat sophisticated.
  • september weather — weather characteristic of the month of September, esp in being unpredictable as summer is ending and autumn is beginning
  • set one's hand to — to sign (a document)
  • settlement houses — the act or state of settling or the state of being settled.
  • seventh amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, guaranteeing trial by jury.
  • sexual dimorphism — the condition in which the males and females in a species are morphologically different, as with many birds.
  • sexual harassment — unwelcome sexual advances made by an employer or superior, especially when compliance is made a condition of continued employment or advancement.
  • shake one's booty — to dance
  • share certificate — a certificate of deposit issued by a credit union.
  • sheepswool sponge — wool sponge.
  • sheltered housing — accommodation designed esp for the elderly or infirm consisting of a group of individual premises, often with some shared facilities and a caretaker
  • shepherd's needle — a European umbelliferous plant, Scandix pectenveneris, with long needle-like fruits
  • shetland pullover — a thick woollen sweater made from Shetland wool
  • shetland sheepdog — one of a breed of small sheepdogs resembling a miniature collie, raised originally in the Shetland Islands.
  • shipping articles — articles of agreement.
  • shit on a shingle — creamed chipped beef or ground beef in a sauce, served on toast.
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