
17-letter words containing h, o, f, e

  • fee-paying school — a school which charges fees to parents of pupils
  • fifth commandment — “Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee”: fifth of the Ten Commandments.
  • figure-eight knot — a kind of knot
  • fine-toothed comb — a comb with fine, closely set teeth
  • firehose syndrome — (networking, jargon)   An absence, failure or inadequacy of flow control mechanisms causing the sender to overwhelm the receiver. The implication is that, like trying to drink from a firehose, the consequenses are worse than just loss of data, e.g. the receiver may crash. See ping-flood.
  • fish out of water — any of various cold-blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with scales.
  • fishnet stockings — leg coverings for women, made from an open mesh fabric resembling netting
  • flog a dead horse — a large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped, Equus caballus, domesticated since prehistoric times, bred in a number of varieties, and used for carrying or pulling loads, for riding, and for racing.
  • florentine stitch — a straight stitch worked in a high and low relief pattern to form a variety of zigzag or oblique designs.
  • flower-of-an-hour — a malvaceous Old World herbaceous plant, Hibiscus trionum, having pale yellow flowers with a bladder-like calyx
  • fluorescent light — a fluorescent lamp in domestic or commercial use; a fluorescent strip
  • foam at the mouth — a collection of minute bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid by agitation, fermentation, etc.: foam on a glass of beer.
  • follow the hounds — to hunt a fox, etc. on horseback with hounds
  • follow the leader — a child's game in which players, one behind the other, follow a leader and must repeat or follow everything he or she does.
  • for all the world — the earth or globe, considered as a planet.
  • for heaven's sake — expressing frustration
  • for the most part — a portion or division of a whole that is separate or distinct; piece, fragment, fraction, or section; constituent: the rear part of the house; to glue the two parts together.
  • fort walton beach — a city in NW Florida.
  • four on the floor — a four-speed manual transmission having the gearshift set into the floor.
  • four-on-the-floor — a four-speed manual transmission having the gearshift set into the floor.
  • fourfold purchase — a tackle that is composed of a rope passed through two fourfold blocks in such a way as to provide mechanical power in the ratio of 1 to 5 or 1 to 4, depending on whether hauling is done on the running or the standing block and without considering friction. Compare tackle (def 2).
  • freedom of speech — the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc.
  • freight forwarder — a person or firm that arranges to pick up or deliver goods on instructions of a shipper or a consignee from or to a point by various necessary conveyances and common carriers.
  • french provincial — noting, pertaining to, or resembling a style of furnishings and decoration originating in the provinces of France in the 18th century, derived from but less ornate than styles then current in Paris and featuring simply carved wood furniture, often with decorative curved moldings.
  • french revolution — the revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799.
  • french somaliland — a former name of Djibouti (def 1).
  • friend of dorothy — a male homosexual
  • from head to foot — all over one's body
  • from the rooftops — If you shout something from the rooftops, you say it or announce it in a very public way.
  • front-wheel drive — a drive system in which engine power is transmitted through the front wheels only.
  • functional change — a change in the grammatical function of a word, as in the use of the noun input as a verb or the noun fun as an adjective.
  • furbish lousewort — any plant belonging to the genus Pedicularis, of the figwort family, as the wood betony, formerly supposed to cause lice in sheep feeding on it: one species, P. furbishiae (Furbish lousewort) of parts of Maine and New Brunswick, Canada, having finely toothed leaves and a cluster of yellow flowers, is endangered and was thought to be extinct until specimens were discovered in 1946 and again in 1976.
  • further education — adult education.
  • george whitefieldGeorge, 1714–70, English Methodist evangelist.
  • get off the grass — an exclamation of disbelief
  • get the better of — of superior quality or excellence: a better coat; a better speech.
  • glory-of-the-snow — any of several plants belonging to the genus Chionodoxa, of the lily family, native to the Old World, having showy, blue, white, or pink flowers that bloom early in the spring.
  • go for the collar — to go without a hit in a game
  • go for the doctor — to make a great effort or move very fast, esp in a horse race
  • go out of the way — to inconvenience oneself; do something that one would not ordinarily do, or that requires extra or deliberate effort or trouble
  • grandfather clock — a pendulum floor clock having a case as tall as or taller than a person; tall-case clock; long-case clock.
  • great vowel shift — a series of changes in the quality of the long vowels between Middle and Modern English as a result of which all were raised, while the high vowels (ē) and (o̅o̅), already at the upper limit, underwent breaking to become the diphthongs (ī) and (ou).
  • greenhouse effect — an atmospheric heating phenomenon, caused by short-wave solar radiation being readily transmitted inward through the earth's atmosphere but longer-wavelength heat radiation less readily transmitted outward, owing to its absorption by atmospheric carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and other gases; thus, the rising level of carbon dioxide is viewed with concern.
  • guinea-hen flower — checkered lily.
  • half-round chisel — a cold chisel with a semicircular cutting edge used for making narrow channels
  • hall of residence — Halls of residence are buildings with rooms or flats, usually built by universities or colleges, in which students live during the term.
  • hardware platform — a group of compatible computers that can run the same software.
  • have a short fuse — a tube, cord, or the like, filled or saturated with combustible matter, for igniting an explosive.
  • have feelings for — to be emotionally or sexually attracted to
  • have it in for sb — If someone has it in for you, they dislike you and try to cause problems for you.
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