
23-letter words containing h, o, e, i

  • queen charlotte islands — a group of about 150 islands off the W coast of Canada: part of British Columbia. Pop: about 6000 (latest est). Area: 9596 sq km (3705 sq miles)
  • queenborough in sheppey — a town in SE England, in Kent: formed in 1968 by the amalgamation of Queenborough, Sheerness, and Sheppey. Pop: 3471 (2001)
  • quota share reinsurance — Quota share reinsurance is a form of reinsurance in which the reinsurer accepts a certain percentage of all or certain parts of the business of the reinsured person or company.
  • reverse polish notation — postfix notation
  • saddle block anesthesia — a form of spinal anesthesia that produces loss of sensation in the buttocks, perineum, and inner thighs.
  • saint christopher-nevis — St. Kitts-Nevis.
  • saint george's mushroom — an edible whitish basidiomycetous fungus, Tricholoma gambosum, with a floury smell
  • schizotypal personality — a personality disorder characterized by a group of symptoms similar to but less severe than schizophrenia, as odd behavior, peculiar thinking, and social isolation.
  • sheltered accommodation — housing specially designed to provide a safe environment for the elderly, handicapped, or disabled, often with some shared facilities and a caretaker
  • short-billed marsh wren — sedge wren.
  • short-tailed shearwater — any of several long-winged seabirds, often used as food, especially Puffinus tenuirostris (short-tailed shearwater) of Australia and Puffinus griseus (sooty shearwater) which breeds in the Southern Hemisphere and winters in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • sign on the dotted line — a line on a contract or similar document for a party's signature.
  • smash someone's face in — to beat someone severely
  • sodium tripolyphosphate — a white powder, Na 5 P 3 O 1 0 , used as a water softener, sequestering agent, and food additive.
  • someone's night to howl — someone's time for unrestrained pleasure
  • speak well/highly of sb — If you speak well of someone or speak highly of someone, you say good things about them. If you speak ill of someone, you criticize them.
  • spirit of nitrous ether — ethyl nitrite spirit.
  • staggered directorships — a defence against unwelcome takeover bids in which a company resolves that its directors should serve staggered terms of office and that no director can be removed from office without just cause, thus preventing a bidder from controlling the board for some years
  • suit down to the ground — the solid surface of the earth; firm or dry land: to fall to the ground.
  • survival of the fittest — (not in technical use) natural selection.
  • take it into one's head — If somebody takes it into their head to do something, especially something strange or foolish, they suddenly decide to do it.
  • take sth in your stride — In British English, if you take a problem or difficulty in your stride, you deal with it calmly and easily. The American expression is take something in stride.
  • take sthing on the chin — If you say that someone took something on the chin, you mean that they accepted an unpleasant or difficult situation bravely and without making a lot of fuss about it.
  • talk/speak of the devil — People say speak of the devil, or in British English talk of the devil, if someone they have just been talking about appears unexpectedly.
  • tennessee walking horse — an American breed of horse, marked by its stamina and trained to move at a fast running walk
  • the chamber of deputies — the lower legislative assembly in some parliaments
  • the data protection act — a United Kingdom act of parliament designed to ensure the proper handling of information stored about individuals on computers and entitling individuals to find out what information is stored about them
  • the fright of your life — You can use expressions such as the fright of your life or the race of your life to emphasize, for example, that you have never been so frightened or that you never have run faster.
  • the information highway — the internet
  • the kingdom of lorraine — an early medieval kingdom on the Meuse, Moselle, and Rhine rivers: later a duchy
  • the lesser of two evils — If you have two choices, but think that they are both bad, you can describe the one which is less bad as the lesser of two evils, or the lesser evil.
  • the library of congress — the official library of the United States in Washington, DC. It houses extensive collections in all subject areas and formats, important historical documents, and is also a depository for copyrighted materials.
  • the metropolitan police — the police organization that is responsible for Greater London, excluding the City of London
  • the next thing sb knows — You can say the next thing I knew to suggest that a new situation which you are describing was surprising because it happened very suddenly.
  • the scottish parliament — the devolved national legislature of Scotland, located in Edinburgh
  • the taming of the shrew — a comedy (1594?) by Shakespeare.
  • the teaching profession — the profession of a teacher
  • the thrill of the chase — If you talk about the thrill of the chase, you are referring to the excitement that people feel when they are trying hard to get something.
  • there is no holding him — he is so spirited or resolute that he cannot be restrained
  • there is nothing for it — If you say that there is nothing for it but to take a particular action, you mean that it is the only possible course of action that you can take, even though it might be unpleasant.
  • thompson submachine gun — a portable, .45-caliber, automatic weapon designed to be fired from the shoulder or hip.
  • thousand and one nights — a collection of Eastern folk tales derived in part from Indian and Persian sources and dating from the 10th century a.d.
  • throttle-body injection — a fuel-injection system in which an injector (throttle-body injector) delivers fuel to a central location within the intake manifold of the engine. Abbreviation: TBI.
  • till the cows come home — the mature female of a bovine animal, especially of the genus Bos.
  • to be in short trousers — to be a little boy
  • to bring the house down — If a person or their performance or speech brings the house down, the audience claps, laughs, or shouts loudly because the performance or speech is very impressive or amusing.
  • to drive a hard bargain — If people drive a hard bargain, they argue with determination in order to achieve a deal which is favourable to themselves.
  • to fight fire with fire — If you fight fire with fire, you deal with people attacking or threatening you by using similar methods to the ones that they are using.
  • to have a police record — If you say that somebody has a police record, you mean that they have committed a crime or crimes and the police have a record of this.
  • to have an axe to grind — If someone has an axe to grind, they are doing something for selfish reasons.
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