
17-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • christmas present — a present given at Christmas time, typically on Christmas Day
  • christmas pudding — Christmas pudding is a special pudding that is eaten at Christmas.
  • chromolithographs — Plural form of chromolithograph.
  • chromolithography — the process of making coloured prints by lithography
  • chugach mountains — a coastal mountain range in S Alaska, extending W from the St. Elias Mountains. Highest peak, Mount Marcus Baker, 13,176 feet (4016 meters).
  • church triumphant — those Christians in heaven who have triumphed over evil and the enemies of Christ.
  • cigarette lighter — A cigarette lighter is a device which produces a small flame when you press a switch and which you use to light a cigarette or cigar.
  • cigarette machine — a vending machine from which cigarettes can be purchased
  • circle the wagons — to take defensive action; prepare for an attack: from arranging a wagon train in a circular formation
  • citizen's charter — (formerly, in Britain) a government document setting out standards of service for public and private sector bodies, such as schools, hospitals, railway companies, water and energy suppliers, etc
  • civil partnership — A civil partnership is a legal relationship between two people of the same sex that is similar to marriage.
  • classical nahuatl — Aztec (def 2).
  • classical pathway — the activation of complement by an antigen-antibody reaction. Compare alternative pathway.
  • classical-nahuatl — a member of a Nahuatl-speaking state in central Mexico that was conquered by Cortés in 1521.
  • cleveland heights — city in NE Ohio: suburb of Cleveland: pop. 50,000
  • clinicopathologic — of or relating to the combined study of disease symptoms and pathology.
  • close parenthesis — right parenthesis
  • cognitive therapy — a form of psychotherapy in which the patient is encouraged to change the way he or sees the world and himself or herself: used particularly to treat depression
  • coin of the realm — legal tender.
  • collegiate church — a church that has an endowed chapter of canons and prebendaries attached to it but that is not a cathedral
  • combine harvester — A combine harvester is a large machine which is used on farms to cut, sort, and clean grain.
  • come to handgrips — to engage in hand-to-hand fighting
  • committal hearing — (in British law) a preliminary inquiry by a magistrate to decide if there is enough evidence for a case to go to trial
  • computer graphics — the use of a computer to produce and manipulate pictorial images on a video screen, as in animation techniques or the production of audiovisual aids
  • congestion charge — Congestion charges refer to money motorists must pay in order to drive in some city centres. Congestion charges are intended to reduce traffic within those areas.
  • connection charge — a charge made as soon as a caller is connected to the number dialled and which is additional to any charges calculated based on the duration of the call
  • conscript fathers — august legislators, esp Roman senators
  • conspiracy theory — A conspiracy theory is a belief that a group of people are secretly trying to harm someone or achieve something. You usually use this term to suggest that you think this is unlikely.
  • continental shelf — The continental shelf is the area which forms the edge of a continent, ending in a steep slope to the depths of the ocean.
  • contradistinguish — to differentiate by means of contrasting or opposing qualities
  • convection heater — A convection heater is a heater that heats a room by means of hot air.
  • courtship display — behaviour that is aimed at attracting a mate
  • crampon technique — a climbing style that uses crampons
  • creature of habit — If you say that someone is a creature of habit, you mean that they usually do the same thing at the same time each day, rather than doing new and different things.
  • critical thinking — disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence: The questions are intended to develop your critical thinking.
  • cryptographically — In a cryptographic manner; using cryptography; for cryptographic purposes.
  • cyrillic alphabet — the alphabet derived from that of the Greeks, supposedly by Saint Cyril, for the writing of Slavonic languages: now used primarily for Russian, Bulgarian, and the Serbian dialect of Serbo-Croat
  • cytoarchitectonic — Of or pertaining to cytoarchitectonics (cytoarchitecture).
  • cytotrophoblastic — Relating to, or containing, cytotrophoblasts.
  • damon and pythias — two friends noted for their mutual loyalty. Damon offered himself as a hostage for Pythias, who was to be executed for treason by Dionysius of Syracuse. When Pythias returned to save his friend's life, he was pardoned
  • dante (alighieri) — (born Durante Alighieri) 1265-1321; It. poet: wrote The Divine Comedy
  • de-baathification — the process of removing the members and influence of the Ba'ath Party from public office in Iraq following the US-led invasion of 2003
  • dead in the water — If you say that someone or something is dead in the water, you are emphasizing that they have failed, and that there is little hope of them being successful in the future.
  • deadly nightshade — a poisonous Eurasian solanaceous plant, Atropa belladonna, having dull purple bell-shaped flowers and small very poisonous black berries
  • death certificate — A death certificate is an official certificate signed by a doctor which states the cause of a person's death.
  • deepwater horizon — an offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, 40 miles (64km) south-east off the coast of Louisiana, that suffered a massive oil spill following an explosion in April 2010
  • dehistoricization — The process or result of dehistoricizing.
  • dehospitalization — hospitalization insurance.
  • dehydrochlorinate — to remove hydrogen chloride or chlorine and hydrogen from (a substance).
  • demythologization — The act of demythologizing, or something demythologized.
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