
14-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • coal-tar pitch — a residue left by the distillation of coal tar: a mixture of hydrocarbons and finely divided carbon used as a binder for fuel briquettes, road surfaces, and carbon electrodes
  • commandantship — the office of a commandant
  • computerphobia — the fear or dislike of computers
  • consultantship — the office or function of a consultant
  • contact flight — a flight in which the pilot remains in sight of land or water
  • container ship — A container ship is a ship that is designed for carrying goods that are packed in large metal or wooden boxes.
  • coquilhatville — former name of Mbandaka.
  • countershading — (in the coloration of certain animals) a pattern, serving as camouflage, in which dark colours occur on parts of the body exposed to the light and pale colours on parts in the shade
  • courting chair — a chair or small upholstered sofa for two persons.
  • crack the whip — to assert one's authority, esp to put people under pressure to work harder
  • credit charges — the charges applied by credit card companies to customers buying goods on credit
  • crimean gothic — a form of the Gothic language that survived in the Crimea after the extinction of Gothic elsewhere in Europe, known only from a list of words and phrases recorded in the 16th century.
  • croagh patrick — a mountain in NW Republic of Ireland, in Mayo: a place of pilgrimage as Saint Patrick is said to have prayed and fasted there. Height: 765 m (2510 ft)
  • cross matching — the testing for compatibility of a donor's and a recipient's blood prior to transfusion, in which serum of each is mixed with red blood cells of the other and observed for hemagglutination.
  • cross-hatching — to mark or shade with two or more intersecting series of parallel lines.
  • cruising yacht — a yacht which is used for holiday trips
  • crutched friar — a member of a mendicant order, suppressed in 1656
  • cryoanesthesia — (pathology) Insensibility resulting from cold.
  • cryptaesthetic — of or relating to cryptaesthesia
  • cryptographist — the science or study of the techniques of secret writing, especially code and cipher systems, methods, and the like. Compare cryptanalysis (def 2).
  • curtain speech — a talk given in front of the curtain after a stage performance, often by the author or an actor
  • cushion rafter — auxiliary rafter.
  • cycloaliphatic — (of an organic compound) aliphatic in chemical behaviour but having its carbon atoms in a ring
  • cyproheptadine — a type of antihistamine drug used in the treatment of allergies
  • cystolithiasis — a medical condition caused by the formation of a calculus in the bladder
  • cytopathogenic — causing cytopathy
  • cytopathologic — the science dealing with the study of the diseases of cells.
  • dactyliography — the art of engraving or writing on gems
  • darning stitch — a stitch used in darning that imitates the texture of the fabric that is to be mended
  • data hierarchy — The system of data objects which provide the methods for information storage and retrieval. Broadly, a data hierarchy may be considered to be either natural, which arises from the alphabet or syntax of the language in which the information is expressed, or machine, which reflects the facilities of the computer, both hardware and software. A natural data hierarchy might consist of bits, characters, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. One might use components bound to an application, such as field, record, and file, and these would ordinarily be further specified by having data descriptors such as name field, address field, etc. On the other hand, a machine or software system might use bit, byte, word, block, partition, channel, and port. Programming languages often provide types or objects which can create data hierarchies of arbitrary complexity, thus allowing software system designers to model language structures described by the linguist to greater or lesser degree. The distinction between the natural form of data and the facilities provided by the machine may be obscure, because users force their needs into the molds provided, and programmers change machine designs. As an example, the natural data type "character" and the machine type "byte" are often used interchangeably, because the latter has evolved to meet the need of representing the former.
  • daughterliness — The quality of being daughterly.
  • daylight hours — the hours when it is daylight
  • dead to rights — in an undeniably incriminating situation; red-handed
  • death benefits — Death benefits are the amount of money that an insurance policy will pay upon the death of the person whose life is being insured.
  • death instinct — the destructive or aggressive instinct, based on a compulsion to return to an earlier harmonious state and, ultimately, to nonexistence
  • dechlorination — the removal of chlorine from a substance
  • dechristianize — to make non-Christian
  • dehabilitation — (sociology) The process of social estrangement and progressive loosening of social bonds between an individual and his family and society as a result of long-term residence in an institution.
  • dehumanisation — Alternative spelling of dehumanization.
  • dehumanization — to deprive of human qualities or attributes; divest of individuality: Conformity dehumanized him.
  • dental hygiene — the maintenance of the teeth and gums in healthy condition, esp by proper brushing, the removal of plaque, etc
  • dermatoglyphic — relating to skin markings (such as fingerprints) or the study thereof
  • dermatographia — a common medical condition in which lightly rubbing the skin produces red, often raised, temporary marks
  • dermatographic — relating to dermatography
  • desert varnish — the dark, lustrous coating or crust, usually of manganese and iron oxides, that forms on rocks, pebbles, etc., when exposed to weathering in the desert.
  • desulphuration — the removal of sulphur; desulphurization
  • diagonal cloth — a twilled fabric woven with distinctly diagonal lines.
  • diaheliotropic — exhibiting diaheliotropism
  • diathermaneity — the quality of being diathermanous
  • dichloroethane — a colourless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent. Formula: C2H4Cl2
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