
8-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • asherite — a member of the tribe of Asher.
  • asthenia — an abnormal loss of strength; debility
  • asthenic — of, relating to, or having asthenia; weak
  • astonish — If something or someone astonishes you, they surprise you very much.
  • at night — If it is a particular time at night, it is during the time when it is dark and is before midnight.
  • at sight — as soon as seen
  • atchison — a city in NE Kansas, on the Missouri River.
  • atechnic — a person who has no technical or scientific ability or understanding
  • athaliah — a daughter of Ahab and Jezebel and usurper of the throne of Judah, reigned 842–837 b.c. II Kings 11:1–3.
  • atheists — Plural form of atheist.
  • atheling — (in Anglo-Saxon England) a prince of any of the royal dynasties
  • athenian — a native or inhabitant of Athens
  • atherine — any of several small fish of the genus Atherina
  • athetize — to reject as not genuine
  • athetoid — (symptom) characterised by athetosis.
  • athletic — Athletic means relating to athletes and athletics.
  • athonite — of or relating to Mount Athos.
  • atrichia — congenital absence or loss of hair.
  • atrophia — Also, atrophia [uh-troh-fee-uh] /əˈtroʊ fi ə/ (Show IPA). Pathology. a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage.
  • atrophic — Also, atrophia [uh-troh-fee-uh] /əˈtroʊ fi ə/ (Show IPA). Pathology. a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage.
  • availeth — Archaic third-person singular form of avail.
  • azimuths — Plural form of azimuth.
  • baathism — a socialist party of some Arab countries, especially Iraq and Syria.
  • baha'íst — relating to the Baha'í Faith
  • baitfish — any small fish used as bait for larger fish
  • barthian — of or relating to Karl Barth, or his ideas
  • base hit — a play in which the batter hits a fair ball and gets on base without benefit of an opponent's error and without forcing out a runner already on base
  • batching — a quantity or number coming at one time or taken together: a batch of prisoners.
  • bath oil — scented oil added to bath water
  • bathetic — containing or displaying bathos
  • bathmism — a hypothetical growth-force, once thought to animate living beings
  • beathing — Present participle of beath.
  • biathlon — a contest in which skiers with rifles shoot at four targets along a 20-kilometre (12.5-mile) cross-country course
  • birdbath — a small basin or trough for birds to bathe in, usually in a garden
  • birthday — Your birthday is the anniversary of the date on which you were born.
  • bithynia — an ancient country on the Black Sea in NW Asia Minor
  • boethian — Anicius Manlius Severinus [uh-nish-ee-uh s man-lee-uh s sev-uh-rahy-nuh s] /əˈnɪʃ i əs ˈmæn li əs ˌsɛv əˈraɪ nəs/ (Show IPA), a.d. 475?–525? Roman philosopher and statesman.
  • carritch — catechism
  • castilho — Antonio Feliciano de [ahn-taw-n-yoo fuh-lees-yah-noo] /ɑ̃ˈtɔˈn yu fə lisˈyɑ nu/ (Show IPA), 1800–75, Portuguese poet.
  • catch it — to be scolded or reprimanded
  • catching — If an illness or a disease is catching, it is easily passed on or given to someone else.
  • catechin — a soluble yellow solid substance found in catechu and mahogany wood and used in tanning and dyeing. Formula: C15H14O6
  • catfight — A catfight is an angry fight or quarrel, especially between women.
  • cathexis — concentration of psychic energy on a single goal
  • cathisma — a short hymn used as a response
  • cathodic — pertaining to a cathode or phenomena in its vicinity.
  • catholic — The Catholic Church is the branch of the Christian Church that accepts the Pope as its leader and is based in the Vatican in Rome.
  • chagatai — a Turkic literary language of medieval Central Asia.
  • chainlet — a small chain of hotels, shops, etc
  • chalkpit — a quarry for chalk
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