
18-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • heart-rate monitor — a machine that monitors or records a person's heart rate
  • heat of combustion — the heat evolved when one mole of a substance is burnt in oxygen at constant volume
  • heating degree-day — a degree-day below the standard temperature of 65°F or 19°C, used in estimating fuel consumption.
  • heavy middleweight — a professional wrestler weighing 177–187 pounds (81–85 kg)
  • hegelian dialectic — an interpretive method, originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea, in which some assertible proposition (thesis) is necessarily opposed by an equally assertible and apparently contradictory proposition (antithesis) the mutual contradiction being reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis)
  • helicopter station — a place where helicopters are kept in readiness for use
  • hell or high water — whatever difficulties may arise
  • heptadecanoic acid — a colourless crystalline water-insoluble carboxylic acid used in organic synthesis. Formula: CH3(CH2)15COOH
  • hermaphrodite brig — a two-masted sailing vessel, square-rigged on the foremast and fore-and-aft-rigged on the mainmast.
  • heteroscedasticity — (statistics) The property of a series of random variables of 'not' every variable having the same finite variance.
  • heteroskedasticity — Alternative spelling of heteroscedasticity.
  • hidalgo y costillaMiguel [mee-gel] /miˈgɛl/ (Show IPA), 1753–1811, Mexican priest, patriot, and revolutionist.
  • higher mathematics — the advanced portions of mathematics, customarily considered as embracing all beyond ordinary arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry.
  • highlight halftone — dropout (def 7).
  • hilary of poitiersSaint, a.d. c300–368, French bishop and theologian.
  • hippocratic facies — the sallow facial expression, with listless staring eyes, often regarded as denoting approaching death
  • histamine headache — cluster headache.
  • histocompatibility — the condition of having antigenic similarities such that cells or tissues transplanted from one (the donor) to another (the recipient) are not rejected.
  • histomorphological — histology.
  • historical fiction — the genre of literature, film, etc., comprising narratives that take place in the past and are characterized chiefly by an imaginative reconstruction of historical events and personages.
  • historical geology — the branch of geology dealing with the history of the earth.
  • historical present — the present tense used in narrating a past event as if happening at the time of narration.
  • hit-and-run driver — sb: leaves accident scene
  • hither and thither — to or toward this place: to come hither.
  • hold a reservation — If a hotel holds a reservation, it keeps a room for someone, and does not give it to someone else.
  • home entertainment — the aggregate of appliances, as stero systems, television, videocassette recorders, or computers, used for diversion in the home.
  • honour moderations — (at Oxford University) the first public examination, in which candidates are placed into one of three classes of honours
  • honourable mention — If something that you do in a competition is given an honourable mention, it receives special praise from the judges although it does not actually win a prize.
  • horizontal tasting — a tasting of wines from the same year but from different vineyards, producers, etc.
  • hot-water cylinder — a vertical cylindrical tank for storing hot water, esp an insulated one made of copper used in a domestic hot-water system
  • human rights group — a group that campaigns for human rights
  • hungarian notation — (language, convention)   A linguistic convention requiring one or more letters to be added to the start of variable names to denote scope and/or type. Hungarian Notation is mainly confined to Microsoft Windows programming environments, such as Microsoft C, C++ and Visual Basic. It was originally devised by Charles Simonyi, a Hungarian, who was a senior programmer at Microsoft for many years. He disliked the way that names in C programs gave no clue as to the type, leading to frequent programmer errors. According to legend, fellow programmers at Microsoft, on seeing the convoluted, vowel-less variable names produced by his scheme, said, "This might as well be in Greek - or even Hungarian!". They made up the name "Hungarian notation" (possibly with "reverse Polish notation" in mind). Hungarian Notation is not really necessary when using a modern strongly-typed language as the compiler warns the programmer if a variable of one type is used as if it were another type. It is less useful in object-oriented programming languages such as C++, where many variables are going to be instances of classes and so begin with "obj". In addition, variable names are essentially only comments, and thus are just as susceptible to becoming out-of-date and incorrect as any other comment. For example, if a signed short int becomes an unsigned long int, the variable name, and every use of it, should be changed to reflect its new type. A variable's name should describe the values it holds. Type and scope are aspects of this, but Hungarian Notation overemphasises their importance by allocating so much of the start of the name to them. Furthermore, type and scope information can be found from the variable's declaration. Ironically, this is particularly easy in the development environments in which Hungarian Notation is typically used.
  • huntington station — a town on W Long Island, in SE New York.
  • hydroflumethiazide — A diuretic drug.
  • hydroxyacetic acid — glycolic acid.
  • hydroxytryptamines — Plural form of hydroxytryptamine.
  • hyper-intellectual — appealing to or engaging the intellect: intellectual pursuits.
  • hyper-metaphorical — a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “A mighty fortress is our God.”. Compare mixed metaphor, simile (def 1).
  • hyperaldosteronism — aldosteronism.
  • hypercholesteremia — Alternative spelling of hypercholesteraemia.
  • hyperconcentration — the act of concentrating; the state of being concentrated.
  • hypernationalistic — a person devoted to nationalism.
  • hyperproliferation — (biology) An abnormally high rate of proliferation of cells by rapid division.
  • hypersensitization — Photography. to treat (a film or emulsion) so as to increase its speed.
  • hypersexualisation — Alternative spelling of hypersexualization.
  • hypersexualization — The act or process of hypersexualizing.
  • hypogastric artery — iliac artery (def 3).
  • hypoparathyroidism — Diminished concentration of parathyroid hormone in the blood, which causes deficiencies of calcium and phosphorus compounds in the blood and results in muscular spasms.
  • hysterical reasons — (Or "hysterical raisins") A variant on the stock phrase "for historical reasons", indicating specifically that something must be done in some stupid way for backward compatibility, and moreover that the feature it must be compatible with was the result of a bad design in the first place. "All IBM PC video adaptors have to support MDA text mode for hysterical reasons." Compare bug-for-bug compatible.
  • i'll eat my hat if — I will be greatly surprised if (something happens that proves me wrong)
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