
14-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • anterior tooth — a tooth in the front of the mouth; an incisor or cuspid.
  • anthologically — In the manner of an anthology.
  • anthropoid ape — any primate of the family Pongidae, having no tail, elongated arms, and a highly developed brain. The group includes gibbons, orang-utans, chimpanzees, and gorillas
  • anthropologist — a person who specializes in anthropology
  • anthropometric — the measurement of the size and proportions of the human body.
  • anthropopathic — Of or relating to anthropopathy.
  • anthropophobia — the fear of people and human companionship
  • anthropophobic — relating to the fear of people and human companionship
  • anthropophuism — the attribution of human qualities to gods
  • anti bolshevik — a member of the more radical majority of the Social Democratic Party, 1903–17, advocating immediate and forceful seizure of power by the proletariat. (after 1918) a member of the Russian Communist Party.
  • anti-alcoholic — opposition to excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages.
  • anti-apartheid — opposed to apartheid
  • anti-authority — demonstrating a rejection of authority
  • anti-bolshevik — a person who is opposed to Bolshevism
  • anti-diarrheal — an intestinal disorder characterized by abnormal frequency and fluidity of fecal evacuations.
  • antialcoholism — the doctrine of being opposed to alcoholic drink
  • antiarrhythmic — a drug that corrects irregular heartbeat
  • anticensorship — opposed to a policy or programme of censoring
  • antidiarrhoeal — a drug used to prevent or treat diarrhoea
  • antihemophilic — That counteracts bleeding in hemophiliacs.
  • antihistamines — any of certain compounds or medicines that neutralize or inhibit the effect of histamine in the body, used chiefly in the treatment of allergic disorders and colds.
  • antihistaminic — relating to antihistamines
  • antihistorical — opposed to history or to methods which emphasize or require historical study
  • antihomosexual — opposed to homosexual people and behaviour
  • antihumanistic — being opposed to humanism
  • antilogarithms — Plural form of antilogarithm.
  • antilymphocyte — (immunology, of an antibody) That acts against lymphocytes.
  • antimetathesis — an inversion of the parts (or members) of an antithesis
  • antimonarchist — opposed to a monarchy
  • antipathetical — Antipathetic, with antipathy, without caring.
  • antiphlogistic — of or relating to the prevention or alleviation of inflammation
  • antiphonically — in an antiphonal or antiphonic manner
  • antiphrastical — the use of a word in a sense opposite to its proper meaning.
  • antipsychiatry — an approach to mental disorders that makes use of concepts derived from existentialism, psychoanalysis, and sociological theory
  • antipsychotics — Plural form of antipsychotic.
  • antisyphilitic — acting against syphilis
  • antitechnology — opposed to technology or the use of technological devices
  • antithetically — in an antithetical way
  • antithrombotic — preventing the formation of blood clots
  • apheliotropism — a tendency of certain plants to turn away from the sun; negative heliotropism
  • aphoristically — in an aphoristic manner
  • apophthegmatic — Alternative form of apothegmatic.
  • apostrophizing — Present participle of apostrophize.
  • apothegmatical — Relating to, or in the manner of, an apothegm; sententious; pithy.
  • apprenticeship — Someone who has an apprenticeship works for a fixed period of time for a person who has a particular skill in order to learn the skill. Apprenticeship is the system of learning a skill like this.
  • approach light — one of a series of lights installed along the projected centerline of an airport runway to assist a pilot in aligning the aircraft during the approach to landing at night.
  • arabian nights — Thea collection of ancient tales from Arabia, India, Persia, etc.
  • archaebacteria — (formerly) a group of microorganisms now regarded as members of the Archaea
  • archaeocyathid — one of the marine invertebrates of the extinct phylum Archaeocyatha, widely distributed during the Cambrian Period, having a limy, typically conical or cylindrical skeleton composed of sievelike inner and outer walls.
  • archaeologists — Plural form of archaeologist.
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