
18-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • antipatheticalness — The state or quality of being antipathetical.
  • aperture synthesis — an array of radio telescopes used in radio astronomy to simulate a single large-aperture telescope. Some such instruments use movable dishes while others use fixed dishes
  • aphrodite of melos — a Greek statue of Venus in marble, c200 b.c., found in 1820 on Melos and now in the Louvre, Paris.
  • arachibutyrophobia — Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth.
  • arctic archipelago — group of mostly large islands in the Arctic Ocean off the N coast of Canada
  • arkansas toothpick — a bowie knife or similar sharp knifelike implement.
  • arm's-length price — a price of a transaction agreed in accordance with market values, disregarding any connection such as common ownership of the companies involved
  • artificial horizon — an aircraft instrument, using a gyroscope, that indicates the aircraft's attitude in relation to the horizontal
  • ast research, inc. — (company)   A company, formed some time before 1980, that was a leading personal computer manufacturer. AST developed desktop computers, mobile computers, and servers that were sold in more than 100 countries worldwide. In January 1999 the name and intellectual property were acquired by a new company named AST Computers, LLC. As of 2000-03-02 it was trading as ARI Service.
  • astrological chart — map of constellations at certain time
  • at sb's right hand — If someone is at a person's right hand, they work closely with that person so they can help and advise them.
  • at the instance of — at the suggestion or instigation of
  • at the last minute — almost too late
  • at the risk of sth — If you do something at the risk of something unpleasant happening, you do it even though you know that the unpleasant thing might happen as a result.
  • athletic supporter — jockstrap
  • atmospheric engine — an early form of single-acting engine in which the power stroke is provided by atmospheric pressure acting upon a piston in an exhausted cylinder.
  • atmospheric window — wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be transmitted through the earth's atmosphere. Atmospheric windows occur in the visible, infrared, and radio regions of the spectrum
  • attribution theory — the theory that tries to explain how people link actions and emotions to particular causes, both internal and external
  • auditory phonetics — the branch of phonetics concerned with the perception of speech sounds by humans
  • australopithecines — Plural form of australopithecine.
  • authorized capital — the total amount of value of the shares that a company is allowed to distribute
  • authorized version — the revised English translation of the Bible published in England in 1611 with the authorization of King James I
  • autobiographically — In a autobiographical manner.
  • aviation authority — a body that is responsible for overseeing the aviation industry
  • avoirdupois weight — a British and American system of weights based on a pound of 16 ounces
  • axiological ethics — the branch of ethics dealing primarily with the relative goodness or value of the motives and end of any action.
  • ayatollah khomeini — Ayatollah Ruhollah [roo-hoh-luh;; Persian roo-haw-lah] /ruˈhoʊ lə;; Persian ˌru hɔˈlɑ/ (Show IPA), 1900?–89, Islamic leader of Iran 1979–89.
  • back in the saddle — at work again
  • baritone saxophone — the second lowest instrument in the family of saxophones
  • barium thiosulfate — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble, poisonous solid, BaS 2 O 3 ⋅H 2 O, used chiefly in the manufacture of explosives, matches, paints, and varnishes.
  • bartholin's glands — two small reddish-yellow glands, one on each side of the vaginal orifice, that secrete a mucous lubricating substance during sexual stimulation in females
  • bats-in-the-belfry — a hairy Eurasian campanulaceous plant, Campanula trachelium, with bell-shaped blue-purple flowers
  • be having a moment — If something or someone is having a moment, they are successful or popular at the present time.
  • be the image of sb — If you are the image of someone else, you look very much like them.
  • beautiful hook-tip — a similar but unrelated species, Laspeyria flexula
  • behaviour patterns — the characteristic ways in which a person or animal acts
  • bells and whistles — additional features or accessories which are nonessential but very attractive
  • benchmark position — a public service job used for comparison with a similar position, such as a position in commerce, for wage settlements
  • benzyl thiocyanate — a colorless, crystalline, water-insoluble solid, C 8 H 7 NS, used as an insecticide.
  • beta-naphthylamine — a white to reddish, crystalline, water-soluble, extremely toxic solid, C 10 H 9 N, used chiefly in the manufacture of azo dyes.
  • bichromate process — any of several methods of photography in which the light-sensitive medium is alkaline bichromate associated with a colloid such as gum, albumen, or gelatin.
  • biological therapy — biotherapy
  • birds of a feather — If you refer to two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have the same interests or are very similar.
  • blanche of castile — ?1188–1252, queen consort (1223–26) of Louis VIII of France, born in Spain. The mother of Louis IX, she acted as regent during his minority (1226–36) and his absence on a crusade (1248–52)
  • bloggs family, the — An imaginary family consisting of Fred and Mary Bloggs and their children. Used as a standard example in knowledge representation to show the difference between extensional and intensional objects. For example, every occurrence of "Fred Bloggs" is the same unique person, whereas occurrences of "person" may refer to different people. Members of the Bloggs family have been known to pop up in bizarre places such as the DEC Telephone Directory. Compare Mbogo, Dr. Fred.
  • branch instruction — a machine-language or assembly-language instruction that causes the computer to branch to another instruction
  • branch to fishkill — (IBM: from the location of one of the corporation's facilities) Any unexpected jump in a program that produces catastrophic or just plain weird results. See jump off into never-never land, hyperspace.
  • branching fraction — (in branching) the proportion of the disintegrating nuclei that follow a particular branch to the total number of disintegrating nuclides
  • breach of security — an act that violates a country, area, or building's security measures
  • break the internet — to cause a large number of people to attempt to access the internet
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