
18-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • breathing exercise — an exercise intended to promote effective and healthy breathing and breath control
  • british somaliland — a former British protectorate (1884–1960) in E Africa, on the Gulf of Aden: united with Italian Somaliland in 1960 to form Somalia (or the Somali Republic); in 1991 the self-styled republic of Somaliland, covering the same area as the former British Somaliland, declared itself independent and continues to function largely as a separate entity, though without international recognition
  • broadcasting house — any of a number of buildings in the UK from which the BBC broadcasts or has broadcast
  • burkitt's lymphoma — a cancer characterized by tumors containing lymphoid cells, occurring esp. in children, in the jaw, eyes, and internal organs: it is associated with the Epstein-Barr virus
  • capital punishment — Capital punishment is punishment which involves the legal killing of a person who has committed a serious crime such as murder.
  • carthaginian peace — the treaty by which Rome reduced Carthage to the status of a puppet state in 201 b.c.
  • cartilaginous fish — any fish of the class Chondrichthyes, including the sharks, skates, and rays, having a skeleton composed entirely of cartilage
  • cash-for-questions — of, involved in, or relating to a scandal in which some MPs were accused of accepting bribes to ask particular questions in Parliament
  • catapult launching — the fact of launching aircraft into the air by a device installed in warships
  • catcher in the rye — a novel (1951) by J. D. Salinger.
  • caterpillar hunter — any of various carabid beetles of the genus Calosoma, of Europe and North America, which prey on the larvae of moths and butterflies
  • catherine of siena — Saint. 1347–80, Italian mystic and ascetic; patron saint of the Dominican order. Feast day: April 29
  • centralized school — a public school formed from the pupils and teachers of a number of discontinued smaller schools, especially in a rural district.
  • centrifugal clutch — an automatic clutch in which the friction surfaces are engaged by weighted levers acting under centrifugal force at a certain speed of rotation
  • chambered nautilus — nautilus (def 1).
  • championship point — a point that would decide the winner of a match that would decide the championship
  • changement de pied — a jump in which the dancer's feet are reversed from the starting position.
  • character disorder — a disorder characterized by socially undesirable behavior, as poor control of impulses or inability to maintain close emotional relationships, and by absence of anxiety or guilt.
  • character encoding — (character)   (Or "character encoding scheme") A mapping between binary data values and character code positions (or "code points"). Early systems stored characters in a variety of ways, e.g. four six-bit characters in a 24-bit word, but around 1960, eight-bit bytes started to become the most common data storage layout, with each character stored in one byte, typically in the ASCII character set. In the case of ASCII, the character encoding is an identity mapping: code position 65 maps to the byte value 65. This is possible because ASCII uses only code positions representable as single bytes, i.e., values between 0 and 255. (US-ASCII only uses values 0 to 127, in fact.) From the late 1990s, there was increased use of larger character sets such as Unicode and many CJK coded character sets. These can represent characters from many languages and more symbols.
  • character graphics — ASCII art
  • character-building — improving certain good or useful traits in a person's character, esp self-reliance, endurance, and courage
  • characteristically — Also, characteristical. pertaining to, constituting, or indicating the character or peculiar quality of a person or thing; typical; distinctive: Red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn.
  • charge conjugation — the mathematical operation of replacing every elementary particle by its antiparticle. Symbol: C.
  • charismatic church — a church that emphasizes communal prayer and the charismatic gifts of speaking in tongues, healing, etc
  • chartered engineer — (in Britain) an engineer who is registered with the Engineering Council as having the scientific and technical knowledge and practical experience to satisfy its professional requirements
  • chattering classes — The chattering classes are people such as journalists, broadcasters, or public figures who comment on events but have little or no influence over them.
  • chebyshev equation — Tchebycheff equation.
  • check verification — Check verification is a system that checks national databases of information about individuals to make sure that checks will be honored and fraud is not being committed.
  • checkpoint charlie — a crossing between East and West Berlin during the Cold War
  • chemical potential — a thermodynamic function of a substance in a system that is the partial differential of the Gibbs function of the system with respect to the number of moles of the substance
  • cheval de bataille — a horse used in battle; charger.
  • chicken tetrazzini — diced chicken in a cream sauce, baked in a casserole with noodles and cheese, usually flavored with sherry.
  • chickenheartedness — Alternative form of chicken-heartedness.
  • chinese water deer — a small Chinese or Korean deer, Hydropotes inermis, having tusks and no antlers: introduced into England and France
  • chinese watermelon — a tropical Asian vine, Benincasa hispida, of the gourd family, having a brown, hairy stem, large, solitary, yellow flowers, and white, melonlike fruit.
  • christian brethren — Brother of the Christian Schools.
  • christian brothers — a religious congregation of laymen founded in France in 1684 for the education of the poor
  • christian democrat — a member or supporter of a Christian Democratic party
  • christian endeavor — an organization of young people of various evangelical Protestant churches, formed in 1881 to promote Christian principles and service.
  • christian reformed — of or relating to a Protestant denomination (Christian Reformed Church) organized in the U.S. in 1857 by groups that had seceded from the Dutch Reformed Church.
  • christine de pisan — ?1364–?1430, French poet and prose writer, born in Venice. Her works include ballads, rondeaux, lays, and a biography of Charles V of France
  • christmas shopping — shopping especially for Christmas presents, but also for Christmas food and drink, and all the other things required over the Christmas period.
  • christmas stocking — A Christmas stocking is a long sock which children hang up on Christmas Eve. During the night, parents fill the stocking with small presents.
  • chromatic printing — printing from blocks or types inked with various colours
  • chromatic semitone — the pitch difference between one note and its sharpened or flattened equivalent
  • chromolithographer — One engaged in chromolithography.
  • chromolithographic — Pertaining to, or made by, chromolithography.
  • chronostratigraphy — The branch of geology concerned with establishing the absolute ages of strata.
  • chukchi-kamchatkan — Chukotian.
  • circular breathing — a technique for sustaining a phrase on a wind instrument, using the cheeks to force air out of the mouth while breathing in through the nose
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