
19-letter words containing h, e, l, r

  • tiglath-pileser iii — died 727 b.c, king of Assyria 745–727.
  • to click your heels — If someone such as a soldier clicks their heels, they make a sound by knocking the heels of their shoes together when saluting or greeting someone.
  • to hold your breath — If you hold your breath, you make yourself stop breathing for a few moments, for example because you are under water.
  • to hold your tongue — If you hold your tongue, you do not say anything even though you might want to or be expected to, because it is the wrong time to say it.
  • to play hard to get — If someone plays hard to get, they pretend not to be interested in another person or in what someone is trying to persuade them to do.
  • to pull your weight — If you pull your weight, you work as hard as everyone else who is involved in the same task or activity.
  • to run the gauntlet — If you run the gauntlet, you go through an unpleasant experience in which a lot of people criticize or attack you.
  • to wet your whistle — To wet your whistle means to have a drink.
  • trahison des clercs — a compromising of intellectual integrity, esp. for political reasons
  • travelers' diarrhea — persistent and often severe diarrhea experienced by a traveler whose digestive system is unaccustomed to the bacteria in local food and water.
  • trickle-down theory — an economic theory that monetary benefits directed especially by the government to big business will in turn pass down to and profit smaller businesses and the general public.
  • trooping the colour — a military ceremony, performed by regiments of the British army and the Commonwealth, in which the regimental colour or flag is marched past ranks of troops
  • trumpet honeysuckle — an American honeysuckle, Lonicera sempervirens, having spikes of large, tubular flowers, deep-red outside and yellow within.
  • trusteeship council — a United Nations body that supervises the government of a territory by a foreign country
  • tuamotu archipelago — a group of about 80 coral islands in the S Pacific, in French Polynesia. Pop: 15 973 (2002; including the Gambier Islands). Area: 860 sq km (332 sq miles)
  • tubular steel chair — a chair with a frame made of tubular steel
  • typographical error — an error in printed or typewritten matter resulting from striking the improper key of a keyboard, from mechanical failure, or the like.
  • ultrahigh frequency — any frequency between 300 and 3000 megahertz. Abbreviation: UHF, uhf.
  • ultramicrochemistry — the branch of microchemistry dealing with minute quantities of material weighing one microgram or less.
  • under the influence — the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
  • under the spotlight — If someone or something comes under the spotlight, they are thoroughly examined, especially by journalists and the public.
  • university hospital — a hospital that is affiliated with a university. University hospitals provide clinical education and training to future and current doctors, nurses, and other health professionals, in addition to delivering medical care to patients
  • upset the applecart — a pushcart used by a vendor of apples.
  • use the source luke — (humour, programming)   (UTSL) (A pun on Obi-Wan Kenobi's "Use the Force, Luke!" in "Star Wars") A more polite version of RTFS. This is a common way of suggesting that someone would be better off reading the source code that supports whatever feature is causing confusion, rather than making yet another futile pass through the manuals, or broadcasting questions on Usenet that haven't attracted wizards to answer them. Once upon a time in Elder Days, everyone running Unix had source. After 1978, AT&T's policy tightened up, so this objurgation was in theory appropriately directed only at associates of some outfit with a Unix source licence. In practice, bootlegs of Unix source code (made precisely for reference purposes) were so ubiquitous that one could utter it at almost anyone on the network without concern. Nowadays, free Unix clones are becoming common enough that almost anyone can read source legally. The most widely distributed is probably Linux. FreeBSD, NetBSD, 386BSD, jolix also have their followers. Cheap commercial Unix implementations with source such as BSD/OS from BSDI are accelerating this trend.
  • velocity microphone — a microphone in which the output varies according to the instantaneous velocity of the air molecules in the incident sound waves.
  • vesicular exanthema — an infectious viral disease of swine, characterized by blisters on the snout, mucous membranes, and feet.
  • vinylidene chloride — a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, C 2 H 2 Cl, that is copolymerized chiefly with vinyl chloride to form saran.
  • wearable technology — a small computer or advanced electronic device that is worn or carried on the body: the trendiest wearable technologies.
  • whistle in the dark — to make a clear musical sound, a series of such sounds, or a high-pitched, warbling sound by the forcible expulsion of the breath through a small opening formed by contracting the lips, or through the teeth, with the aid of the tongue.
  • white-collar worker — office employee, clerical worker
  • whorled loosestrife — any of various plants belonging to the genus Lysimachia, of the primrose family, having clusters of usually yellow flowers, as L. vulgaris (garden loosestrife) or L. quadrifolia (whorled loosestrife)
  • wild bleeding-heart — a plant, Dicentra eximia, of the fumitory family, native to the eastern coast of the U.S., having elongated clusters of drooping, heart-shaped rose-colored or pink flowers.
  • william shakespeareWilliam ("the Bard"; "the Bard of Avon") 1564–1616, English poet and dramatist.
  • wireless telegraphy — Now Rare. radiotelegraphy.
  • withdrawal syndrome — a spectrum of physical and behavioral symptoms following cessation from the continuous use of an addictive drug, the character and severity of the symptoms depending upon the particular drug and the daily dose.
  • world heritage site — a natural or manmade area or structure which is recognized as being of international importance and therefore deserving special protection
  • writing on the wall — writing done with a pen or pencil in the hand; script.
  • yourdon methodology — (programming)   The software engineering methodology developed by Edward Yourdon and colleagues in the 1970s and 1980s. "Yourdon methodology" is a generic term for all of the following methodologies: Yourdon/Demarco, Yourdon/Constantine, Coad/Yourdon.
  • zenithal projection — a type of map projection in which part of the earth's surface is projected onto a plane tangential to it, either at one of the poles (polar zenithal), at the equator (equatorial zenithal), or between (oblique zenithal)
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